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关于”分析一个句子的结构“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Analyze the structure of a sentence。以下是关于分析一个句子的结构的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Analyze the structure of a sentence

1、The crystal structures of three MILs were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. 对得到的这三个含金属离子液体的晶体结构进行了详细分析。

2、Can you construe this sentence for me? 你能给我分析一下这个句子的结构吗?

3、He is used to living in the country now.他现在习惯了住在农村。

4、And then a method of extracting structured semantic information of questions based on CFN labeling is proposed. 紧接着给出了基于CFN标注的问句分析方法,以达到提取问句结构化语义信息的目的;

5、Check each sentence to make sure it has a subject and a verb and that it expresses a complete concept. 仔细检查每一个句子,确保每个句子都有一套完整的主谓结构。

6、The researchers used a method called X-ray crystallography to pinpoint the position of hundreds of thousands of atoms that make up the ribosome. 这些叁名研究人员使用X 射线结晶学方法得到核糖体的叁维结构,在原子水准上分析了由几十万个原子构成的核糖体的结构。

7、He’s quite used to working hard 他颇习惯于艰苦工作。

8、In chapter two, The dispersion of a type of slow-wave structure and the photonic crystal band gap structures are discussed in this chapter. 第三章先介绍了一种新型的全金属慢波结构,并对具有光子晶体带隙结构的慢波结构作了分析。

9、The results show that, for Chinese dependency parsing, action-based parsers outperform generative and discriminative parsers . 结果显示,对于中文依存句法分析,决策式句法分析在性能上好于产生式和判别式句法分析。

10、The propositional structure is a new perspective of researching sentence meaning, and the approach to it should be based on the combination of syntax, semantics, logic and text linguistics. 命题结构是句子语义研究中的一个新的视角,须结合句法学、语义学、逻辑学、篇章语言学等理论进行交叉分析。

11、The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and original position is usually marked by a pronominal element. 左向移位是功能语法中的一种句法结构,其中一个成分被移至句首是主位结构分析中的一个分支。

12、We used to go there every year. 我每年都去那儿。

13、The shallow parsing theory is applied to partition Chinese sentence parsing into three procedures:TAG, CHUNK, BUILD and CHECK. 文中运用浅层句法分析理论,把汉语句子分析划分为标注、组块、构造和检查三个过程。

14、The Polycrystalline structure and the phase composition of cordierite kiln furniture are deter-mined by means of X-ray and electron microscope. 利用X-射线衍射分析和电子显微镜分析的结果,确定堇青石窑具的多晶结构和各晶相的含量;

15、In chapter Three, the syntactic features are discussed based on the results in chapter two. 第三章根据副词性依存名词句法结构的语义分析的结果,对其句法特点进行了探讨。

16、Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and the semantic combination when N1 is an agent. 分析了N1为施事时语义组合与句法结构之间的对应关系。

17、This knife can be used to cut things.这把刀能够被用于切东西。

18、LMWXJ-1 has a typical glutenin structure similar to those of published LMW-GS genes. 序列分析的结果表明LMWXJ-1具有典型的低分子量谷蛋白亚基基因的基本结构。

19、On the base, the chromatographic retention values were predicted in different rate of mobile phases, and then the optimum chromatographic separation conditions were selected. 本文采用实验方法和通过分子结构参数计算方法对色谱保留值参数与分子结构参数进行了相关分析。

20、Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure。 该句子的主干是voices now come from many quarters;句首Just as结构做比较状语,意为"正如...一样";insisting 引导的分词结构做定语修饰主语voice,分词结构中含有两个并列的由that引导的宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的真实主语是不定式结构to keep... 翻译:就象吸烟问题一样,来自不同领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖的科学资料还不完整。

21、而A选项中的manner的英文解释为“the way that you do it”,与原文中的way是同义替换,而speaking与原文的talk同义替换。

22、The model is a parser based on lexicalized model, it is combined with segmentation and POS tagging model and thus a language parser is built. 该模型是一个词汇化的句法分析模型,能结合分词、词性标注进行句法分析;

23、Way everybody is happy for new year! 你自己分析下这句子的成分,算主谓宾还是主系表结构。

24、I have been sitting here for an hour. 我已经在这里坐了一个小时。

25、The calculated results show that the chain like HOBO isomer(E1) is kinetically and thermodynamically the most stable isomer. The electronic structure of isomer E1 has been explored. 对计算结果的分析表明,无论是在热力学还是在动力学上,具有链状结构的HOBO异构体(E1)是势能面上最稳定的结构,并对E1的电子结构进行了分析;


26、The D language structure consists of one or more probe clauses. D 语言结构由一个或多个探测子句组成。

27、years是时间状语 had it nto been for my education=if it had not been for my education是条件状语

28、Based on the structure feature of the question, machine learning and chunk parsing theory, an approach for question chunk parsing using neural networks is implemented. 在中文问句的结构特点基础上,结合机器学习及组块分析理论,对问句进行组块分析,实现了基于神经网络的问句组块识别算法,并应用于银行领域自动问答系统中。

29、The structure and the properties of LDH are introduced, specially the typical laminated structure and the exchangeable property of ion. 介绍了水滑石的结构和性能,分析了其典型的层状结构及其离子可交换性;

30、the accumulating evidence主语 made谓语 experts宾语 think the animal was a puma宾语补足语

31、   who have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks。 是个由who引导的定语从句,修饰前面的two workers between them意思是“全力”“一起”,若放在句子末尾,则离谓语太远,夹在have和finished之间,又因字数多,而把两个动词隔得太远。

32、Here is an example of lexing and parsing a sentence. 以下是对一个句子进行词法分析和解析的示例。

33、In some cases, the computers are actually parsing writers’ words, sentence structure, even the odd emoticon. 在有些情况下,计算机实际上在分析作者的词汇、句子结构,甚至各种各样的情绪。

34、in what the Americans term downshifting 是介词短语作定语,修饰experiment。

35、) The bag is too heavy。 (这个书包太重了。

36、The former includes the background knowledge of the text and its genre and textual pattern. 课文宏观结构的分析包括分析课文的背景知识和分析文章的体裁。

37、The participial constructions are employed much more in Latin than they are in English. 拉丁文较英文有更多使用分词结构的句子。

38、Crystal Structure and Conformational Analysis of a Substituted Tricyclic 1,5-Benzodiazepine. 一个取代的三环1,5-苯并二氮杂的晶体结构和构象分析。

39、That is my girl friend whose eyes I like very much. 那个是我女朋友,她的眼睛我很喜欢。

40、Lifting column and slab construction in the multi-storey housing structure components are discussed. 主要就多层房屋结构构件中柱子及梁板的吊装施工进行讨论分析。

41、Semantic relevancy computation is used to solve structural disambiguity in parsing syntactic . 为解决句法分析中的结构性歧义,引入了语义相关度计算。

42、These group words which are closely connected in meaning and in grammar are called sense group. 所谓“意群”就是根据句子和语法结构将稍长的句子分为若干段,每一段则为一个意群。

43、Chapter six discusses the second type of special-construction causatives, factitivesentence. 第六章,分析由特定句法格式构成的致使句的第二种——使成句。

44、The molecular design was carried out according to the structural characteristic of stilbenes. 分析茋类化合物的二苯乙烯母核结构,从两个方面进行了分子设计。

45、As for structure and crystallinity of nickel oxide films, we used GIAXRD and SEM to characterize them. 使用低掠角X光绕射分析及扫瞄式电子显微镜进行薄膜结构与结晶性分析;

46、MS/MS was proved to be an effective way to obtain additional structural information because fragment ions were observed for all QMIs and OAMIs in MS/MS. 串联质谱分析被证明是获得进一步结构信息的有效手段,因为对于所有被观察的凖分子离子和其他分子加和离子,均能在串联质谱分析中检测到碎片离子。

47、The relationship of retention data-molecular structure was researched with experimental method and calculated method by molecular structure parameters. 本文采用实验方法和通过分子结构参数计算方法对色谱保留值参数与分子结构参数进行了相关分析。

48、He is not what he used to be. 他已不是旧日的他了。

49、Chapter three offers an inspection of the internal structure of Chinese and Korean compound nouns. 第三章从句法构词法角度对比和分析了汉韩复合名词内部的结构。

50、孩子不应到(不能防范气候)的荒野中去 children 主语 out 谓语 moor 宾语 so illprotected from the weather 定语


51、crows作主语,have been seen作谓语,to tear off stout green twig作主语补语。

52、We should cherish the real friendship. 那个结构造不出这个句子。

53、From the syntax structure, Predicate-complement Structure consists of structure component, structure form, structure connection, etc. 从句法结构上来看,述补结构的构成包括结构成分、结构形式、结构关系等几个方面。

54、This present thesis aims to explore the characteristics of the syntactic structure of China English (SSCE) in comparison with the syntactic structure of Standard English (SSSE). 通过与标准英语句法结构特征的对比分析,本文考察了中国英语在新闻报道中句法结构的特征。

55、Chapter seven researches the third type of special-construction causatives, causative V-de- sentence. 第七章,分析由特定句法格式构成的致使句的第三种——V 得致使句。

56、In chapter 3, the relationship of the parameters such as frequency ratio, mass ratio, damper ratio of mega_frame and substructure, and mean-square of random response is given . 在第3章,结合频域分析法和随机分析方法对单层巨型钢框架悬挂结构体系进行了主子结构间质量比、频率比、阻尼比等参数的优化分析研究。

57、The children have been watching TV since six o'clock. 从6点起,孩子们一直看电视。

58、Finally the electronic and magnetic properties of diluted magnetic oxides nanocrystallites are investigated from first-principles calculations based on DFT. 最后我们采用基于密度泛函的第一性原理电子结构计算方法研究分析了纳晶稀磁氧化物的电子结构和磁性。

59、(1)be used to doing sth 是固定搭配,意思是习惯做某事,be not used to doing sth 不习惯做某事。


标签: 五年级 年级

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