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关于”八大基本结构“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Eight basic structures。以下是关于八大基本结构的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Eight basic structures


1、The results which take the composite effect into account show that the natural vibration period is shorter by

13.4%, the stiffness of the structure is larger than not.



2、The sails are much bigger than found on most cruising sailboats, but the general rig is the same.


3、Maths conception is the basic compostion of the knowledge , the foundation stone of the maths building , the base of the students" cognition ."


4、Under the experiment conditions, the crystal structure of the as-prepared ultra-fine metallic powders is almost the same as that of the bulk metal without obvious oxidation.


5、"Sparse Population in a Small Country" is the basic structure of the ideas of society.


6、Southern anchoring foundation of RunYang suspension bridge across Yangtse River is a tremendous gravity structure of con-crete.


7、The phase structure function and atmospheric coherent length based on Kolmogorov model is just the proximation of the formalism derived here.


8、The perception noumenon , possibility, identity and creation of art constitute the basic structure of the study.


9、Results The structures of the aloe leaves were basically similar as characterized by the presence of the large, well developed parenchymatous cells in the phloem pole where anthraquinones were stored.


10、The aim is to realize the generating of Chinese calligraphic fonts by dividing structures of Chinese characters.


11、Have divided basic structure of the procedure , every procedure name and function;


12、The results indicated that extracts contain aliphatic, aromatic and naphthenic compounds and a large amount of oxygen containing group.


13、The massive metal constructions served as a base for trial conduction.


14、The test results show that the structure of jet flow includes the beginning section and the basic one.


15、Results showed that the basic physical properties and microstructure of recrystallized graphite with dopant zirconium was improved.


16、In this text, shaking table test is performed on an 8-story concrete hollow masonry with large bay.


17、TMap also defines the required organization and infrastructure in more detail.


18、Chief officer, please lend the "essential structure plan"and"mid-ship section plan"to me.


19、The recent progresses in the research of nonlinear optical (NLO), electrochemical and photochemical properties of ferrocenyl derivatives are also reviewed.


20、The physical fundamentals of the injecting photosensitive device, the basic configuration and characteristics of the injecting phototransistor have been introduced.

21、For their functionality, compactness and selectivity of wavelength, micro-rings have become one of the potential modules of the VLSI-PC.由于微环结构的功能多样性、结构紧凑性、很好的波长选择性,使其成为很有潜力的集成光路基本功能结构。

22、Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that the construct validity of AATMSS meets the need of psychometrics.结论:AATMSS的结构符合编制者的理论构想,效度指数基本符合测量学要求。

23、A week later the top of this tube bends over, creating the basic structure of fore, mid and hindbrain .一个星期之后,官顶端弯曲,形成了基本的大脑前、中、后期结构。

24、The structure of the vegetable nutrient is reasonable is Shihezi.市郊菜区生产的蔬菜中养分的结构基本是合理的。

25、"Basically everything with lots of carbs froze, " said Venn-Watson.“基本上,一切碳结构食品都冻僵了,”微安说到。

英文句子26:,26、The structure of the jet flow included a beginning section and a basic section. The basic section showed similar dimensionless velocity distribution.射流结构分为初始段和基本段,且在基本段中射流存在自模性。

27、In order to obtain steady large pore space framework. we synthesized organic ligand eight.为得到稳定的大孔道结构我们合成了有机配体


28、The size structure and distribution pattern of Picea mongolica population on sand dune and their rerlationship to eco-environment are studied by size structure in place of age structure.本文用种群大小结构代替年龄结构研究了沙地云杉种群的大小结构、分布格局和动态规律。

29、The design of structure and dynamics of a rotor blade is based on its section characteristic of composite blade.复合材料桨叶剖面特性是旋翼桨叶设计的最基本原始参数,也是桨叶结构设计、动力学设计和结构分析的基础。

30、Ba Gua's basics are standing and walking in eight palace.八卦掌以站桩,行步为基本功。

31、The basic elements of landscape pattern include patch, corridor and matrix. The pattern of their configuration of time and space is landscape structure.景观空间结构的基本组成要素包括斑块、廊道和基质,它们的时空配置形成的镶嵌格局即为景观结构。

32、Their internal structures consist of air passages, vascular bundles of various size, ground tissues and sclerenchyma.它们的内部结构是由气道、不同大小的维管束、基本组织以及厚壁组织组成。

33、This tutorial assumes a basic familiarity with topologies and the deployment architecture tools.本文假设您对拓扑以及部署结构工具有一个基本的熟悉。

34、It also demonstrated that mutation on the residues at hydrophobic patch or pocket affects the structure, stability and basic properties of the proteins.然而,疏水斑区和疏水袋上的改变,却大大影响蛋白质结构、稳定性和基本性质。

35、Hard rock and integrated structure in Datai Well are basic factors of rock burst.岩石质地坚硬,结构完整是影响大台井岩爆的基本因素。

36、Figure 图

1 shows the basic graph structure for a single contributor.

1 显示了一个投稿者的基本图结构。

37、Most fungi have the same basic body structure consisting of a main body or thallus composed of filaments called hyphae.大多数真菌有同样的基本结构,即由菌丝组成的菌体。

38、The structure, characteristic, functions and polymorphism of cervidae MHC genes were summarized and discussed the relationship of them with economic t.综述了主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)的基本结构与特点,总结了鹿科动物MHC基因的结构、多态性以及与经济性状、抗病性之间的关系。

39、This plan basically turns the data structure inside-out.这个计划基本上将数据结构从里到外翻了个个儿。

40、Research results shows that this structure dynamics, with large mass, small stiffness and low first order frequency, is fit enough for operation.结果表明本结构具有质量大、刚度柔、基频低的特点,符合柔性汽机基础的要求。

41、Team leader, coding, basic modeling, scene editor, brf editor, basic texture changes, and quest writer.组长,编码,基本建模,场景编辑器,黑米皮编辑器,基本结构的变化,追求作家。

42、Two universal integrator-based CC (Current Conveyor) network configurations are presented.本文提出了两个基于积分器的通用CC网络结构。

43、Octet stability is the term applied to this feature.八电子稳定结构反映的就是这个特性。

44、A new storage structure, named matrix octree, is given out.本文提出了一种矩阵式八叉树的存储结构。

45、The foundational cell of this amplifier is a double antipodal flexible substrate integrated waveguide (FSIW) including symmetrical dove-tail taper transition structure.这种功率放大器的基本组成单元是一对含对称尖劈过渡结构的柔性基片集成波导(FSIW)。

46、Unstructured Cartesian grid for complex geometries is generated based on Octree data structure.采用八叉树结构,生成复杂外形绕流计算的非结构直角网格。

47、The ultimate goal of streaming these parameters to a sequence of octets is to produce a basic structure for the exchange of information.将这些参数转换成八位元序列的根本目的是产生用于信息交换的基本结构。

48、The components in the Infrastructure layer provide the very basic functionality for all the above layers.基础结构层中的组件为之上的所有层提供非常基本的功能。

49、On the other half, the right half, everything's duplicated with some slight and subtle differences.在另一半上,也就是在大脑右半球上,大脑结构基本一致,只是稍有差别

50、Calculation of the activity for the ferrobased Co-Fe-P ternary tallies with the published data.应用此结构计算铁基含磷、钴三元系的活度,其结果与报道的数据基本一致。

经典英文句子51:八大基本结构,51、Cognitive structure is the content and organization of one's knowledge and the basis of his cognitive ability, which is improved when one learns basic knowledge structure .认知结构是学科基本知识结构在学习者头脑中形成的观念的内容和组织,是个体认知能力的基础。

52、Simulation results indicate that the displacement of AIOL has the greatest impact on its tunability;结果表明:A IOL移动度对其调节力贡献最大,材料、中心厚度、结构对调节力基本无影响;

53、The massive octagonal structure contains 巨大的八边形结构,包括10个房间两间浴室,只有乘坐缆车可以进入。

10 rooms,

2 baths, and is accessible only by a funicular.

54、Based on the constitutive relations and the 8-node degenerate shell element, the updatedLagrange (U. L. )结合构建的本构关系,采用八节点超参数壳体单元,推导了用U。 L。

55、An octree is actually nothing more then a data structure.一个八叉树实际上就是一个数据结构。

56、Habits of thought and action form the skeletal structure of life as we know it.思想和行为养成习惯,构成了我们所知道的生命的基本结构。

57、Conclusion:The antibacterials used in our hospital are reasonable structurally, which is in line with the medication tendency of antibacterials.结论:本院抗菌药物用药结构基本合理,符合抗菌药物用药趋势。

58、The results show that semi-rigid connections make the natural period increase. However, the calculated earthquake action is less.结果表明,半刚性连接使得结构基本自振周期增大,水平地震作用效应减小。

59、The concept of isomeric knowledge is introduced, the isomeric knowledge management based on XML is discussed, and a new architecture of isomeric knowledge-based IDSS is proposed.介绍了异构知识的基本概念,探讨了基于XML 的异构知识管理,进而提出基于异构知识的IDSS 新结构框架。

60、They argue that the capital structure determinants include growth, uniqueness, non-debt tax shields, asset structure, company size, profitability, volat ilit y and industry dummy.他们认为决定资本结构的因素大致有八个,分别为:成长性、唯一性、 非税收挡板、资产结构、公司规模、盈利性、收入波动性以及行业分类。

61、This component reuse can greatly simplify your overall infrastructure.这个组件重用过程可以大大简化整个基础结构。

62、Then explores organizational structure fundamental mode of owner project management at the construction stage in the large-scale hydroelectric project.探索大型水电工程施工阶段业主项目管理组织结构基本方案。

63、Aside from a main shrine and structures embodying the Four Continents, there are eight towers representing Minor Continents.除了主要神社和结构四大洲的体现,总共有八大塔代表小大洲。

64、Most economists think that they are building cranes that suspend important theoretical structures from a base that is firmly grounded in first principles.大多数经济学家认为他们在为悬空的理论结构构建一个起重机,从本体出发,有着坚实基础。

65、This basic structure doesn't change with the Merlin release.在这个 Merlin 发行版中,这个基本结构并没有发生改变。

66、Following are the fundamentals of the Jini surrogate architecture in wireless PvC.以下是无线 PvC 中 Jini 代理体系结构的基本特点。

67、And will go deep into the context. The purpose is to establish more structural concepts into the student.此外,并启发同学基本的建筑结构概念,瞭解室内设计与建筑结构是密切不可分的。

68、The basic structure and working principle of potentiostat are introduced.介绍了恒电位仪的基本结构及其工作原理;

69、And its basic structure is an electroluminescent semiconductor materials.它的基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料。

70、The non-crystalline has the basic characters of structure of the liquid state.非晶态基本保留了液态的结构特征。

71、DNA vaccines of CVB3 structural and nonstructural proteins were constructed, which provides the basis on the further study their immune responses in vivo.本文成功构建CVB3结构与非结构蛋白的重组质粒DNA疫苗,为进一步研究其免疫效果奠定了基础。



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