初中英语词汇书 英语_初中常用单词表34个

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例句:Sent by the Lord, here and abroad 翻译:Sent by the Lord, here and abroad。

2、 absurd world

中文翻译: 荒诞的世界

例句:Absurd man in an absurd world ? 翻译:那么愤世嫉俗?。




例句:Lil'Bow Wow: ## To across the seas ## 翻译:[To across the seas]。

4、 immune adherence

中文翻译: 抗原抗体粘着 免疫黏附 免疫 免疫粘连 免疫粘附

例句:# Are immune to your consultations 翻译:Are immune to your consultations。

5、 the advent of

中文翻译: 重要人物或事件

例句:What was it, the advent of sound? 翻译:玛丽拉老了!。

6、 adversarial search

中文翻译: 敌对搜索

例句:Don't get adversarial with me, Teri. 翻译:Don't get adversarial with me, Teri.。



例句:i mean,natalie said owen was sick,right? 翻译:疾病 Ailment?。



例句:But if you built the Alaskan pipeline today, that's half of what the Alaskan pipeline would cost. 翻译:但如果现在开建阿拉斯加输油管 120亿美元仅是铺设输油管的所花费的一半而已。



例句:But if you built the Alaskan pipeline today, that's half of what the Alaskan pipeline would cost. 翻译:但如果现在开建阿拉斯加输油管 120亿美元仅是铺设输油管的所花费的一半而已。



例句:Your father, he was an abusive alcoholic? 翻译:he was an abusive alcoholic?。

11、 bitter almond

中文翻译: 苦杏仁

例句:Almonds, sweet almond and bitter almond are divided, the former used for human consumption, the latter more as a medicinal. 翻译:杏仁,甜杏仁和苦杏仁也有分歧,前者用于人类消费,后者更作为药用。。

12、 altruistic suicide

中文翻译: 利他性自杀 利他主义自杀 利他式自杀

例句:- Suicide again, then, is it? 翻译:又要自杀了呀。


13、 aluminum oxide

中文翻译: 氧化铝 刚玉 矾土

例句:industry: inorganic base; Oxide; Sulfone; Aluminum oxide; Aluminum hydroxide; Mineral adsorbent; General inorganic reagent; 翻译:所属行业:无机碱;氧化物;砜类;铝氧化物;氢氧化铝;矿物吸附剂;通用无机试剂;;。

14、 in anticipation of

中文翻译: 期待 预期

例句:But you have to let them imagine a better world. 翻译:让你有期待 Build anticipation.。

15、 Just Anybody

中文翻译: 首当其冲

例句:You know, it seems like they'll let just about anybody in school these days. 翻译:it seems like they'll let just about anybody in school these days.。

16、 Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

中文翻译: 特许仲裁员学会 仲裁会

例句:CiCA; Canadian institute of Chartered Accountants; 翻译:加拿大执业会计师协会。

17、 marble arch

中文翻译: 大理石拱门 有名的伦敦标志

例句:i've seen your flag on the marble arch. 翻译:I've seen your flag on the marble arch。



例句:ASCii streams, for ASCii character data. 翻译:ascii流,用于ASCII字符数据。

1、 。



例句:i'm switching to air-assist. 翻译:I'm switching to air -assist.。

20、 baryon asymmetry

中文翻译: 重子不对称性 重子不对称

例句:This problem is called the baryon asymmetry, and the theory to describe the resolution is called baryogenesis. 翻译:这个问题称为重子不对称性,解释这种现象的理论被称为重子产生。。

21、 attest auditor

中文翻译: 审计 公证审计师

例句:- Can anyone attest to that? 翻译:- 有人为你作证吗?。

22、 identification Authenticity

中文翻译: 真伪识别

例句:The last "A" is Authenticity. 翻译:最后一个A是本真(authenticity)。。

初中重点词汇表:1,23、 The Autobiography

中文翻译: 自传 富兰克林自传 天堂十字路口 副标题

例句:"Autobiography of a Nightmare: 翻译:噩梦之自传。

24、 Balms for medical purposes

中文翻译: 医用香膏

例句:Albuminous preparations for medical purposes 翻译:医用白朊制剂。

25、 ban ki-moon

中文翻译: 潘基文 男子名 韩国前外长 联合国秘书长

例句:Ban Ki-Moon, secretary-general of the United Nations, told reporters that no new promises were needed. 翻译:联合国(UN)秘书长潘基文(BanKi-Moon)向记者表示,不需要做出新的承诺。。

26、 BW Bandwidth

中文翻译: 频带宽度

例句:Why don't we go to Boogie Wonderland? 翻译:BW怎麽样(Boogie Wonderland)?。

27、 before all

中文翻译: 尤其 特别

例句:- Yeah. Come on, if you could wish yourself back, before it all started. 翻译:before it all started..。

28、 wide berth

中文翻译: 保持安全距离 远些距离

例句:Give the mining camp a wide berth. 翻译:Give the mining camp a wide berth.。

29、 New Blots

中文翻译: 新的印迹

例句:Webs don't form blots, Minister. 翻译:网不会变成污点 大臣 什么? Webs don't form blots, Minister.。



例句:The boar hunters are coming through this way. 翻译:The boar hunters are coming through this way.。

31、 The Bone Collector

中文翻译: 人骨拼图 神秘拼图 骨中罪 集骨者

例句:♪ Work it, now feel it, and work it to the bone ♪ 翻译:and work it to the bone ♪。

32、 Folding Bookshelf

中文翻译: 折叠书架

例句:On this side, there will be folding all the way, the sofa will be placed here and the kitchen will be over there. 翻译:这边也会 Folding 沙发放这边 厨房那边。

初中常考词汇表:1,33、 Booty Music

中文翻译: 我的舞台 赃物音乐 超有人气节奏的好歌

例句:♪ Shake that booty... ♪ Everybody! 翻译:Shake that booty that booty booty 一起来 Shake that booty。

34、 so boring

中文翻译: 真无聊

例句:i gotta say, this is most likely the most boring meal in the history of our planet, so.... 翻译:this is most likely the most boring meal so...。

35、 Bottomless bottle

中文翻译: 无底玻璃瓶

例句:- There's still some left in the bottle. 翻译:There's left in the bottle.。


标签: 初中 单词 词汇

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