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关于”喜欢吃什么“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What do you like to eat。以下是关于喜欢吃什么的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you like to eat

My favorite food is the candle, because it is delicious. Although the candle is very sweet and looks beautiful, on my birthday, my mother bought me a candle. I'm glad there are some things on the candle, such as some fruit and some chocolate.

I also like chocolate. Candle is my favorite.




Fruit, like vegetables, is essential to our daily diet. I eat a lot of fruits every day, not because I have to eat them, but because I love them. Not only are they healthier than meat, but we can also get natural vitamin C and natural antioxidants from them, especially citric acid fruits like oranges, Clementine or tranger.

My favorite fruits are mango and sarong fruit. There are all kinds of French fries on my table and all kinds of fruits in the refrigerator. People in the western world are very serious about eating fruits and vegetables.

It's called "five days", and I always make sure to eat different fruits and vegetables every day to keep healthy.





For breakfast, I like bread and milk, but for lunch, I don't like orange juice, I like rice and vegetables, but I don't like pork for dinner, I like noodles, but I don't like ice cream for breakfast. Tom likes noodles, but he doesn't like zongzi for lunch. Tom likes rice and beef, but he doesn't like vegetables and dinner.

Tom likes fish, but he doesn't like pork.




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