有质量用英语怎么说 有质量英语翻译

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有质量用英语怎么说 有质量英语翻译

有质量通常被说作:"have quality"在《现代英语词典》中,共找到15个与有质量相关的释义和例句。


1. have quality

有质量翻译为have quality。

示例:希腊文明有质量;罗马文明只有数量。 Greek civilization had quality; Rome, mere quantity.



1. massive particle(有质量粒子)

2. massive vector field(有质量向量场)

3. of high quality(有很高的质量,高质量的,优质的)


4. quality(质量

5. lineic mass(质量)

英语短语&俚语, proper mass invariant mass ( 固有质量 物 )

Quality Time ( 有质量的时间 )

Sense ROM ( 如何拍出有质量的照片 )

Quality Education for All ( 有质量的全民教育 )

Quality jeans The quality of the jeans ( 有质量问题的牛仔裤 )

quality life ( 有质量的生活 )

Qualityblur Aqualityremnantsof ( 有质量残影 )

meets all quality specification ( 会见所有质量规格 )

meets all quality specification ( 满足所有质量指标 )

the mass of photon ( 光子有质量 )


1. i have very good quality bikes.


2. i'm only interested in gem quality.


3. The quality has the guarantee, the service is thorougher!

译文:质量有保证,服务更周到! 。

4. i've clearly got mass. Where does it come from?

译文:我显然是有质量的。它来自哪里? 。

5. Quality takes precedence (Jidoka).

译文:质量优先。 。

6. Like a cloth around any object with mass.


7. The Chinese high speed railways have a quatity all on its own.

译文:中国的高速铁路有自己的质量。 。

8. Well, so much for quantity. How about quality?


9. even if it is wrong to say that the quality has to be performed according to the quality, they have the right to veto a ticket.


10. Well, so much for quantity. How about quality?

译文:好么,数量有了,质量呢? 。

11. Fastfood restaurants are clean and comfortable with considerate service and guaranteed quality.


12. Six of the plates are poor quality.


13. The orthophotos produced in light of this new technique are of high quality both photographically and geometrically.

译文:用这项新技术产生的正射象片有良好的几何质量与影象质量。 。

14. So i looked for quality information.

译文:(笑声) 所以我尝试搜索有质量的信息。

15. Control RTG income parts quality. Checking components assemblage; painting; packing;



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