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关于”朋友的名句“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Famous words of friends。以下是关于朋友的名句的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Famous words of friends


1、The girl pinked at the mention of her boyfriend's name.


2、All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.


3、Yang Li said she and her lover had been together for two years when he told her he was married and a father.


4、Many friends are reluctant to call if they have only a vague invitation to do so.


5、LL: No, Lihua. BFF is not my friend's name. BFF is an . Do you know what an acronym is?


6、Any friends will be tired of the backbiting and fin-ger-pointing.

7、她是我的好朋友,她的名字是"YANETshe is my best friend, her name is YANET他们是我的爸爸和妈妈!


8、Bajin On my recent travels, I came to realize still more fully the significance of the word “friend”.


9、I called the friend's name **, like me, he likes to play basketball.


10、When you are around friends, beware of those who flatter you because as the saying goes, "A flattering friend is your worst enemy."


11、Among your friends, is there anyone who has seen 7's slash fanwork ?


12、Searching for the name of a friend would bring together a chronological set of files describing when you both did things together, for instance.


13、friends list by sending Real ID friend requests to the people on their Facebook friends list who have Battle.net accounts.


14、Some noteless Gaelic poet had made this into a forgotten ballad, some odd verses of which my white-capped friend remembered and sang for me.


15、This is my good friend Liu Jie.


16、It’s her Hollywood boyfriend, actor Shia LaBeouf.


17、I love the book. The book is my friend.


18、I was talking to my friend's parents at their home in Orange county.


19、I have a good friend . His name is Liu Jie.


20、One fateful night, he ran into an old friend who had recently taken over as a children's literature editor.

21、My friend Lee went so far as to get an autograph from him.我的朋友,李,还弄到一个签名呢。 那你的战利品呢?。

22、No, Lihua. BFF is not my friend's name. BFF is an acronym.太好了。BFF一定是你朋友名字的缩写吧。

23、A friend of mine got better grades after going to his class and that's why I signed up for it.“我的朋友们把他当作上帝一样崇拜,”林溢欣的一名前学生Coby Lam表示,“我的一个朋友在上他的课后提高了分数,因此我也报名去上了。”

24、Exchange business cards with new friends and contacts you made at the conference.与你在讨论会上结识的新老朋友交换名片。

25、In compliance with the request of a friend of mine, who wrote me from the East, I called on good-natured, garrulous old Simon Wheeler, and inquired after my friend's friend, Leonidas W.《卡县名蛙》 马克•吐温一个朋友从东部来了信,我遵他的命去拜访了好脾气、爱絮叨的西蒙•威勒,打听我朋友的朋友列昂尼达斯•W•斯迈雷的下落。

英文句子26:,26、Please join us and invite people to sign the petition there.请参与我们的行列,邀请朋友前来参与签名运动。

27、Her name is Wang Hong. She is a girl. She is my friend.她的名字叫王红。她是一个女孩。她是我的朋友。

28、Just check the Friendster files – there’s sure to be a friend of a friend of a friend in there.只要查阅Friendster的文件夹,一定可以找到某个朋友的朋友的朋友在那里工作。

29、Monica: First, I need a boyfriend, then I can have a list.我得先交男朋友,才能列名单。

30、He buddied up with a student from another high school.他与来自另一中学的一名学生交朋友。

31、Viewer friends, here's the famed Edaohai Lake of the Muni Valley.观众朋友们, 这里就是牟尼沟著名的二道海。

32、I like wearing designer clothing, but I can make friends without knowing what was on TRL yesterday.我喜欢穿名牌,但我可以与一个对名牌一无所知的人交朋友。

33、Please sign our petition and forward the message to all the animal-lovers.请签名支持, 并广传给你每一位爱动物的朋友。

34、There are no courses in how to be a best friend, or in how to find one either. There's no Friends ' R' Us personalized dating service you can sign up for.没有课文能教你如何成为一名挚友,或者寻找一名挚友,也没有朋友能提供一些供你参与的个性化的交友活动。

35、I can't even remember the name of that old friend of mine.我甚至连那位老朋友的名字都记不起来了。

36、Dan, another anonymized pal of mine, made his name in real estate.我的另一位天才朋友,因房地产事业而出名。

37、A friend and I traveled on the famous Ghan train.我和一位朋友乘坐的是有名的阿富汗火车。

38、Supriyah's friend Matt Francolino is also a new volunteer.她的朋友麦特·弗兰克利诺也是一名和平队新成员。

39、Students, can you find my name in any reference book?小朋友,你能利用工具书找出我的名字吗?

40、Friends that desert us in the hour of need are friends in name, not in reality. 在困难时刻背弃我们的是有名无实的朋友。

41、Your name is the same with oen of my best friends in chian .你的名字和我在中国的一个好朋友的名字不谋而合。

42、一百个所谓的朋友不如一个真诚的朋友. Not equal to friend of sincerity of 100 socalled friends.

43、My friend is dreaming of being a spaceman when he grows up.我的朋友一直梦想着长大后当一名宇航员。

44、It read: "To our fans and friends: As REM, and as lifelong friends and co-conspirators, we have decided to call it a day as a band.它这样写道:“致我们的歌迷和朋友:以REM,也以一生的朋友和同谋的名义,我们决定让乐队就此收工。

45、This May Day holiday, my friend and I went to climb the famous Wuyi mountain.今年五一,我和朋友去闻名遐迩的武夷山玩。

46、My name is Tony Petrelli and I'm trying to find a friend of mine.我想找一位朋友,他的名字是约翰·法兰西斯。

47、Readers, have you ever had any naming remorse with your children or with your own name?读者朋友们,你对孩子的名字或是自己的名字是否有后悔的时候?

48、Jacen was named after a friend of Zahn's son, Corwin, named Jasen .杰森是以萨恩儿子科温的朋友贾森命名的。

49、I was a kitten, is a dog's best friend, my name is raghu.我是一只小猫,是小狗的好朋友,我的名字叫拉库。

50、His friends call him Jo-Jo, but his actual name is John.朋友们都叫他“乔乔”,可他的真名是约翰。

经典英文句子51:朋友的名句,51、The teacher spoke angrily to the young children about breaking the class rules.那名老师生气的告诉小朋友他们已经触犯班规。

52、How can you make friends with a man with ill fame?你怎么可以和一个恶名昭彰的人交朋友呢?

53、Tonight, we're adding a new name, Grammy-nominated rapper B. O.今晚我们要认识一位新朋友,格莱美提名的B。

54、Tip: for free, to the list of friends please tell us your name, give you a good registration plates.提示:报名免费,要报名的朋友请把你的名字告诉我们,好给你发号码牌。

55、His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck.朋友们称他巴特,这名字就叫开了。

56、She either switches souls with the girlfriend/wife/mistress of a famous historical figure, or falls in love with a famous historical figure and becomes his girlfriend/wife/mistress at the end.她要么与一位历史名人的女朋友、妻子或情人交换灵魂,要么爱上了一位历史名人并成为他的女朋友、妻子或情人。

57、You are a high school student, and you have a cute girlfriend, Hotaru .你是一名高中学生,有一位可爱的女朋友——萤。

58、A friend named his architectural firm A. M. D. G.一位朋友给他的建筑设计公司起名AMDG。

59、When Lauren Leto was a student at Michigan State, she would forward friends unintentionally funny texts sent by her boyfriend.当LaurenLeto还是密西根州立大学的一名学生时,她会将他男朋友发给她的搞笑文字不自觉的发送给她的好朋友。

60、I have a fine-looking man friend, his name is the Feng rock pile .我有一个好男朋友,他的名字是冯磊。

61、Many people use names or combinations of names of family members and friends to create passwords.许多人使用的姓名或家庭成员和朋友的名字组合,以创建密码。

62、The friend wife does not walk the treasure!“朋友妻咪走鸡”的意思就是说朋友妻不走宝!

63、And meet lots of friends - I can learn all their names.会见很多朋友——我会知道他们的名字。

64、After he became rich and famous he dumped all his old friends.他有名有利以后把老朋友都抛弃了。

65、Each friends list of friends is counted, and the top 计算每个朋友的朋友列表,将

15 "influence-able" friends are added to the $infList variable.

15 位最有影响力的朋友添加到 $infList 变量。

66、His name was George. He was three years older than Whopper.这个朋友名叫乔治,比华勃大xx岁。

67、You can become an excellent teacher through tutoring your friends.教朋友的过程中你会成为一名出色的罣老师。

68、In a friend's home, he saw a friend's beautiful vases.在朋友家里,他看到了朋友的漂亮瓷瓶。

69、Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.如果你看重自己的名声, 请与品行端正的人交往。 与狐朋狗友为伍, 还不如没有朋友。

70、Name three friends who helped you through a difficult time.说出三位曾为你雪中送炭的朋友的名字。

71、This Chrismas holiday, my friend and I went to climb the famous Yangming mountain.今年耶诞节, 我和朋友去闻名遐迩的阳明山玩。

72、"Hey, my good man!" said the surveyor, "What is your name?"“嗨,我的朋友!” 土地测量员说,“你叫什么名字?”

73、"Ians are always ginger, " a friend said emphatically.“伊安是红发雀斑小屁孩的名字,”一个朋友很强调的说。

74、You know, besides rating low on your likability list…你知道吗,除了在你的朋友名单里排在后面之外…

75、Amy and simon are reading some postcards from their friends.艾米和西蒙正在读朋友寄来的一些名信片。

英文句子模板76:Famous words of friends,76、Had Lady friend Delilah whose name means: trouble.有个女朋友叫大利拉, 她名字的意思是: 麻烦。

77、He tried to break through the cloud of gloom hanging over his roomates with a joke.他试图讲句笑话打破笼罩着同室朋友间的郁闷气氛。

78、There’s a famous song that says “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. 有一首著名的歌说“钻石是女孩最好的朋友”。

79、Mr. Meant-to has a friend, his name is Didn't-Do.“认命”先生有一位朋友,他的名字叫“别干”。


标签: 朋友

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