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如何快速默写的英语是"howness",在日常中也可以翻译为"how to'book",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到63个与如何快速默写相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. howness

2. how to'book

如何快速默写翻译为how to'book。

示例:Tell me, how did Jane know which book it was? 跟我说说 Jane怎么知道是哪本书的? Tell me, how did Jane know which book it was?


3. howves

4. dictation quiz

如何快速默写翻译为dictation quiz。

示例:Dictation, shorthand and typing will be learned. Dictation, shorthand and typing will be learned.



1. dictation quiz(检查性的默写)


2. howness( 如何;

3. How are things?([口语]近来如何?近况如何?)


4. how to'book( 如何预订;

5. howves( 如何)


1. i'm going to check your handwriting tomorrow so do your exercises.

译文:好 今天回家的时候把新学的生词默写五遍 明天老师要检查的。

2. Legs up i Shake them fast.


3. This was how mantis shrimps make these very fast strikes.


4. How fast would you like this to be over?

译文:如何快速将你 像这样结束了?。

5. Write an expository essay explaining how to republishing fast.

译文:写一篇有关如何快速阅读的说明文。 。

6. Those guys are interested only in illegal profit. And quick and dirty money.

译文:这些家伙只关心如何非法获利 快速的赚取肮脏的金钱。

7. This was how mantis shrimps make these very fast strikes.

译文:这以很好的解释了螳螂虾是如何快速进行敲击的。 。

8. How fast can we drill and set up another derrick?

译文:我们如何快速的可钻 并成立了另一井架?。

9. You wait and see how quickly she dumps you then.

译文:你等着看, 她是如何快速的甩掉你。。

10. it "should certainly be accepted as it is the predecessor of the wax record and is not represented in the collection,"Plummer had written.

译文:“它理应被收下,因为那是蜡质录音的祖先,博物馆里还不曾收录,”布拉默写道。 。

11. That gps is sending back signals to tell how fast you're moving.

译文:,全球定位系统发送回 信号来告诉如何快速 你移动。。

12. How fast to get a scholarship to u.C. Berkeley?

译文:如何快速获得 besiswa到U,C,伯克利?。

13. The method of determining the Kolbach index of beer malt faster, more accurate and more sensitive were discussed.

译文:主要论述如何更为快速、准确、灵敏地测定啤酒麦芽库尔巴哈值。 。

14. How did people get rich so fast?


15. How fast can this thing go?



标签: 单词 方法

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