职业规划用英语怎么说 职业规划英语翻译

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职业规划用英语怎么说 职业规划英语翻译

职业规划通常被翻译为"career design -"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为" Occupation plan",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到26个与职业规划相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. career design -

职业规划翻译为 career design - 。

示例:选专业的时候,我们需要考虑我们的兴趣和职业规划。 When choosing our majors, we need to take our interests and our career plans into consideration.


2. Occupation plan

职业规划翻译为 Occupation plan 。

示例:大一的时候不用太过担心未来的职业规划。 In the freshman year, don't worry too much about your career plans.


3. career planning

职业规划翻译为career planning。

示例:为项目经理建立职业规划。 Establish career paths for program managers.


4. occupational planning

职业规划翻译为occupational planning。

示例:The research shows that occupational self-efficacy has stronge influence on college students 'career planning. 研究结果显示,职业自我效能感对大学生职业生涯的规划具有显著的影响。



1. occupational planning(职业规划)


2. floorplanning( 规划;

3. fractional program(分式规划;分数规划)

4. multilevel programming(多级规划,多层规划)

5. planning horizon(规划周期,规划远景)

英语短语&俚语, GCDF Global Career Development Facilitator ( 全球职业规划师 )

GCDF CCDM Global Career Development Facilitator CAREER PARTNER ( 职业规划师 )

Effect Factors of Career Planning ( 职业规划影响因素 )

GCDF ICCDF ( 国际职业规划师 )

organizational career planning ( 组织职业规划 )

Career Counselling career consulting ( 职业规划咨询 )

Senior Career Development Facilitator SCDF ACDM ( 高级职业规划师 )

self awareness and career planning ( 自我意识及职业规划 )


1. - Tax preparation. - Oh, are you?


2. But we should all be designing lives and careers that are aligned with how we're wired.

译文:但是我们都应该根据自己的天赋 来规划与之相适应的人生和职业。 。

3. And i was able to attract really, really good people, people who share my passion for science and service to society, not science and service for career building.

译文:那时我能吸引来素质极佳的人, 他们同我一样对科学 及社会服务充满热情。 我们投入精力与这一切并不是为了所谓的职业规划建设。 。

4. The research shows that occupational self-efficacy has stronge influence on college students 'career planning.

译文:研究结果显示,职业自我效能感对大学生职业生涯的规划具有显著的影响。 。

5. Or maybe you'll become an internet billionaire at the precise moment i'm having a career dip.

译文:也许你会成为一个互联网亿万富翁 就在那时我有一个职业规划。

6. Salina forestry programming planning.

译文:盐土林业规划。 。

7. - Yes, i mean ducks in a row. - What ducks are those?

译文:对,人生规划 你有什么人生规划?。

8. Plan Synthesis and Decomposition in Graphplan Framework


9. Y'know, career-wise, with computers and all, surfing, it'd be a super opportunity.

译文:我看到了自己的职业规划 要会用电脑什么的 上网,你懂吗?。

10. you said your dad was like helping him with career planning stuff.

译文:你说你爸爸很喜欢 帮助他进行职业规划的东西。。

11. The process aims to fix on potential talent, mark out iDP, and promote career development.


12. it's called Career Planning and Computer Applications, or CPCA for short.

译文:叫做职业规划和计算机应用。或者简称为CPCA。 。

13. if you wanna get back into event planning, you should think about the Culinary institute in Poughkeepsie.

译文:如果你想重新职业规划一下 你就该想想在POUGHKEEPSIE的烹饪学校。

14. VHP? Visible Human Project?

译文:可视人文规划? 。

15. and with psychological diathesis centered in the guidance of professional careers.



标签: 翻译 职业 规划

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