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关于”六种基本句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Six basic sentence patterns。以下是关于六种基本句型的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Six basic sentence patterns


1、Chapter six: the basic principles of the administrative reward.


2、Education is a basic right in itself.


3、The ability of the radiographic procedure to demonstrate certain IQI sensitivity based on the perception of the IQI holes or wires.


4、The third chapter is the object and basic manner of internal accounting control.


5、A multiple products model is presented, based on the method of activitybased costing, which can help to make right product decisions.

三菱汽车公司 ,基于日本第六大汽车制造商。

6、Mitsubishi Motors , the sixth-largest Japan-based auto manufacturer.


7、Then, based on the end-fire array theory, a small broadband twin-whip antenna with big forward to backward ratio is designed.


8、Adsorption isotherms are generally divided into six types (IUPAC).


9、Just one of the six—insect-resistant cotton—is now planted widely.


10、The significance, types and mechanism of diesel fuel cetane improvers were introduced, and the characteristics of typical cetane improvers were compared in detail.


11、There are basically six modules that are neatly stacked in a corner.


12、There are also six “blended” forms of hopelessness which results when two needs are challenged.


13、The content of Ge in Yibenchang medicinal liquor and Yibenchang Fengshi-Gutong medicinal liquor was determined by phenylfluorone-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide spectrophotometry.


14、The basic work principle and method of an new style smell dispel solidification of chicken manure are introduced.


15、All conveyers of the swathers are divided into six types and their features are described in this article.


16、Life on Earth requires six basic ingredients—carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus.

本发明提供了一种用甲基纤维素和枸橼酸制备的新型热胶凝组 合物。

17、There is provided a new thermo-gelling composition made with methylcellulose and citric acid.


18、A helicopter version is also deployed and a ship-based version is being studied.


19、A new kind of special hexagonal leaning pipe, which has greater precipitation area and precipitation efficiency than the hexagonal alveolate leaning pipes.


20、According to the definitions for remanufacture, six criteria for judging the remanufacture of failure products are given out.

21、Zero dispersion point adjusted by structural parameters of TIR-PCF with sixfold rotation symmetry is studied numerically with a multipole method.用多极方法数值研究构成六重对称全内反射型光子晶体光纤各种结构参数对基模零色散点的调节。

22、The robot looks for one of six basic types of grasps and studies how they are used and change through time in a video sequence.机器人查找一六基本的它们是如何使用的,并通过时间改变的视频序列类型抓手和研究。

23、There are 64 combinations of three bases and I only need to describe 三个一组的碱基产生六十四种组合,而我只需对应二十种氨基酸,所以一种氨基酸会对应不同密码子

20, so there's combinations to spare.

24、The invention discloses a synthesis method of lithium hexafluorophosphate, aiming to provide a lithium hexafluorophosphate synthesis method with low cost, safety and high efficiency.本发明公开了一种六氟磷酸锂的合成方法,旨在提供一种成本低、安全高效的六氟磷酸锂的合成方法。

25、On the base of other isolation lead-rubber bearings, a new bearing model including the axial-load effect is developed.在其他铅芯橡胶隔震支座模型基础上,本文提出一种考虑轴向荷载效应的新模型。

英文句子26:,26、Why are some amino acids assigned six codons , whereas others have just one or two?为何有些胺基酸可由六种密码子指定,有些只由一种或两种密码子指定?

27、CEG student management model, which takes the difference coordination mechanism, the reality explanation mechanism, the conflict guidance mechanism as the basic contents, is a news.“CEG”学生管理机制以上述三种差异为基本依据,以差异协调机制、现实解释机制、冲突引导机制为基本内容,是一种新型的学生管理机制。

28、Early in the writing process, six of the samurai were conceptualized, all loosely based on historic figures.在写剧本时,黑泽明已经想好了六个武士,这六个武士的原型都是历史人物。

29、According to what I have seen, food consumption can be divided into six types.依我所见,餐饮消费可分为六种类型。

30、If I have three, I have 那如果是三个碱基一组,那就有16x4种,六十四种组合,那就足够了

16 x

4 or 64 possible choices, way more than enough.

31、It avoids using high cost hexamethyldisilazeme in refining 5-methoxy tryptamine.甲氧基色胺精制中避免了高成本六甲基二硅胺的使用;

32、I'd only have 如果两个碱基一组那一共只有十六种组合,不够和二十种氨基酸来一一对应

16 possible two base sequences, that's not enough to specify over

20 amino acids.

33、The reason is that all life on Earth is made of six components: Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.理由是,地球上所有的生物都由六种基本元素构成:碳、氢、氮、氧、磷和硫。

34、Six basic structural styles are created in accordance with the principles of meaning orientation and organizing the structure according to the unity and coherence of the context.为了理顺各篇的基本理则,又根据以意为主、以理定形的原则进行部署,创造了六种基本的结构样式。

35、Teams may need both types of action - a book, which provides a nice model for differentiating between types of action, is Edward De Bono's "Six Action Shoes"[4].团队应该需要两种类型的行动,有本书提供了好的模式,用以区分行动的类型,它是Edward De Bono所著的“六双行动鞋”[4]。

36、For the basic contents of the bidding document, see the requirements in Chapter VI and Chapter VII.投标文件基本内容见第六章、第七章要求。

37、For most people with three children under six, that death sentence would have killed all optimism.家中还有3个不到xx岁的孩子,而自己却被宣告了死期,这种情况下基本上没人能够乐观起来。

38、But those were Ju-52, which supplied the encircled 6th Army, it was easy to shoot them down.但那些基本都是向被包围的第六集团军空运补给的JU-52,那种飞机很容易被击落。

39、A rectangular waveguide type Six-port reflectometer worked in 8-12 GHz and coutrolled with a microcomputeris presented.本文介绍一种用矩形波导型六端口反射计快速测量材料介质特性参数的测试系统。

40、In Chapter One , some general information of the research is introduced.本研究包括六章,第一章介绍了本研究的基本情况。

41、Based on the liquid crystalline polymer theory, a kind of polyacrylate was synthesized by choosing biphenyl group as rigid nucleus of mesogenic unit and hexylidene as flexible spacing group.依据液晶分子结构理论,选择联苯基作为介晶基元,六亚甲基为柔性间隔基,合成了一种丙烯酸酯侧链型液晶高分子。

42、Based on the motion vector distribution characteristics of real video sequences, a new cross-hexagon search algorithm (NHEXS) is proposed.本文基于现实视频序列中运动向量的分布特征,提出了一种十字交叉六边形搜索算法(NHEXS)。

43、Herein, a series of diiron dithiolate complexes were synthesized as the structural and functional models of the Fe-only hydrogenase active site.本论文主要合成了一系列唯铁氢化酶活性中心六羰基二铁二硫模型配合物并考察其结构特性。

44、The gallstones are correlatively divided into 提出相应地将胆结石分为六种类型;如果根据是否含钙,则分为胆固醇和钙盐型两种类型。

6 genera of gallstones or

2 genera-cholesterol and calcium salt gallstones according to whether containing calcium salt.

45、A series of novel chrome-free tanning agents were synthesized from urea, glyoxal, glycine and melamine.合成了六种新型的同系列的无铬鞣剂;

46、In this study, six different groups of LEA genes were cloned from DAF 40-45d soybean (Bainong 本研究从开花40~45天大豆(白农6号)种子中扩增出六个大豆LEA基因。


47、Based on ternary D - type flip-flop , a low - power ternary clock - gating D - type flip-flop is proposed.本文在三值D型触发器的基础上提出了一种低功耗三值门控时钟D型触发器的设计。

48、He taught thousands of students during his lifetime, focusing on what he termed the Six Arts; these include music, archery, mathematics, ritual, chariot-riding and calligraphy.一生中,门下有过数以千计的学生。 他的教学重点在于“六艺”(小编注:要求学生掌握的六种基本才能),包括:礼、乐、射、御、书、数。

49、He did that sort of thing; it's called the Hexapla because it had six columns of the Old Testament.他这种方法叫六国对译书比较,因为他有六排的旧约版本。

50、Official and private singers and dancers are the two chief types.官伎与家伎,是六朝倡伎的两种主要类型。

经典英文句子51:六种基本句型,51、The major ESBLs encoding gene is CTX-M-type, and some strains carrying two or more than two types of drug resistance genes.基因型以CTX-M型为主,有些菌株同时携带两种或两种以上耐药基因;

52、The utility model relates to a hexagonal junction box for a cold blender, comprising a body, wherein one end of the said body is provided with a hexagonal bore, and the other end a cylindrical hole.本实用新型涉及冷弯机六角连轴器,包括本体,所述本体的一端设有内

六 角形孔,另一端设有圆柱孔。

53、The chromogenic reaction of magnesium with phenylfuorone in the presence of cetylpyridinium bromide has been investigated.本文研究了在溴化十六烷基吡啶存在下苯基荧光酮与镁的显色反应。

54、Hexagonal ice crystal are the basic form of the particles in cirrus.六角柱冰晶是卷云中粒子的基本形态。

55、Cetane index and cetane value are almost same when boiling point increases from 150℃ to 300℃.十六烷值随馏程增加而升高,当油品的沸点在150~300℃时,十六烷指数与十六烷值基本一致;

56、We have produced six types' machines in accordance with the lengths of each enterprise's props, each type indicating the maximum length of single hydraulic props that machine can disassemble.本厂生产的支柱拆柱机,根据各企业的支柱长度,主要有六种型号,每一种型号就表示拆柱机能拆解的单体液压支柱的最大长度。

57、The top of this new type breakwater can be used as a passageway while remaining the basic advantages of the semi-circle breakwater.这种新型防波堤的堤顶可用作通道,但同时保留了半圆型防波堤的基本优点。

58、"Traditional Marriage Rituals" has been the base of Chinese traditional marriage;《三书六礼》是中国传统婚嫁的基本;



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