外派的英语是" Assignment",在日常中也可以翻译为"send somebody to units or organizations in other areas or to a foreign country",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到21个与外派相关的翻译和例句。
1. Assignment
外派翻译为 Assignment 。
示例:自xx年以来,日本再也没有向海外派遣过军事人员。 Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
2. send somebody to units or organizations in other areas or to a foreign country
外派翻译为send somebody to units or organizations in other areas or to a foreign country。
示例:很多公司都会外派经理人从发达国家到新兴市场。 Lots of companies send managers from developed economies to emerging ones.
1. expatriate assignment(外派)
2. exonymy( 外派)
3. outshet( 外派)
4. outshop( 外派)
5. outshops( 外派)
英语短语&俚语, Expatriate ( 外派雇员 )
assignment allowance ( 外派津贴 劳经 )
seafarer export overseas seaman employment ( 海员外派 )
foreign escorted tour ( 国外派导游的旅游团 )
YANG FAN Program ( 海外派遣 )
Intra Company Transfers Intra-Company Transfer Route ( 企业外派员工签证 )
Expat Experience ( 外派体验 )
1. ¿Rescues sometimes people at sea?
2. investigating in deep water will be the work of ALViN a two-man submersible on loan from Woods Hole Oceanographic institute.
译文:深海搜寻将由伍德豪尔中心 外派的两名潜水专家负责。
3. RyneLab's global outreach sends researchers around the world to sites of epidemics...
译文:Ryne实验室将人员外派到世界各地的 传染病疫区...。
4. ...and learned the identities of all our field agents.
5. Field-agent test results are due.
6. The domestic quandaries of employees may seem a far cry from the commercial imperative to internationalise.
7. They are a group of expatriates who share similar living conditions.
译文:他们是一群生活条件相似的,长期居住海外的外派人员。 。
8. Founded in 2005, our main business is crewing members for recruitment, training, management and assignment.
译文:公司始建于xx年,以船员招募、培训、管理及外派为主营业务。 。
9. i'll assign someone else to this case.
译文:这件案子我另外派人去查 遵命。
10. Were having a cookout over at Mark's place.
译文:我们要在马克家办一个户外派对。 。
11. Send another probe at once!
12. And you put a security detail outside her house.
译文:那部分文件吗? 你在她屋外派了安保人员。
13. Your field-agent test results just came in and...
14. Percy probably loaned him out to CiA on select missions.
译文:珀西可能把他外派到 中情局做过任务。
15. When an agent goes down in the field, i jump right up and pay a visit.
译文:当有探员外派执行任务时 我要跟进并到当地查访。
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