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1、It creates our maps of reality, in effect creating our reality.


2、Ken Loach's films always display the realism before millions of viewers , the atmosphere and the spirit of realism makes the public get close to reality, know about reality, think of reality.


3、A real-time alternate scene for operation of hydropower plant was realized based on Virtual Reality.


4、Working on achieving some of these characteristics may actually clash with working on others.


5、In order to realize actualization, various determinatives should be employed.


6、Art Movements - Realism - Suprematism - Surrealism - Symbolism.


7、Yes, but I doubt if I get it. I've never got it.


8、Achieving Pro- poor growth, job creation and equity.


9、We are now actualized habits.

10、Focus on small goals instead of big ones. 多为自己制定一些易实现的短期目标,努力实现它们。


11、And reality inevitably disappoints you.


12、So, how does all of this work in the real world?


13、Future is the continuity of reality. Reality is the finality of dream.


14、The primitives are the first thing I want to use Garnet on.


15、Virtual practice is not only the break-through and transcendence of practice, it is also interwoven and united with the real practice.


16、Pragmatists emphasize the practical function of knowledge as an instrument for adapting to reality and controlling it.

您想要使用、 可实现的 SolrCache 实现的

17、The SolrCache implementation you wish to use .The available implementations are


18、Implement continuations.

多载波的滤波分别在DSP和FPGA上实 现,DSP负责实现RRC滤波,FPGA负责实现低通滤波。

19、Multi-carrier filtering separately accomplish on DSP and FPGA, DSP can accomplish RRC filtering, FPGA can accomplish low pass filtering.


20、The implementation of the module behavior is left to module implementors.

21、Yeah! Uploads!实现上传!

22、It usually achieved in the baseband and IF band to achieve.它的实现通常在基带和中频频段上实现。

23、This can be achieved by implementing org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener and adding it to the dependent plug-in ILog instance.这可以通过实现 org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener 并将其添加到从属插件的 ILog 实例中实现。

24、The physical data model is the real-world implementation of your data.物理数据模型才是对数据的 现实的实现。

25、So it's hard to realize that in the terrestrial situation.这在现实世界很难实现

英文句子26:,26、The third is to surpass the realism, guide the future.三是实现河现实关照的趄越指向未来。

27、Get the stardust out of your eyes and face thereality. 这样应该可以的。

28、Implement Memory Windows.实现内存窗。

29、Focus on small goals instead of big ones. 多为自己制定一些易实现的短期目标,努力实现它们。

30、But the objective of facing reality is to change reality.不过,面对现实的目的是为了改变现实。

31、To provide implementations of industry standard and de-facto Eclipse standard model-to-text engines提供行业标准实现及实际的 Eclipse 标准 model-to-text 引擎实现

32、Briefly describes the principles, expression-forms, realization course chart and methods of the mutual response.简要的描述了相互响应的原理、表现形式、实现流程及实现方法。

33、我希望它能实现 i hope it can be realized 我希望它能实现 i hope it can be realized

34、The virtual reality technology can be divided into desktop type virtual reality, immersion type virtual reality, increasing- reality type virtual reality, and distributed type reality.分为桌面型虚拟现实、沉浸型虚拟现实、增强现实型虚拟现实和分布式共享型虚拟现实等四种类型。

35、Able to be used for illuminating, power distributing, multi-circuit voltage-reduced starting, also for meter-controlling and inspect-controlling.可实现照明,动力配电,也可实现多路降压起动配并可实现计量和监测控制。

36、History has a way of both legitimating the present and giving it meaning.历史既能合理地诠释现实,又能赋予现实以实际意义。

37、And how to look at the Contacts between Brecht's expressionism and the real concept of his realism theory are also doubts.而且如何看待布莱希特现实主义的表现主义倾向与现实主义之现实观之间的联系也是理论的疑点。

38、Character-string implementations sometimes use a related technique to implement comparisons.字符串实现有时使用有关的技术来实现比较。

39、The spectacle that falsifies reality is nevertheless a real product of that reality.伪造现实的景观却成了那现实的一个真实产物。

40、Started from Courbet, realistic painting became realization and was called realism, but the basic concepts of realism were introduced from the literatures of critical realism in 19th century.写实绘画从库尔贝开始现实化而有现实主义之称,但现实主义的基本理论却是从19世纪批判现实主义文学创作中引出的。

41、The dream of being a doctor has already come ture 再看看别人怎么说的。

42、Here introduces the FAT32 and the long filename realization mechanism emphatically.这里着重介绍FAT32实现和长文件名的实现机制。

43、An implementation of Pipelined digital signal generator is provided.为实现流水线数字信号产生器提供了一种实现方案。

44、that do not yet exist. A node that appears on the FFS before being implemented is called unrealized.我们将出现在 FFS 上还没有实现的节点称作未实现(节点)。

45、List of XProc implementations: See XProc implementations currently undergoing development.Xproc 实现列表:查看当前正在开发的 Xproc 实现。

46、In order to realize these functions, BDE function must be used.而要实现以上功能,只能通过调用BDE函数来实现;

47、Reality beauty and reality ugliness are the sources of art creation.现实美和现实丑都是美术创作的源泉。

48、focus on small goals instead of big ones. 多为自己制定一些易实现的短期目标,努力实现它们。

49、These implementations behave similarly to the WebSphere thread pool implementation.这些实现的行为类似于 WebSphere 线程池实现。

50、The SSLCIPHERSUITE value is a valid CipherSuite implemented by the JSSE implementation.SSLCIPHERSUITE 值是由 JSSE 实现实现的有效的密码套件。

经典英文句子51:现实,51、Recognize reality even when you don't like it – especially when you don't like it.即使你不喜欢现实,也要承认现实--- 其实越是你不喜欢,你越应该承认现实。

52、This is the realization of code are Hsuan Lee, LUT to achieve!这是正玹实现代码,通过LUT来实现的!!!

53、First, that everybody knows realities, people believe that because we all immersed in it, and that already defeats models that you might have.第一条便是,每个人都知道现实,人们相信现实,因为我们都存在于现实中,现实可能摧毁了你曾经有过的世界观。

54、However, Mr. Tang's transcendency is related with realism, which is a intact course both being out of realism and back to it.但是唐君毅的超越理境沟通着现实,是一个离开现实又对现实回归的完整过程。

55、And the way an enterprise realizes these goals is through people.企业实现这些目标的途径就是通过员工实现的。

56、In the realization problem the properties of the single-precision realization, the double-precision realization and the integer realization are compared.在混沌源的实现问题上,考虑了单精度实现、双精度实现和整数实现算法的性能比较。

57、Program of the N-bit-wide reduction, the first realization of a subtraction for, after all N-reduction devices.该程序实现的N位全减器,首先实现一位的减法器,之后实现N位全减器。

58、I wish your commitment, I tell you I wish I hope to receive your message 这个您是要写在求职信的上面的吧。

59、In reality, this is far from the truth.在现实生活中,现实远非如此。

60、Definition: Implementation-defined indicates an aspect that may differ between implementations, but must be specified by the implementor for each particular implementation.定义: 实现定义的意味着一个方面可能在不同的实现中不同,但是实现者必须就每个特定的实现作出明确说明。

61、Through the use of routine templates, you can now implement company standards or best practices.使用例程模板,您现在可以实现公司标准实践或最佳实践。

62、An OFDM System, which is a relatively new method.一种OFDM 的系统实现,这是一个较新的实现方法。

63、As for the expression form, Bunuel's films are counter-conventional and unrealistic. The concepts of reality, unreality and surrealism was always overlapped.就表现形式来看,布努艾尔电影是反常规的、非现实的,其中的现实、非现实和超现实概念一直处于界限不清的状态。

64、Moreover, it will reduce the realistic approach of each category of art to the realistic life, realistic culture, female survivalism and realistic problem on this basis.在此基础上,将各艺术门类的现实性视角归纳为直观现实生活,直击现实文化,直问女性生存及直思现实问题。

65、Offensive real-ism is developed on the basis of both classical realism and defensive realism .进攻性现实主义在经典现实主义和防御性现实主义基础上有继承也有发展。

66、You’ll make it so much easier on yourself if you decide what you want to accomplish, when you want it done by and how you will measure your success.如果你很清楚自己想要实现的是什么,什么时候能实现和判定是否实现的标准,那么你在实现目标时将容易得多。

67、Therefore carry out the society diapason, need the larger degree nomocracy.因此,要实现社会和谐,就要更大程度地实现法治。

68、It’s really, really difficult to achieve that full potential in the real world.在现实中充分发挥潜力,实现目标确确实实很困难。

69、They must implement the presentation layer.他们必须实现呈现层。

70、Take it into consideration.考虑现实。

71、At last the whole framework of CMRS is implemented.最后在检索模型的实现阶段,实现了模型的总体框架。

72、Mainly to achieve some of the terrain changed ETM achieve.实现地形的部分主要都是改ETM实现的。

73、But could time travel ever be possible in real life?但时空旅行究竟能否在现实生活中真正实现?

74、Real time acquisition and processing of information are realized by utilizing embedded ultrasonic detector.本文利用嵌入式系统实现超声探伤仪来实现信息的实时采集与处理。

75、For now you dream Reality.因为现在你梦见了现实。

英文句子模板76:Reality,76、Many XSLT implementations implement one or more EXSLT modules.许多 XSLT 实现都实现了一个或多个 EXSLT 模块。

77、Fulfil: This means taking positive steps to realize the right to health.实现:意思是指采取积极措施实现健康权。


标签: 英文

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