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1、This is a well-illustrated textbook.


2、A fantasy that has the beauty and delicacy of the web itself.


3、In effect since January

2, the tariff on refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein has been revised downwards by $24 a tonne to $421 a tonne.


4、Trademark printing beautifully, the color accuracy, trimming even.

波本威士忌, 干味美思, 苦精。

5、Bourbon whiskey, dry vermouth, bitters.


6、Their products are attractively repackaged.


7、The clothes she weaves, and dyes are very exquisite.


8、The entire shoe-like boat-shaped, delicate work.


9、Here, delicate of artifacts and magnificent of modern performing arts mix perfectly.


10、Street Racing Simulator - the present simulator of…


11、This dictionary is magnificently printed and tastefully appareled.


12、Her dress had got a fine lace train.

问题 #3:太多的精美图片了

13、Problem #3: Too many pretty pictures


14、Ingredients: Snow lotus, gingko, lily whitening essence, wheat germ oil, VC, etc.


15、It was prettily engraved with flowers on the back.


16、Nights accommodation at Selected Hotel with daily breakfast.


17、Generally, the language of this school is often polished and refined; and the delicate wording style needs to be preserved to reproduce the beauty in realm (sense).


18、Fine & Food Street on Shanghai Road main is the characteristic street composed of catering and food, fine clothing, shoes, cosmetics, leather goods, home appliances, etc.


19、Like you, such as the wizard-like sweet laughter;


20、Beautiful and delicacy glass-yarn lace, welcome to inquiry.

21、Elegant Sterling Silver Rhodium Plated Chain with White Pearl Pendent.精美纯银镀铑珍珠吊咀鍊项。

22、There is an exquisite fresco on that porch.抱厦上绘有精美的壁画。

23、a hardcover book "Longhorn" worth $240;and a $149 sweater.还有一本价值240美元的精装书《长角牛》和一件149美元的毛线衣。

24、The food was good,but he had little appetite.食物很精美,但他却没什么胃口.

25、Main Compositions: whitening compound rose essence, shea butter, sorbus essence.主要成份:美白复合物、玫瑰精华、乳木果油、山梨精华。

英文句子26:,26、In summing up the guide Dominique enthuses , "it's pure premium, because life is meant to be deluxe."在总结“精华指南”时,多米尼克兴奋地说:“这是纯粹的精华,因为生活就应该是精美华丽的。”

27、Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present .杰姆还没看见他那精美的礼物呢。

28、The hospital adheres to "wide learning for devotion, well-design for perfection" with the perfect union of advanced technology and exquisite skills.医院秉承博学奉献,精塑完美的宗旨,将尖端技术与精湛艺术完美融合。

29、Some non-integral values, like dollars-and-cents decimals, require exactness.一些非整数值(如几美元和几美分这样的小数)需要很精确。

30、Translucent, pure milk, pretty design and exquisite form…it's delicate and tempting brilliance will dance before your eyes.晶莹纯粹的牛奶、美伦美奂的图案、精致可爱的造型……


31、The essence of aesthetic spirit of Han traditional garden is thought of Zen, and that of the Tibetan traditional garden is immersed in the Buddhism realm.汉族园林审美精神内核在于禅心,而藏族林卡审美精神是执着于佛性境界。

32、A good Book is often the Best urn of a life enshrining the Best that life could think out;好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人的一生思想的精华。

33、Attractive shape, exquisite workmanship, precise dimension, and full of modern taste.外型美观,工艺精湛、尺寸精密,极富时代气息。

34、This bamboo carving is very exquisite.这个竹刻工艺品相当精美。

35、To this well-painted piece is Lucrece come.鲁克丽丝向这幅精美的巨画走近。

36、Experience the perfect match of food and wine in the J. W. Marriott.精选世界各国精品葡萄酒与J.W。万豪酒店的佳肴完美搭配。

37、Excellent home-style and unique taste of the food;精品家常、独特口感的美食惊喜;

38、The beauty of Delicate -V19 office partition features thickness: 19mm. The design is delicate and fashion.精致之美—V19屏风特点 屏风厚度:19mm,产品设计:薄、精致、时尚;

39、Era of Art - World Trade Jingwen Art Exhibition, Shanghai, Jin Mao Tower Jingwen Art Museum.年 艺术时代——世贸精文艺术大展(上海·金贸大厦精文美术馆)。

40、But she described this ant as so beautiful, and so profoundly beautifully perfectly made.她说这只蚂蚁是那么美妙,被创造的那么精致完美。

41、my mother prepared a fine gift for me. 妈妈还为我准备了精美的礼物

42、Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft.剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品。

43、Someone gave him a delicate box of choc.有人送他一盒精美的巧克力。

44、The book collects many delicate templates in Europe and USA which are carefully selected from large amount of template with high value.本书收集了许多欧美精美模板,都是经过我们从大量的欧美模板中精心细选而出,含金量高。

45、The common essence element, is better cosmetic results.共同精髓素,则美容结果更佳。

46、Chinese stitchery, you know, is beautifully patterned and exquisitely embroidered.你知道,中国刺绣品图案精美,绣工精巧。

47、Cost: free for the Lite version or $4.99费用:精简版免费,完全版


48、The beautiful wooded carvings The door is very beautiful with wooded carvings although it is broken with the pieces of wood. I was admired those who made this very much.《精美的木刻雕花》 精雕细琢的门窗、隔断极其精美,让人惊叹它复杂的工艺,但很多地方已经脱落。

49、Whitening products which well, whitening essence, L'Oreal whitening products, oil of Olay Whitening Mask.美白淡斑产品哪个好,美白淡斑精华,欧莱雅美白淡斑产品,玉兰油美白淡斑面膜。

50、It provides precise application for lining eyes and performs a delicate and perfect eye makeup.能精确地画出迷人眼线,为你塑造精致完美的效果。

经典英文句子51:精美,51、I thirsted for a wonderful and colorful life.我渴望美妙精彩的人生。

52、Such a beautifully embroidered veil of irony.真是一幅精美绝伦的讽刺面纱。

53、With the spirit of quality, integrity and improving, we will provide better service for our clients.“东皇人”将本着品质、诚信和精益求精的精神,为广大客户提供更加完美的服务。

54、Gardenias are legendary for their strong, sweet scent and exquisite white petals.栀子花是传说中的强大,甜美的香味和精美的白色花瓣。

55、Profit, Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic.你写的关于莎乐美的故事很精彩。

56、The young lady decked herself up with fine jewels.这年轻贵妇人戴着精美的珠宝。

57、A superb bronze comes from distant China.精美绝伦的“铜狮”来自遥远的中国。

58、The horn carvings sold at the craftwork shop are very delicate.工艺品店卖的角雕很精美。

59、Suzhou Embroidery is famous for its extremely delicate stitches.苏绣以其精美的绣品而闻名。

60、great cooking is not for the faint of heart. 胆小的人做不出精湛的美食

61、This exquisite embroidery won people's great admiration.这件精美的绣品, 使人惊叹不已。

62、Life doesn't have to be perfect, but to be wonderful——人生不必完美,却必须精彩

63、Have you seen spirits? Soon you will see a beautiful spirit—Maligne Lake.你见过精灵吗?一会儿到玛琳湖,你便会看到精灵,一个美丽的精灵。

64、Is the saint reaches electing of the beautiful prosperous essence.是圣达美隆的精华之选。

65、Beautifully carved cornices its Zhaobi.其飞檐照壁雕刻精美。

66、Mei: Oh that sounds like great fun to watch!阿美:噢,那听起来很精采耶!

67、There is an exquisite tea set on the table.茶桌上放着一套精美的茶具。

68、Artist Association and Academies of Fine Arts: exhibit painting, calligraphy and sculpture of artist association and academies of fine art from various regions.美协/美院联展:集中展示各地美协、美院绘画、 书法、雕塑精品;

69、Especially the Qianlong jade among jade wares !玉器部分尤其以乾隆玉为精美!

70、Good plot, great characterization, enticing illustrations.故事情节很好,文笔细腻,插图精美。

71、He has a fine collection of stamps.他收集了一些精美的邮票。

72、It's beautifully crisp, feeling unassisted , quick and light.它的精美脆,感觉无人,快速和轻。

73、Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. 胆小的人做不出精湛的美食

74、I wove a garland of flowers. 窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。

75、A good book is often the best urn of a life, enshrining the best that life could think out;好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人的一生思想的精华。

英文句子模板76:exquisite,76、Forged over centuries in the earth's mysterious depths, these exquisite stones have been fashioned by man into the most wonderful earrings, gorgeous necklaces and sensational rings.在地下被埋葬了几个世纪,这些精美的钻石为人类塑造美妙的耳环、项链和精美绝伦的戒指。

77、She performed on the balance beam with much grace.她在均衡木上演出得十分精美。

78、Jade articles and bone carvings are also extremely exquisite.玉器、骨雕等也十分精美。

79、The set of chairs and tables are of good material, leek color, massiness and elegance.这套座椅工料精良,色泽韭深,厚重典雅,可谓精美绝伦。

80、Spin many novels was published in the studio with exquisite illustrations beautifully printed books, the reader deeply loved.点石斋出版的小说中很多都附有精美的插图,书籍印刷精美,深受读者的喜爱。


标签: 英文

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