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1、Feelings of Gratitude make Dewdrops of Harmony, Joyful Smiles produce Sunshine of Happiness.


2、Thanksgiving slander you, is that they let you know sweep before your own door.


3、I have great appreciation and thanks for everybody who enables me to have food during every meal.


4、The move to once childish painful young scene followed home.


5、"Nobody cares how long you stay, and it just feels homier . " Jin Kim said.


6、You thanked her by saying you were “really busy right now”.


7、We thank thee, great God, for the mercy-seat, a choice proof of thy marvellous lovingkindness. Help us to use it aright throughout this day!


8、Oh, my gosh. Yes. Look, I'm all getting excited. I love Cafe Gratitude.


9、Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I'm Leeway Cai. Thank you for joining us.


10、Tip:Take some time to reflect on your blessings. Make this a family ritual.


11、Professor JUNE CROSS (Journalism, Columbia University): Thanks for having us.


12、The Coens, though, don't quite do deeply felt alienation like anyone else.


13、Cairne Bloodhoof: I am intrigued by you and your people , young Thrall.


14、By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned

我知道我们一家人永远都会以认识他而心存感恩。 从他身上,我们学习到了该怎样面对逆境不心生怨愤,面对顺境,感怀上帝之恩。

15、I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude to God.


16、You think Vaughn is the right choice for Britta. Vaughn brings out the free spirit in Britta's personality. But would Britta find long-term stability with Vaughn?


17、This moment, we sincerely show gratitude for all friends supporting Tanger growth so many years!


18、You thanked her by plopping4) into the nearest pile of mud.


19、Relationship and life coach Donna Barnes said bedbugs are a creepy aspect to dating right now.


20、Peter Klaven:TU, I also felt. It sounds like you will marry me today.

21、Make you a grateful person by knowing people's needs around the world.报纸使您因为知道世上人的需要而懂得惜福感恩。

22、He should be grateful to the Fuehrer that he still has private property.他应该为自己还拥有私有财产而对元首感恩戴德。

23、If we meet good people, we must humbly learn from them and be grateful for their teachings.遇到好人我们要虚心就教、起感恩心;

24、What I feel very grateful and touched about is especially Kenn, he seems to have a great burden for my recording ministry too;让我很感恩和感动的,特别是Kenn,他似乎对我的唱片事奉很有负担;

25、My days are filled with Purpose, Passion, Happiness, Appreciation, Motivation, Love.神武的生活被目标,豪情,快乐,感恩,方向,跟爱完全地填满了。

英文句子26:,26、"I am just thankful to God to be in the presence of the pope, " said Igene.伊杰恩说:“我感谢上帝,我与教皇同在。

27、I deeply appreciate your big favor and don't know how to pay you back.我深深地感谢你,真不知道如何报答你的大恩大德。

28、Is P268S Mutation of NOD2 Gene the Susceptible Gene in ChinesePatients with Crohn's Disease ?NOD2基因P268S突变是中国人克罗恩病的易感基因吗?。

29、Then he feels obliged, and because he loves her, he gives her also a little bit more.他感恩戴德,他也爱她,所以他也多给了她一些。

30、Ron has got that loving feeling, but he has a lot of growing to do.荣恩确实能感受到爱情,但仍然有待成长。

31、Besides unconditional loves, a pet relieves loneliness, Entin points out.阿兰恩廷指出,“除了无条件地爱,宠物还可以减轻孤独感。

32、They are interested in studying whether a direct correlation exists between bacterial infection and flare-ups in Crohn's disease.他们对研究细菌感染和急性的克罗恩病发作是否存在直接相关感兴趣。

33、You might be wondering about the absence from our list of the Born postulate.你们可能感到惊讶,在我们的列举中没有玻恩的假设。

34、A presentation made to a deity as an act of religious worship or sacrifice; an oblation.向上帝供奉,祭献向神供奉,如敬神或感恩。

35、Kilimanjaro, may be overruled by udinese bird raise, this is the end of the big bird nestlings gratitude;乌鸟私情,愿乞终养,这是雏鸟对大鸟的感恩;

36、It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarify.感恩把拒绝转变为接纳,把混乱变为秩序,把困惑变为明晰。

37、Asking forgiveness is the prerequisite for both the Eucharistic liturgy and personal prayer.感恩祭礼仪和个人祈祷也以祈求宽恕作为必要的准备。

38、She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health我们应对健康的身体心存感恩,这一点她太清楚了。

39、Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I'm Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.欢迎收看大爱英语新闻,我是蔡力薇,感恩有您的加入。

40、Many days, I try to humble myself and hold a 2-minute gratitude session.很多时候,我尝试变得谦逊,进行两分钟的感恩。

41、You paid the tithing and thanked the beast for someone to pray too.你们向教会交什一税,还感恩野兽们让某人祈祷。

42、A life of gratitude is composed of three parts that combine to make a whole.充满感恩之情的人生由紧密结合的三部份组成。

43、they came to show gratitude, to show love, to show honor, to show respect.他们是来向主感恩,来爱主,来尊荣主,来敬拜主的。

44、No one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.没有人天生该对谁好所以我们要学会感恩。

45、And to mother-care-earth under my feet training me how to love, only my gratitude remains.而对于培养自己爱恋的土地,我只有感恩。

46、"Buddha told him:" They will not be grateful, maybe even curse you!佛陀就跟他说:「他们不会感恩,说不定还会骂你喔!」

47、LILY:Good afternoon, Han Mei. I'm glad you can come for our Thanks.莉莉:下午好,韩梅。我真高兴你能来和我们一起吃感恩。

48、Peter Klaven:TU, I also felt. It sounds like you will marry me today.皮特:“恩,我也感受到了。听起来似乎是今天你会娶我。”

49、Penning notes of appreciation to gift-givers teaches gratitude and helps polish writing and spelling skills.给送礼者写感谢信不仅能教会孩子们学会感恩,同时还能帮助他们提高写作和拼写能力。

50、That smile will never be fake. That feeling of gratitude has never been lesser…Lun.那个微笑不会是假的那份感恩也从来不会少过…纶。

经典英文句子51:感恩,51、More failure and diffcults due to the short and lack of a gratitude heart.很多人生的失意和困厄都源于感恩心态的缺失。

52、Vivien Muller came out with this great concept from nature to charge your gadgets.维维恩?穆勒这一绝妙的充电想法的灵感来自大自然。

53、Both favorable and unfavorable conditions strengthen us; treat them with equanimity and gratitude.顺逆两种境遇都是增上因缘,要以平常心与感恩心相待。

54、"God made you a champion, " she said, "and don't forget to thank Him out loud. "“是主令你成为冠军,”她说:“不要忘记向主大声感恩。”

55、Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his deeds in joyful song.愿他们献上感恩的祭献,将他的工程欢乐地宣传。

56、Payne was delighted to have added Olympic silver to his world bronze.佩恩对世锦赛铜牌加奥运银牌的成绩感到非常高兴。

57、Never have so many person been so deeply gratitude to so few persons.从来都没有过的人对这么少的人感恩戴德如此之深。

58、Growing up healthily: learn happily, act cheerfully and confidently, develop potential, and be cherish and grateful.健康成长:快乐学习,活泼自信,潜能开发,感恩惜福。

59、After the victory at Endor, Leia continued to demonstrate some ability in the Force, being able to sense her brother's presence.恩多战役胜利后,莱娅继续表现出对原力的敏感性,她能够感应到哥哥的存在。

60、Gratitude, awakens our conscience, and propels us to work for the good of humanity.心生感恩,是良知的开启,也是踏出人生良能的第一步。

61、"Gratitude is more than just feeling good, " says Nathan DeWall, who led the study at Kentucky.“感恩不仅仅是感觉不错,” 内森•德沃尔这么说道,他是肯塔基负责这项研究的人。

62、Have a heart of Thanksgiving, we will study hard and love their own.拥有一颗感恩的心,我们就会勤奋学习,真爱自己。

63、Because not only apathy and smiling face, so we should learn to be grateful.因为脸上不只有冷漠还有笑颜,所以我们要学会感恩。

64、But animals that get treated like royalty often behave like brats.但是得到如此厚待的动物通常会像不知感恩的小孩儿一样。

65、Grateful people are more likely to acknowledge a belief in the interconnectedness of all life and a commitment to and responsibility to others.感恩的人更能了解在生活和承诺上的连通度,并且对他人更富于责任感。

66、It's easy tov be thankful for the good times ; a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks .对美好事物感恩很容易;精彩的人生属于那些对挫折也心存感激的人。

67、no one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.没有人天生该对谁好所以我们要学会感恩。

68、There's also been a lot of support from ex-team-mates and I'm very thankful.还有许多我以前的队友也给予我支持,我很感恩。

69、That perception was a burden to bear, particularly as the real-life Maureen felt herself to be far from perfect.那是一种需要忍受重负的感觉,特别是真实的毛瑞恩感到自己远远不及完美。

70、We thank you for brave Stannis, by your grace our king.我们感谢你的恩典,你让勇敢的史坦尼斯成为我们的国王。

71、Always bear in mind the following virtues: understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, contentment, and treasuring your blessings.全真仙宗-坤元观: 心中长存善解、包容、感恩、知足、惜福。

72、I don't think it's worth it. Doctor Thorne will be less sympathetic than me.我感觉不值得,松恩医生会比我更没同情心的。

73、A child dressed in brown clothes came to thank him for saving his life.一个穿着褐色衣服的小孩过来感谢他的救命之恩。

74、Wayne W. Murdy, executive vice president of Newmont, had no hard feelings, either.韦恩瓦特murdy ,执行副总裁纽蒙特,没有辛勤的感情,无论是。


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