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关于”帮助他人的方式“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Ways to help others。以下是关于帮助他人的方式的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ways to help others

To help others is to help yourself. "You are the best to others, and you will get the best help from them. The more you get, the more you mean, the more nothing." this is the first time.

The reality is that only those who are willing to help others will be respected by others. I believe you have heard the story of this boy. He gave a mother to make him very angry, Maybe he was afraid of punishment.

He ran out of the house and went to the valley and yelled, "I hate you, I hate you." then the valley echoed, "I hate you, I hate you." a child was so scared that he ran home to his mother and said, "there is a kid who sneaks out of the valley and says that he hates his mother. His mother takes him back to the hillside, and he yells" I love you, I love you "just like the mother said He found that there was a good child in the valley who said, "I love you, I love you" life is like an echo, you send it back to what you sow, what you are like, you give harvest, everything will get, as long as you pay, harvest it is useless, only this section, it is the true portrayal of helping others: when we help others, we What we give to others is the love of life, as if giving the tree of life to others also awakens readers to a clear source of love. Love is an inexhaustible feeling.

The more we give, the more happy we are, the stronger we will be. Helping others is not only for dedication and harvest. Helping others is a long cherished virtue of the Chinese nation, so it also presents a respectable example: Lei Feng They are using their own actions to help the people in need, to warm up the social prosperity of these people.

A few people do not help each other in the project can not be completed by one person, it needs a lot of cooperation, mutual help, mutual encouragement, in order to be in a good position When we help others to achieve complete success, then you will be old, very happy, very happy to help others is happy, others get warmth, he gets happiness is not the sentence "help others is to help themselves" remember: give is to get.




In the journey of life, everyone's life is inseparable from the help of others, because everything in the nature is a whole universal connection, no one can be isolated from the surrounding things, but while accepting other people's help, we should also learn to help others, because I am very sensible, I have met many people who love to help others, their selfless service I am deeply moved by the spirit of sacrifice, sacrifice oneself to save others, this is my most clear father Cong Fei, I also funded one of his students, I am very lucky, also very grateful to God, because I know my father Fei Cong, a lost father, an orphan, lived with my uncle since childhood, and my uncle's family also has two children, this should not be rich uncle Uncle brought me a heavier burden during high school, because the tuition was very expensive, and my uncle could not afford to pay for my schooling. But when I walked into my father's cluster, he dropped out of school in front of me for the whole life. After he understood my situation, I said, "you can continue to school.

Don't drop out because of tuition. You don't give up your studies. Your tuition fees are returned to you.

After solving my problems, I listened Cong dad's words, my tears can't help but flow out, I am really excited, also very grateful to my father, he let me go back to school, I realized the opportunity of my dream, but let me think about the emergence of a father who flies so well like a burden, why did that difficult disease make him lose his precious life, when I heard the news of Cong Fei's father's death, my heart was like I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it's true, because in my heart, only his good voice, kind, gentle face.




When we are in need of friendship, it is important for us to help others and make us feel warm when we are in need of helping others.




标签: 七年级 作文 万能 年级 方式

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