关于”很优美“的英语句子30个,句子主体:very beautiful。以下是关于很优美的托福英语句子。
英文句子模板1:very beautiful
1、An end, he reached the stage, he said, is a beautiful melody, especially sounds very soft and rounded, but also in music deal with some of the problems.
2、According to primary results from cloudage observation and seeing measurement by using the DIMM, Gaomeigu is a potential good site for astronomical use.
3、Designers are like cats, sensitive and elegant;
4、To say nothing of delicate pastel shades combined with silver, so needed to get that much-sought effect on special occasions.
5、This approach has obvious merits.
6、It is a graceful, ballet-like dance, using hopping, sliding, skipping and toe pointing.
7、Many people have enjoyed maccha in the form of green tea ice cream--maccha lends itself beautifully to cream-based desserts.
自我表现的优势 :功能优势通常很快被模仿了;但是像丰田普锐斯推行的自我表现优势是很难被模仿的。
8、Self-expressive benefits. Functional benefits are often quickly copied; it is much harder to copy self-expressive benefit such as those offered by Prius.
9、Its beauty in elegant demeanor performance. Beautiful and not proud, doors is lightsome and not to and natural. This is to let people very hard to do.
10、It's easy to look at great designs and think, "That doesn't look like much." But in reality, a great design takes a good deal of time (especially for new designers).
因此,本 发明的船用板材更薄更轻,具有很好的强度或耐用性,并且表现出优异的隔音 效果,同时审美价值也很高。
11、Therefore, the inventive marine panel is thin and lightweight, has excellent strength or endurance, and exhibits a superior sound insulating effect with high esthetical value.
我们正在湖南省和玲玲的叔叔度假,我们在优美的历史风景区- 武林园玩得很开心。
12、We're spending some time off with Lingling's uncle in Hunan Province, and I'm having wonderful time here in Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area.
13、Silent, but so clean and elegant.
美夏创立于xx年,从事向中国市场进口、经销及推广世界上很多优质的 葡萄酒。
14、Passionate about wine, professional about service Summergate was established in 1999 to import, distribute and market some of the world's greatest wines to the Chinese market.
15、These cultivarsare qualities of high yield, high quality, good beneficial and high content of essential oil, have strong export competition ability compared with the same kinds products.
16、The painting is beautiful. If you can put some ornament here, that could be makeing the finishing point.
17、it is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom。
18、Her voice just like the crystal-clear water of the river, so beautiful. It would be great of her voice with a graceful melody.
HTML5 视频有很多优势。
19、HTML5 video has many benefits.
20、Alberta is a most popular place for people to go to on their vacations because of its beautiful scenery.
21、For the moment, the swans were swimming, which is their principal talent, and they were superb.这时天鹅正在游泳,这是它们的专长,游的姿态很优美。
22、To make things worse, when they decide to give up and go home, they found they had forgotten their own way of walking.其他地方人都很羡慕这一点,他们认为邯郸人的走路姿势是天底下最优美的。
23、Copying their movements, I became nearly as graceful, and we walked so quietly that I could hear the snowfall over the sound of our footsteps.我学着他们,动作变得优美起来,我们走得很轻,能听见盖过我们脚步声的落雪声。
24、The restatement will put Fannie well below its regulatory capital requirements, which is why the company quickly sold $5 billion of preferred stock.重制报账使房利美远不能符合法定资本要求,因此公司很快卖掉了价值50亿美元的优先股。
25、Design leading-fishing folder of music instruments, her sweetest, beautiful, can be very good voice and can inhibit the background noise.设计有领夹垂钓式的音乐仪器,音色清脆、优美,能很好的获得声音并能抑制后台的噪音。
英文句子26:,26、We've come a long way from the basic features of 1985 to the 3D graphics and touchscreen polish of 2010.从xx年的基本功能到xx年的3D图像和优美的触摸屏,我们走过了一段很长的路。
27、For many students, the beautiful and peaceful natural surroundings of the City enhanced the experiences of the workshop.对很多学生来说,万佛城平静, 优美的自然环境,增强了这个工作坊的经验。
28、It was beautiful and so we dared to publish it, believing that all those experiments must be wrong.这个理论很优美,所以我们敢于出版它,并坚信那些实验是错的。 事实上,他们全是错的。
29、you have so much variety from the mountains in Yosemite to all the coastline,你会看到很多不同的景色,从优胜美地的山,到整个海岸线,
30、Water work-outs offer great advantages.水上锻炼有很多优势。
31、 10当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt。
32、Ali is tall and slender with white skin, long-black hair and an blue-frame glasses. she looks beautiful and graceful.阿丽身才很高很苗条白皮肤,长黑的头发带着蓝框眼镜。她长得美丽优雅。
33、Usually choose a beautiful gesture, leaves small evergreen, anemic growth, long service life, strong adaptability of plants.通常选用姿态优美,叶小常绿,生长不旺,寿命很长,适应性强的植物。
34、They’re found predominantly in Asia and Africa, but are gaining popularity in North America.它们在亚洲和非洲很占优势,但也正在北美逐渐流行起来。
35、Yes, I like the old styles of dance, such as the waltz, rumba and so on. They are quite graceful.是的,我喜欢跳老式舞,比如说华尔兹、伦巴等等。这些舞都很优美。
36、If you are a gun loving lib-hawk you should know that China will soon have the edge on us militarily¬. I am not dreaming.如果你是军迷和文献查找狂,你就应该知道中国会很快对美军享有优势。
37、China has many advantages. But it also has some disadvantages.中国有很多优势,但也有很多劣势。
38、Someone might say the kitties are cute, smart and even elegant.有些人也许会说它们很乖,很聪明甚至很优雅。
39、Summergate was established in 1999 to import, distribute market some of the world's greatest wines to the Chinese market.美夏创立于xx年,从事向中国市场进口、经销及推广世界上很多优质的葡萄酒。
40、Beautiful relaxing melodies with ocean sounds and dolphin songs in the background. The perfect gift for someone you love - including yourself!背景为海洋声与海豚之歌的优美放松旋律,这是给所爱的人很棒的礼物-包括你自己。
41、E-bike have superiorly.电动自行车有很多优点。
42、I suppose it was a good figure in the athletic sense of the term — broad-chested and thin flanked, though neither tall nor graceful.我想从运动员的角度看,他胸宽腰细,身材很好,尽管既不高大,也不优美。
43、There are many things that were lovely about the weekend — we were together as a family, the setting was beautiful, the food was excellent, and my cell phone didn't get reception.我们关于那个周末有很多美好的记忆——那里景优食美;而且我也没有接听手机。
44、As for the rest, he is perfect and his qualities are strength and explosiveness .至于其他方面,他很完美,他的优势在于他的力量和爆发力。
45、The balcony of my house a variety of beautiful species of flowers, the family feel very comfortable feeling.我家的阳台上种了林林总总优美的花卉,令百口人都以为心境很酣畅。
46、Many scenic spots in China with mountains, waters, flowers, grass and pavilions, tower Buildings and terraces have Beautiful colours unparalleled.中国很多风景区,山水花草、亭台楼阁色彩优美无比。
47、As shown above, very clever design of mechanical power, and modeling is also called beautiful.如上图,很巧妙的机械动力设计,而且造型也堪称优美。
48、Mendes and cinematographer Conrad L. Hall add some wonderful camera work, especially when it comes to close-ups. In most films, we rarely notice this kind of shot because it is used indiscriminately.导演和摄影赋予影片特写镜头很多优美的景象,在很多影片中这是很难见到的,因为这种表现手法在许多影片中被滥用了。
49、You are great and capable of achieving great things so believe in yourself. When things go badly never stop believing .你很优秀,也有能力获得美好的前程,因此要相信自己。身处逆境的时候也绝不放弃。
50、The proportion of Pagoda shaped jars is harmonious, it is tall and exquisite, type is various and full of many art.塔形罐比例协调,颀长优美,种类多样,艺术性很强。
经典英文句子51:很优美,51、People in other places admired them very much. They thought the Handanners' way of walking was the best under the heaven.其他地方人都很羡慕这一点,他们认为邯郸人的走路姿势是天底下最优美的。
52、Fir living in Xinjiang is an ornamental tree species, with graceful crown of a tree, straight trunk, needle leave and long elliptic fruit.其中,新疆冷杉是一种很好的观赏树种,它的冠形优美,树干通直,针叶翠绿,果实呈椭圆形。
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