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The most influential person in my life, perhaps the most dynamic person I've ever met, was an Italian philosophy professor at the University of Pisa. Although I last saw him eight years ago, I did not forget his special qualities. First of all, Ellie is impressed by his devotion to teaching, because his lectures are always well prepared and clearly taught, and students flock to his classroom.

His followers admired him for believing in what he taught, and he was intellectually enlightening. In addition, he can explain his ideas in imaginative ways, such as painting, recording, recording sculptures and guest lecturers. Once he even sang a song in class to illustrate a point.

Second, I admire him for talking with students or making phone calls outside the classroom. Having coffee in a fast food restaurant, he can easily make friends with his students. Sometimes he would challenge a student to play chess.

Sometimes he would join groups on topics ranging from astronomy to diving. Many young people come to his office for academic advice, others come to his home for social parties. Finally, he was attracted by his lively intelligence.

He believes that unless students and professors share, any class is a successful few chuckles, at least one laugh. Through his sense of humor, he makes learning more enjoyable and lasting. If life can really make the wise smile and make the fool cry, then my friend is the real wise man.

Perhaps the best example of his wisdom is the one he used at the end of a speech. A wise man should follow his own invention as an example, and that is, God should follow his own invention as an example..











2:,I believe there must be some teachers who have left a deep impression on you in your life. Of course, in my life, there is a teacher who has left a deep impression on me. That is my English teacher in the University.

Mr Xu has long blond hair and beautiful eyes. She is a good teacher and works hard. She is far away from school.

She has to catch the morning bus every day. He is exhausted Not only criticize our English homework, but also take care of her. She is not interested in English and sometimes asks me to talk in English as much as possible.

He told me not to be afraid of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes, but she always forgets some small things, like her glasses and moneywell. Now I have a talk with her on the phone, because of her blonde hair, beautiful eyes, forgetfulness, distance and sense of responsibility, she really wants to miss her.




3:影响最深的人,My mother is a competent mother. She used to care about my study very much. When I did the homework assigned by the math teacher, a sentence was very hard.

I also felt that I asked my mother in my mind. My mother looked at the title and said, "this problem is not difficult, if you know it." my mother explained it to me carefully. Although my mother can speak very carefully, I still don't know My mother patiently explained the problem to me.

She was not tired until I understood that my mother only cared about my study and life, but also cared about me. My mother, who had a fever and a cold, was worried. She liked hot pot ants.

She took my temperature and saw that the fever was gone. She put ice on my forehead and armpits and asked me where I was uncomfortable. She was so busy that she even touched my forehead irregularly at night Head, see my mother with a fever can not sleep well, until the next day, I have a fever, she is a big stone, finally fell my life, in fact, is a mother, we can come to this world, we are lucky, mother with a heart of gratitude, share some more than she can work, do not let her angry, also want to learn, grow into a father dad.




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