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电子琴的英语翻译是" Keyboard",在日常中也可以翻译为" [轻] electronic organ",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到65个与电子琴相关的短语释义和例句。


1. Keyboard

电子琴翻译为 Keyboard 。

示例:我们已经有了电子琴和演奏的人,但如果你想加入我们的演唱,我们将非常欢迎你。 We've got a keyboard, and someone who plays, but if you'd like to join in the singing, you'd be very welcome.


2. [轻] electronic organ

电子琴翻译为 [轻] electronic organ 。

示例:这架大钢琴被一架粗俗的小电子琴所取代。 The grand piano has been replaced with a small, inelegant electric model.


3. Electronic Keyboard

电子琴翻译为 Electronic Keyboard 。

示例:电子琴要比管风琴小得多,也便宜得多。 Electronic organs are much smaller and cheaper than pipe organs.


4. electronic organ -

电子琴翻译为 electronic organ - 。

示例:This music was written by an electronic composer This musicwas written by an electronic composer



1. electone(电子琴

2. electron organ(电子琴)

3. electronic organs(电子琴)

4. electronic organ([电] 电子琴)

5. mellotrons(n. 电子琴)

英语短语&俚语, keyboard ( 通常指电子琴 )

play the electronic piano Playing keyboard Elastic-electric piano play the cyberbanking piano ( 弹电子琴 )

chord organ ( 和弦电子琴 )

Theremin ( 泰勒明电子琴 )

Portatone keyboards Protables ( 手提电子琴 )

children electronic organ n electronic organ ( 儿童电子琴 )

programmable electronic piano ( 可编程电子琴 )


1. - Yes, sir. - Genghis Khan Capone. Fine.


2. He was a Hong Kong Yamaha Electone Festival champion in 1977.

译文:他于xx年参加山叶电子琴大赛 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}He was a Hong Kong Yamaha Electone Festival champion in 1977.。

3. So we had a very natural performance of us moving our hands three-dimensionally around the Theremin in real time to manipulate pitch and volume, to create a really synthetic electronic sound.

译文:所以我们用自己非常自然的能力,三维立体地围绕泰勒明电子琴实时移动我们的手来操控音调和音量,来得到合成的电声。 。

4. On my desk behind the keyboards...

译文:桌子上 电子琴后面...。

5. i've been in a relationship since you had a potail and were playing Dave Matthews on your mama's Casio.

译文:你扎着小辫 弹着妈妈给买的卡西欧电子琴 (小Barney曾经清纯的样子) 装深沉玩摇滚的时候 我就已经在谈恋爱了。

6. it's what you learned on, it's what i learned on...

译文:你用它学琴 我也用它学琴。

7. 572)\fs44\fniTC Goudy Sans LT Book\b1}Executive Producer Kadokawa Tsuguhiko

译文:喂 真琴。

8. The grand piano has been replaced with a small, inelegant electric model.

译文:这架大钢琴被一架粗俗的小电子琴所取代。 。

9. it's the piano... the piano.

译文:钢琴! 钢琴!。

10. Listen to the keyboard solo on "Roundabout".


11. i got myself a cheap electric piano and i found a couple of Korean sergeants' wives who churned out a mean rhythm section.

译文:买了具廉价电子琴 与几个韩国女士,组成乐队。

12. i take Eason upstairs to play my electronic organs everyday to foster his interest in music, but actually just to get him one more toy.


13. in exchange he gave me a crappy little Casio keyboard and -- (Laughter) Yeah. And singing lessons.

译文:作为交换,他给我了一架劣质的 小型卡西欧电子琴—— (笑声) 他还给我报了声乐课。 。

14. it wasn't Jean. The Jean i know is still in there.

译文:它不是琴 我认识的琴还在那。

15. Qin, are you still sleeping?

译文:琴琴 还在睡觉啊。



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