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关于”表达母爱“的英语句子51个,句子主体:express maternal love。以下是关于表达母爱的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:express maternal love


1、I wept over the page representing my Grandma's recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me -- whom she used to diaper!


2、These plasmids can be used in the study of foreign gene expression in yeast.


3、Objective: To study the expression and clinical significance of ERBB-2 in medulloblastoma(MB) of children.


4、Although 74.6 percent of participants said they knew their mothers' birthday, only 25.5 percent would like to actually tell her "I love you".


5、Both proteins are then expressed in yeast cells that have a reporter gene .


6、Conclusion There was the expression of HBV in the cerebral tissue of the dead fetus by maternal-fetal transmission.


7、In our research, gene expression data of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is applied to construct regulatory network.


8、Objective To generate recombinant human tissue factor pathway inhibitor(TFPI)in Pichia pastoris.


9、Objective To Screen the various expression of apoptosis related genes between glioblastomas and normal brain tissue with cDNA microarray.

比较好。) 他的母亲安杰拉是一位瘦削的美人,她宠爱他,食物是她传达爱意的媒介。

10、His mother, Angela, was an angular beauty who doted on him, and the medium of her love was food.


11、I love life, art, photography and expressing my thoughts through writing more than anything.


12、"In a country with a deeply-rooted tradition of filial piety, we should have our own occasion for people to express love for mothers according to Chinese custom, " Li said.


13、Sunny daisies bring cheer and help express our happiness on Mother's Day.


14、We ultimately wanna be able to express letters Gmail and actually implement text on the screen.


15、Objective To construct saccharomyces cerevisiae expression vector with GFP as report gene.

数据库中包括转座以后表型的改变, 基因表达和酵母 基因组水平蛋白的定位等数据。

16、The database contains the information on disruption phenotypes, gene expression, and protein localization on a genome-wide scale in Saccharomyces.


17、Body alphabet.


18、Mother of Invention: Computer scientist Maja Mataric's humanoids are capable of expressive gestures and facial expressions. John B. Carnett


19、Dactylology:The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas, as in the manual alphabet used by hearing-impaired and speech-impaired people.


20、Parents had a whip round and Mary was presented with a watch and Linda a silver bracelet.

21、I'm in love with JudasJudas!我爱上了朱达斯 朱达斯!

22、Conclusion: There is a lower expression of E cadherin in nephroblastoma.结论:肾母细胞瘤中钙粘蛋白E表达降低。

23、"In a country with a deeply-rooted tradition of filial piety, we should have our own occasion for people to express love for mothers according to Chinese custom," Li said.李委员说:“孝顺是中国根深蒂固的传统美德,我们应该拥有自己的向母亲表达爱的习惯和方式。”

24、Expression and Clinical Significance of Folate Receptor in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Laryngeal Cancer;目的 探讨视黄酸受体基因在人胚肾上腺和神经母细胞瘤中表达的意义。

25、Objective To investigate the relationship between immunoreaction of histologic subtype and prognosis in hepatoblastoma of children.目的探讨肝母细胞瘤各组织类型的免疫表达和预后的关系。

英文句子26:,26、He lived with his uncle, together with his good-hearted aunt, an antagonistic cousin brother, and a lovely cousin sister.他住在舅舅的家,家里还有仁慈的舅母、死对头表哥和可爱的表妹。

27、Objective To observe the characteristics of gene expression in the hyphal cells of Candida albicans.目的构建菌丝相白假丝酵母菌长片段基因表达系列分析文库并探讨其基因表达特点。

28、Note: Different letters within the same column indicate significant difference at 5% level The same below. .嚁: 同列数值不同字母表示差异达5%显著水平。以下各表相同。 注。

29、This week Jennie L. McCormack, a 32-year-old mother of three from eastern Idaho, was arrested for self-inducing an abortion.本周,爱达荷州东部的一名三个孩子母亲Jennie L. McCormack因为自行堕胎而遭逮捕。

30、Jing-mei's performance doesn't come up with her mother's expectations, so she becomes more and more unconfident .菁妹的表现达不到她母亲的期望,所以她变得越来越没自信。

31、One tradition says that if you twist the stem of an apple, assigning a letter of the alphabet to each turn, the stem will break off when you've reached the initial of someone who loves you.有一个传说是,如果你扭动苹果的梗,每扭动一次代表字母表顺序上的一个字母,在扭动到爱着你的人名字的首字母时,苹果梗就会断掉。

32、Conclusion PMA can induce CD133 expression in human retinoblastoma cell line Y79.结论PMA能够诱导人视网膜神经母细胞瘤Y79细胞株CD133蛋白表达增加。

33、First, the expression must match all letters that need to be capitalized首先,表达式必须匹配所有需要大写的字母。

34、While we all know we should tell our mothers how much we love her every week, sometimes our day to day routine can make us forget.尽管我们都知道应该每周都向母亲表达我们有多爱她,但有时日复xx日的工作就会让我们忘记这一点。

35、When her home planet Chalacta initially protested the Military Creation Act, there were media reports that Labooda and Billaba supported this protest.当她的母星查拉克塔一开始反对建军法案时,有媒体报道拉布达和比拉巴对母星表示支持。

36、Many recombinant hydroxynitrile lyases have been expressed in Escherichia coli, Saccharoinyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris.许多重组醇腈酶业已在大肠杆菌,啤酒酵母和甲醇酵母中成功表达。

37、The scFv P1D3 was induced to express in yeast by methanol.经甲醇诱导,P1D3在酵母中获得分泌表达。

38、Objective To express severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) virus S2 protein in Pichia pastoris.目的研究用毕赤酵母菌表达SARS病毒S2蛋白亚单位。

39、Rise to accept in the expression of the love, in order not to let the love in the parents of the unseen decided to develop secret, love really love rose so no objections.上升接受爱嘉的表白后,为了不让爱嘉的父母察觉而决定发展地下情,爱嘉真心爱着上升故没有提出反对。 。

40、Enzyme activities were represented by the concentration ratio of metabolites to probe drugs.用代谢产物与母药比值来表达酶的活性。

41、Took it out of the virus completely, cloned it into a plasmid, that plasmid was expressed in a foreign host, in this case it was expressed in yeast cells.将基因从病毒中完全提取出来,并克隆制成质粒,该质粒在外来宿主中表达,此例中质粒在酵母细胞中表达

42、However, since this day has been set aside to honor mothers, then take some extra time to make it special for your Mom.相反,既然有这样的日子用来表达对母亲的尊敬,那就多花点时间心思让母亲觉得有意义吧。

43、And metabolic tests show that its metabolic rate of protein is up to 83.53%.代谢试验表明饲料酵母蛋白质代谢率达83.53%,接近于进口鱼粉;

44、Objective:To express ancrod, a snake venom thrombin-like enzyme, in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris.目的:利用毕赤酵母表达具有生物学活性的蛇毒类凝血酶安克洛。

45、比较好。) 他的母亲安杰拉是一位瘦削的美人,她宠爱他,食物是她传达爱意的媒介。His mother, Angela, was an angular beauty who doted on him, and the medium of her love was food.

46、One eof the most representative is he fang town with cosette, mother and daughter of love.其中最具代表性的就是他对芳町与珂赛特母女的关爱。

47、He represents Cambridge University, the alma mater, where Edward King and John Milton had been students.他代表剑桥大学,爱德华·金和约翰·弥尔顿的母校。

48、Darwin’s mother, who died in 1817, was a Wedgwood; he himself married Emma Wedgwood, his first cousin.达尔文的母亲就来自于威基伍家族,她死于xx年。 达尔文自己娶了艾玛·威基伍,他的嫡亲表姐妹。

49、They may be dependent, first on parents and later on spouses.他们向外表达自己的心以及可能依赖他人,先靠父母,后靠配偶。

50、All these evidences showed that SAP6 gene cloned in this study indeed encoded the acid protease.这是关于美奇酵母属酸性蛋白酶基因克隆和表达的首次研究报导。

经典英文句子51:表达母爱,51、The recombination EgB can be used for the expression of specific protein in yeast.此重组体可在酵母中进一步表达特异性蛋白。

52、AIM: To investigate the expression of PTEN protein in retinoblastoma and its clinical significance.目的:探讨PTEN蛋白在视网膜母细胞瘤组织中的表达及临床意义。

53、Conclusion KDR was expressed in most of the medulloblastomas, not only in the endothelial cells of tumor vasculature, but also in tumor cells.结论KDR不仅在髓母细胞瘤血管内皮细胞中有表达,在肿瘤细胞中也有表达;

54、Looking for a tried-and-true method for declaring your love? Consider these classic romance tips寻找一个真实可靠的方法为向你的恋人表达爱?

55、The syndrome is marked by a reduction of maternally expressed proteins in a small section of chromosome 该病症以母方表达的15号染色体的一个小片断里的蛋白质减少为特点,15号染色体父方通常是印迹的(不表达)。

15, which is also usually paternally imprinted.

56、The letter A is commonly used for austenite, F for ferrite, G for graphite.通常用字母A表示奥氏体,字母F表示铁素体,字母G表示石墨。

57、Origami can represent precision, delicacy, imagination and attention to detail whilst also suggesting shapes, objects, animals and letters.折纸能细腻表达准确、精美、想象与专注,同时又可表示形状、对象、动物和字母。

58、For example, the mother of the plot in the day, with many young people to wear pink to show their mother's love and respect.例如,在母情节那天,许多年轻人佩戴带石竹花以表示对自己母亲的爱和尊敬…


标签: 英文 母爱

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