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关于”这个的主人公叫李明“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The hero of this is Li Ming。以下是关于这个的主人公叫李明的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The hero of this is Li Ming

My name is XXX. You can also call me XXXI to study in noxx middle school. I like reading alone and listening to music.

I like country music. I like watching cartoons. Because of Japanese cartoons, I can speak a little Japanese.

Maybe it's crazy about subjects. I think I can learn well in many subjects. I like English best because it's interesting.

I think it's with foreign countries It's very useful. I'm not good at sports. I like sports, but I can't do it well.

But I exercise every morning. I believe I can learn it well one day.




The book tells the adventures of five Americans on an unknown island in the South Pacific. The story begins during the American Civil War. When Richmond, the capital of the southern confederacy, was ravaged by famine and death, five northern prisoners of war decided to escape by hijacking balloons.

The five prisoners were Cyrus Smith, a railway Engineer for the federal army( His black servant, NEB (short for Nebuchadnezzar, Verne has repeatedly stated that he is not a slave, but a former slave, who was released by the sailor Bernard Ventur panchlov (he only uses his surname, but his "Christian name" bonadventure) is what they call their ships in other translations, He is also known as Pencroft) his companion, Hubbert Brown (in some translations, called Herbert a little boy, and after his father's death, panklov raised him as his own child (former captain of pancroff) and journalist gayden spilett (Gideon spilett, in English, referred to as "company" by Cyrus "dog top").




Lord George Gordon Byron, so we don't wander around so late in the night. Although the heart is still so love, the moon is still so bright, because the sword shows its sheath, the soul wears out the breast, the heart must stop to breathe, and love itself has a rest. Although the night is set for love, the days come too fast, But we won't wander in the moonlight any more.




标签: 初中 英文 翻译 高分 作文

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