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关于”职业生涯规划“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Career planning。以下是关于职业生涯规划的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Career planning

I have been planning my career since I was a freshman. I always know that I want to apply for CET3. My dream career is an English interpreter.

I want to become an English teacher after I quit my job as an interpreter. I don't want to be bound by a job. I change my career once or twice.

I can gain different experiences and enrich my career Life as part of my career plan, I set a strict schedule for myself. In my first year of college, I expanded my vocabulary and learned grammar. I know that if I want to use English fluently in the future, I should have a complete English foundation, especially in the second grade.

If I want to translate freely, I begin to apply for some part-time interpreting jobs. I know I should get enough work experience so that I can win in the competitive job market. Moreover, I have known more foreigners who will be of great help to my future work.

Now I start to send my resume to the internship company of foreign companies in the third grade. I know clearly that it is too late if I send my resume to apply for a job near the graduation of the fourth grade. If my company is satisfied with me, I will stay there after I graduate from university.

I will send my resume to other companies after I earn enough money and experience, and I will transfer my position to other companies As a teacher, I will have more free time to control my English level. I think I am qualified to be an English teacher. In terms of teaching skills, I will definitely take part in some good teachers' classes and learn from them.

I will also communicate with students to understand what they are thinking and what they really need. I will teach students my own English learning methods, show them the outside world, and introduce them new ideas to broaden their horizons.





During high school, I found chemistry, physics and mathematics very interesting. I was very interested in biology, history, geography, Chinese and English, and many other subjects. But somehow, I could not remember historical events or geographical facts, nor could I remember biological terms.

Chemistry, physics and mathematics were very easy for me, because after considering my interests and talents, I thought science or engineering Cheng may be the best choice for my career. I want to study science or engineering in university after graduation from university. I hope that eventually I will go overseas to receive higher education and like to go back to school to teach.

This is my career plan.




I have a dream, I joined the society, but my own life has a simple plan, do a full of childhood, swimming, can also say "in my primary school time" don't waste your time, cherish friendship, three years of high school is the turning point of life, I have a dream, in the three years of middle school, I have a dream, college life is rich and colorful, I will actively prepare War, facing the sea, entering the ideal university, I have a dream, put the heart of study and practice together, take advantage of the wind to waste my time in University, experience a variety of activities, be a high school student with good character and learning, fight a bloody battle, I won, lay a good foundation for learning at the same time, although I am a student, I have a dream to make your life more meaningful and family, Love, mountain climbing, spring.




标签: 英文 高分 三年级 作文 年级

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