关于”简单句的五种基本句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Simple Sentences。以下是关于简单句的五种基本句型的雅思英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Simple Sentences
1、Based on the work of monolingual chunk, we proposed two models to extract bilingual chunk: Statistically-based model and Word Alignment-based model.
2、In this short post, I will tell you about the first three tools which I use every day.
3、SUS2 and SUS3 are not redundant genes since single knockouts show a phenotype in developing seeds.
4、We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.
5、Our article simply introduces the clinical feature and epidemiology of TPP, and reports the possible correlative predisposing genes of TPP.
6、This is more like a “Maybe” than a straight out “No”.
由于它只占用很少的内存,并提供了简单的开发方法,因此成为了开发和运行 Web 应用程序的最快速、最简单的方法之
7、Because of it's small footprint and easy deployment methods, it is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get a Web application up and running -- literally in minutes.
一 —— 基本上只需要几分钟的时间。
8、The aim of this article is to give a brief introduction of SFBT including its background, its basic assumption, its application and limitation.
本文提供两种方法:一种方法是使用 PHP,这种方法比较简单;另一种更详尽的方法是使用 Python,这种方法使用适当的模块。
9、This article provides two methods of doing so: a plain way with PHP, and a more elaborate way, using appropriate modules, with Python.
10、Aimed to implement total order multicast properly in the overlapped groups, a novel total order multicast protocol is presented.
11、The article introduces method to simplify Simulink model combining with a simulation model of base-wave through long-transmit lines.
12、The article introduces the exploitation of the antistatic fabric used in light conveyer and the problems must be noticed in twisting and weaving.
13、This book contains
9 books in Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
14、From the most basic image editing to more complex projects, GIMP handles just about anything I throw at it.
15、So, for the sake of simplification, when it says "Engi. or Engies", it refers to all those three base capturing units.
一句话: 尽管西安新厂被放行,但比亚迪需要在基本面上下更多苦功夫才能回归高增长轨道。
16、Bottom line : Despite a positive step in its stalled Shaanxi mega-plant, BYD needs to focus on basics to restart its growth trajectory.
17、The annual and biennial herbs and xerophytes were dominant in every degraded stage of grassland, and played important roles in maintaining stability and ecological function of the community.
18、However, anyone who adopts this model can tell you that it is not straightforward, and it requires proper governance and infrastructure support.
19、You'll know what you lack after learning. You'll know what you are confused with after teaching. …
20、Three rules are put forward for simplifying the DCPM problem based on the first decision network, and a new integer programming model is developed for solving the problem.
21、In other words, the Changi Airport flight services per week, five times in each trip provided by the low-cost aviation.换句话说,樟宜机场每星期的航班服务,每五趟中有一趟由廉价航空提供。
22、A hybrid model of HMM and RBF neural network is presented to reconstruct the ionic single channel current under white background noise.本文提出了一种隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)和径向基函数(RBF)神经网络相结合的混合模型,用于白噪声背景下细胞膜离子单通道电流的统计重构。
23、The basic model in the streaming environment is composed of two basic facies units:one is the main flow phase and the other is subordinate flow phase.建立起陆相碎屑岩储层基本地质模式,这种模式由水道相和非水道相两种基本相单元构成。
24、Only one cloudy sky photo have been taken as I didn't have time taking photos.今天未有时间影相,单是粗略地观赏展品已花了三句半小时。
25、For single-phase circuit, three directive-current detecting methods are presented in this thesis.本文研究了一种基于单电流检测的改进的控制方法。
英文句子26:,26、Or, in other words, a weakness is any activity that depletes you.或者,用另一句话来说,弱点是任何一种会削弱你的行为。
27、The basic unit of heredity;是构成遗传的基本单位;
28、To speak the truth, I myself was a non-believer at one time.说句实话,我也在一段时间不相信这种禅法。
29、These calculations also indicate that the dimer structure is a reasonable model for the associated molecules of methane- sulfonic acid in the liquid phase.对单体和二聚体的甲基磺酸进行了简正坐标计算,结果表明二聚体结构是液态甲基磺酸聚积态分子的合理模型。
30、In the Basic concepts and terminology section, you learned that Rational architecture management software offers two ways to partition the physical persistence of UML models: model/LUs and Fragments.在 基本概念和术语一节 中,您学习到 Rational 架构管理软件提供两种方式划分 UML 模型的物理持续性:模型/逻辑单元和片断。
31、Habitat simplification, species loss and species succession often enhance communities vulnerabilities as a function of environmental receptivity to ill health.人居环境类型简单化,物种丧失和物种演替往往加剧了社区在环境受纳能力方面对健康不良的脆弱性。
32、A new gravity-flow meter under controlling of a single chip computer is introduced.本文介绍了单片机控制下的一种新型重量式流量计。
33、The utility model relates to a single air chamber double loop pressure braking device.本实用新型为一种单气室双回路气压制动装置。
34、Some basic knowledge about QCD is introduced at first, such as the chiral symmetry and the large N(C) expansion in QCD.首先简单介绍了QCD的一些基本知识,例如QCD的手征对称性及QCD的大N(C)展开等。
35、Introduce the wild animals in Hei longjiang ?简介黑龙江省野生动物的基本状况?
36、You may use my auto as long as you can return it to me before the coming Friday.条件状语从句如果你能在下礼拜五之前还给我的话,就可以用我的汽车。
37、Three-terminal spintronic devices, i. e. , spin transistors, are also reviewed with the focus on the basic physical principles for these pure research devices at present.自旋晶体管作为未来磁电子学或自旋电子学时代的基本元素,目前大都还处在概念型阶段,本文也将对几种自旋晶体管的大致原理作简要介绍。
38、A method to derive unit hydrographs for sub-areas of distributed model based on area-time relation was proposed.为了分析分布或半分布式水文模型计算单元的单位线,提出了一种基于面积-时间关系的单位线分析方法。
39、A kind of novel mesomorphic monomer 以4,4' - 二羟基联苯为基础合成了一种新型介晶单体
4 - benzyloxyl biphenyl methacrylate and its homopolymer were synthesized with
4 - hydroxy - 4' - benzyloxyl biphenyl as reactant.
4 - 甲基丙烯酸- 4' - 苄氧基联苯酯及它的均聚物。
40、A new approach based on rough sets, that we call it the improved quick reduction(IQR) algorithm, was proposed.将属性约简和文本分类的特点相结合,提出了一种基于粗糙集的特征选择算法即改进的快速约简算法。
41、A framework to estimate the effective static wind load distribution for the single-layer reticulated shells based on wind tunnel tests is introduced.首先简单回顾了目前单层网壳抗风分析的方法,并介绍了一种基于风洞试验的有效风荷载分布估计方案。
42、Simplicity is a basic principle of UI design.简洁 是界面设计的一条基本准则。
43、Web Services Business Process Execution Language, version Web服务业务过程执行语言,版本2(WS-BPEL
2.0 (WS-BPEL
2.0 or
44、Conventionally, drivers assign their device objects a name by concatenating a string naming their device type ("Simple" in this code fragment) with a 0-based integer denoting an instance of that type.通常,驱动赋给它们的设备类型(在这个代码片段中的“简单”)一个名称是通过:串联一个用0基准整数来命名它们的设备类型的串来指示一个那个种类的实例。
45、In other words, it's a very natural urge; of course, so is burping, but most men are able to restrain their sonorous belches around the ladies.换句话说,这其实是一种自然本能。 当然,就像大部分男人都会在周围有女性时憋住打嗝一样,他们也会抑制这种本能。
46、The rosin-based polyglucoside is one kind of alkyl polyglucoside(APG).松香基葡萄糖苷为烷基糖苷(简称APG)的一种。
47、The process neural networks (PNNs) are networks that adapt to the process of signal input, whose elementary unit is the process neuron (PN), an emerging neuron model.过程神经元网络是一种适合于处理过程式信号输入的网络,其基本单元是过程神经元-一种新的神经元模型。
48、Three types of gas distributor were used in this study.本研究使用单孔板、多孔板、烧结金属板三种气体分布器类型。
49、The complexity and difficulty in proving equation or inequation are reduced effectively through establishing suitable probability models.通过构造适当的概率模型使得一些原本很难证明的等式或不等式的证明变得简单而容易。
50、In a short version, the big difference between those two versions is that they exhibits different translation feature: Ku's version is comparatively easy to understand, while Legge's scholarly.简单说来,两译本的差别在于其不同的译本特色:辜译相对而言较容易理解,而Legge译则为学者型。
经典英文句子51:简单句的五种基本句型,51、We proposed an improved 3D caricaturing method based on Sparse Morphable Model. It is much faster and only requires a single image.本文提出了一种基于稀疏形变模型的三维卡通人脸生成方法,提高了计算速度,且只需要单幅正面人脸照片。
52、This article proposes a quick sort method based on the machine code of floating point numbers, which can sort the floating point numbers distributed at random.本文提出一种可对任意分布的浮点数进行排序的快速排序方法,它基于浮点数的机内编码,具有速度快、实现简单、实用的特点。
53、Tags essentially consist of a plain antenna bonded to a silicon chip and encapsulated inside a glass or plastic module.标签基本上是在一块矽晶片上加装简单的天线,然后以玻璃或塑胶组件封装。
54、OAT has two menu links: admin-based menu links and user-based menu links.OAT 有两种菜单链接:基于管理的菜单链接和基于用户的菜单链接。
55、I literally have a physical reaction when people tell me this.每当有人对我说这句话,我都会产生某种生理反应。
56、Consider that last sentence: “Indeed, tighter, punchier prose will improve the quality of your exposition.”看刚才最后一句话:“精简有力的文章确实能够提高表达能力(Indeed, tighter, punchier prose will improve the quality of your exposition)”。
57、The Basic Law Unit of the Legal Policy Division is responsible for the editorial work of the Bulletin.法律政策科基本法组负责《 基本法简讯》的编纂校订工作。
58、He's claiming only that it is available and can be adduced from what we call "evidence" in the same way that the symbolic interpretation, based on the rhetorical question, is available and can be adduced from evidence -and that these two viewpoints are irreducible.他只是声称这是一种可能,而且可以从,我们所说的“证据“之中引证得到,同样的,基于修辞型问句之上的象征性诠释,也是一种可能,也能够引证,而且,这两种观点是不可削减的。
59、The fifth part will advance that Auto partially played limit role by comparing the western society with the Mordern China.在第五部分,本文通过西方和近代中国社会的简单比较,分析了汽车在近代中国社会只能发挥有限作用的原因。
60、Second, that choice of Web frameworks -- in particular, those that embrace Ajax -- makes this type of work a breeze.第二,选择使用 Web 框架 —— 特别是那些包含 Ajax 的框架 —— 可以使这种类型的工作相当简单。
61、In the second chapter, at the base of the theory of the BOT, this article explains the reason why we choose the BOT Project Finance in the apartment for the gray-headed .本文第二章在简单介绍BOT项目融资基本理论的基础上,解释了采用BOT项目融资方式建设老年公寓的动因。
62、With microwave technology, microelement amino acid chelates can be rapidly synthesized, which has no pollution and low cost.而利用微波技术,可以快速合成微量元素氨基酸螯合物,工艺简单、无污染、成本低。
标签: 简单
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