中级英语怎么说 英语

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中级的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为intermediate -,还网络中常译为" medium",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到63个与中级相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. intermediate -

中级翻译为 intermediate - 。

示例:滑雪学校训练初级、中级和高级水平的滑雪者。 The ski school coaches beginners, intermediates, and advanced skiers.


2. medium

中级翻译为 medium 。

示例:老实说,我现在上的更难的课程是中级微观经济学。 Honestly, the harder classes that I'm in are intermediate microeconomics.


3. Lower Intermediate

中级翻译为 Lower Intermediate 。

示例:学生分为新生、中级生或高级生。 Students are categorized as novice, intermediate, or advanced.


4. middle class

中级翻译为middle class。

示例:in the end, everything depends on the middle class. 最终 还是要依靠中产阶级 In the end, everything depends on the middle class.



1. midgrade( 中级;

2. intermediate class pavement(中级路面)

3. intermediate crushing(中级压碎)

4. intermediate gasoline(中级汽油)

5. intermediate grade steel(中级钢)

英语短语&俚语, Cru Bourgeois Chateau Bellevue Cru Bourgeois CruBourgeoirs crus ( 中级酒庄 )

Cru Bourgeois Crus Cru Bou ( 中级庄 )

Intermediate Certificate Intermedidined on Certificdined on Intermedigot Certificgot ( 中级职称 )

Medium Inorganic Chemistry Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry ( 中级无机化学 )

Medium Level Accountant Medium Level Accountould like Medium Level Accountish ( 中级会计职称 )

Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card Intermediingested Foreign Secretary Card Intermediconsumed Fore( 中级涉外秘书证 )

Experiment on Medium Inorganic Chemistry ( 中级无机化学实验 )


1. Over the retrieved debris we're recording a contamination rate of almost every square meter.

译文:我们检验残骸之后发现 每平方公尺都有中级感染率。

2. imperial Japan to surrender in WWii, the United States of America committed the ultimate crime against humanity by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing a hundreds of thousands, obliterating cities and contaminating environment.

译文:日本投降 美国 犯下了反人类的中级罪行。

3. Valves, primary and secondary... Compositive pressure reached.


4. Seraph is of the highest rank of angels in the Bible.


5. i'd call it intermediate for a smart girl like you.

译文:你那么聪明 这个算是中级难度 I'd call it intermediate for a smart girl like you.。

6. Unlike the settled middle-class suburbs, whose existence i was oblivious of, there was no sense of entitlement in Footscray.

译文:不像定居其他中级阶层市郊, 我忘记了我的存在, 更别说权利了。 。

7. You're not crazy about my secondary career as a

译文:你不发狂关于我的 中级的事业当做

8. Yes, A mid-size quake is forecast for the next 24 hours.


9. But, Captain, it is not my job.

译文:但 长官 这不是我的工作啊 我只是个中级交警 But, Captain, it is not my job.。

10. Oh, Grant Real Estate. Mid-level client.

译文:Grant不动产 中级客户。

11. Novice, intermediate, or expert?

译文:初学者级 中级 还是专家级。

12. We have a three and two response, Ladder 93. You're first due.


13. And i happen to be a charter subscriber to middling warlord weekly...

译文:而且我还是中级军阀周刊的特许订户... ... And I happen to be a charter subscriber to middling warlord weekly...。

14. No joy on the secondary target.


15. Students are categorized as novice, intermediate, or advanced.

译文:学生分为新生、中级生或高级生。 。



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