在这期间用英语怎么写 英语

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在这期间翻译为英语可以这样写: meantime,还网络中常译为" in this time",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到35个与在这期间相关的短语释义和例句。


1. meantime

在这期间翻译为 meantime 。

示例:“很好,”麻雀回答说,“照我说的做,在这期间,我将栖息在那丛灌木上。” "Very well,"answered the sparrow, "do so, and in the meantime, I will perch upon that bush."


2. in this time

在这期间翻译为 in this time 。

示例:她的新工作要到xx月份才开始,在这期间她将继续原有的工作。 Her new job does not start until May and she will continue in the old job in the interim.


3. in the intervening years

在这期间翻译为 in the intervening years 。

示例:在这期间的xx年中,该剧本已完全失去了它惊世骇俗的特色。 The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years.


4. in the meantime

在这期间翻译为 in the meantime 。

示例:♪ Fuck it, man, in the meantime ♪ in the meantime ♪



1. per interim([拉丁语]就在这期间,同时)

2. in the interval(在这一期间; 在休息期间)

3. durantes(期间)

4. time period(期间)


5. around here(在这边,在这附近;

英语短语&俚语, found in the Foundry during ( 在这期间发现铸造厂 )

Just In This Period ( 恰恰在这期间 )

in the interval ( 在这一期间 )

during this week ( 在这一周期间 )

En attendant in the period ( 在这段期间 )

no issue in the period ( 在这段期间没有问题 )

In this three-year period ( 在这xx年期间 )

In the summer In this summer holiday During the summer vacation ( 在这个暑假期间 )


1. During this time , Field paid me 800 Swiss francs ."

译文:在这期间 菲尔德给了我800瑞士法郎"。

2. During the period of this, she has known Diken and Colin.


3. During this time, Anna reportedly advocated for just treatment of the people in their disputes with the government.

译文:在这期间, 安娜主张 合理对待 人民与政府的纠纷。 。

4. Thank you for your hard work.

译文:这期间 大家辛苦了。

5. You were standing during all this?


6. Meanwhile, i'm the guy in the trenches.


7. Time to collect proof that could change the outcome of the court martial.

译文:在这期间 搜集能够推翻审议会势力的证据。

8. So, in the interim, i've been parking a shit-load with Black Jack Cullan.

译文:在这期间... 我交了很多东西给赌徒卡伦。

9. A long talk? Well, hadn't i better go on to New York - before Chamberlin and Byrd get away?


10. Over that period you are going to double your demand.

译文:在这期间 石油的需要量将会加倍 。

11. Maybe someday. But in the meantime, we got a lot of work to do, dean,

译文:但是在这期间 我们还有很多工作要做 Dean。

12. in the meantime, she's gone anyway. Am i right?

译文:在这期间她也一样会跑了 不是吗?。

13. How many murders occurred during that time?


14. During this time, she began working as a journalist.

译文:在这期间, 她也开始涉猎新闻工作。 。

15. During this time, Kenobi spent years communing with the Force.

译文:在这期间,克诺比花费数年与原力交流。 。



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