公交车站通常被翻译为"public bus station -"的意思,还经常被译作 bus station,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到10个与公交车站相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. public bus station -
公交车站翻译为 public bus station - 。
示例:他朝公交车站走去。 He was headed for the bus stop.
2. bus station
公交车站翻译为 bus station 。
示例:公交车站就在左边,超市的对面。 The bus stop is on the left, across from the supermarket.
3. taladkao
公交车站翻译为 taladkao 。
示例:更换后,公交车站变得安静了。 Since the replacement, the bus station has become quiet.
4. Bus Stop
公交车站翻译为 Bus Stop 。
示例:Stop the bus! Stop the bus. 氨ó氨ó
1. walking buses( 会走路的公交车)
2. public bus( 公共巴士;
3. superbus( 超级巴士;
4. take bus( 坐公交车;
5. station(车站
英语短语&俚语, Dubrovnik Bus Station ( 杜布罗夫尼克公交车站 )
Go to bus stop To the bus station ( 去公交车站 )
Ubatuba Bus Station ( 距离乌巴图巴公交车站 )
Jaipur Bus Station ( 距离斋浦尔公交车站 )
Bus site bus stop ( 公交车站点 )
Mapusa Bus Station ( 距离马普沙公交车站 )
Platform ( 公交车站台 )
Where is the bus stop ( 公交车站在哪里 )
Novo Rio Bus Station ( 诺里约公交车站 )
1. i know there's a bus station three miles away and i can walk there in 24 minutes.
译文:有个公交车站 我用24分钟走到那。
2. Or is there some train or bus that i....
译文:或者这里有什么火车站公交车站 好让我... Or is there some train or bus that l...。
3. The shaking and rattling of pumps might not be noticeable while hauling a few tons of trash or slogging from one bus stop to the next.
4. He is waiting for abus at the bus stop.
5. Okay, i'm standing at a phone booth by the bus stop.
6. Bus station to be moved into Queen Charlotte's Park.
译文:公交车站搬进夏洛特公园 Bus station to be moved into Queen Charlotte's Park.。
7. The bus stop, the mural, the phone.
8. You know the Kamimachi bus stop?
9. Bus station. Bus to Novi Sad,
9 a.m.
译文:公交车站 早上九点去诺维萨德的车。
10. is there a bus station around here somewhere?
译文:有一个公交车站 在这里某处?。
11. Will you show me where the bus station?
12. Then you'd tromp through here like it was a bus station.
13. And increase patrols at airports and train and bus terminals. Thank you.
译文:提升机场 火车 公交车站 巡查力度 谢谢合作。
14. How about you and i hit the bus stops?
15. i was just standing at the bus stop, and i see this smoke coming out of the car.
译文:我当时在公交车站 看着烟从车上冒出来。
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