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关于”我喜欢年糕“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:I like rice cakes。以下是关于我喜欢年糕的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I like rice cakes

I think the best city is Beijing. It is one of the most famous cities in China. It also has many beautiful places and famous places.

Like this city, people are friendly. There is the Great Wall. People usually want to reach its top.

After it, they can shout out their hope and happiness. There are more than one scenic spot in Beijing. It's good to visit Beijing.

Let's go there.





I like English because it's a great language. It's a pretty simple alphabet, made up of 26 characters, which can be used to form millions of words. English is widely known in the world and is recognized as the language of international communication.

If I go to travel, it will be very useful for me. In addition, if I want to cooperate with overseas companies in the future, English is definitely the common language for business and trade. Not only is English useful, but it sounds great.

I hope they can speak English fluently like I can speak English fluently.





How much do I love computers? When I see a computer, it's like drinking a glass of sweet wine and I want to jump up. I don't like other people. What's happy is that they like to play computer games.

I like to draw on your computer ‰ I remember when I started drawing on the computer, the mouse didn't always listen to my disposal. I pointed it to a file. It means that it was on another piece of paper or a roll or several pieces of paper From painting to painting, I think I repeatedly practice how to make the mouse and pen draw on the paper.

Now, I have drawn a beautiful picture with the mouse. I often deal with computers, and the most headache is to encounter computer viruses. However, I have to deal with them now, and often kill viruses Tell me what better way to poison it as soon as possible.


我爱电脑到什么程度了,我看到一台电脑,就像喝了一杯甜酒一样高兴得想跳起来我不喜欢别人高兴的是喜欢玩电脑游戏,我喜欢在你的电脑上画画‰我记得刚开始在电脑上画画,鼠标不总是听我的处置,我把它指向文件,它是指在另一张纸上或一卷或几张特别远的画上,鼠标不能移动,从图形到绘画特别困难,从绘画到绘画我想我在纸上反复练习如何使鼠标和钢笔画在纸上画,工作有回报,现在,我已经用鼠标画出一幅漂亮的画了 经常和电脑打交道,最头疼的是遇到电脑病毒不过,我现在要对付他们了,而且经常杀毒杀毒软件对它有什么更好的办法,尽快告诉我。


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