关于”又狠又霸气“的英语句子30个,句子主体:ruthless and domineering。以下是关于又狠又霸气的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:ruthless and domineering
1、Hardcore players will be able to beat anything we put in front of them very quickly, the beat the Shroud the day it launched.
2、The hot and humid weather make me sweat.
3、B. The weather is cold and sunny.
4、Being torn between anger and self-reproach, he could hardly fall asleep.
5、Grasshopper: Jeez! What a hot day! I am so hot and thirsty. Mmm. This lemonade is so sweet and cold. I love the summer.
B 哦,在过去的几周里,天气又冷又刮风下雨的。
6、B Well, we’ve had cold, wind and rain over the last few weeks.
7、He frowned and stamped his feet to portray anger.
8、So the Magician fell upon him, and beat him, and loaded him with chains, and cast him again into the dungeon.
9、The spring was foul this year—it was cold and wet for weeks.
10、They had no lunch, no tea, and they were tired, angry and afraid.
11、I am heated and excited, sir, I know I am.
空气又冷又潮, 我看是要下雨了。
12、It's damp and cold, I think it's going to rain.
13、She looked vexed again.
14、Mr. Collins was also in the same state of angry pride.
15、Well, we’ve had cold, wind and rain over the last few weeks.
16、The weather suddenly turned cool and cloudy.
不要杞人忧天; 别自找麻烦。
17、Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
18、Well, we've had cold, wind and rain over the last few weeks. Maybe it will be warmer.
19、Mine is a long and sad tale! "said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing."
20、I know the age better than you do, though you will prate about it so tediously.
21、He knocked at her door heavily. The door opened and he saw a familiar face, which however, did not belong to him any more.“咚咚咚”他狠狠地敲门,门开了,他又看到了王莉熟悉的面孔,然而那已经不属于他了。
22、Was discovered by wife in the evening, scolded his firm firm, punish genuflect again 晚上被老婆发现了,把他狠狠骂了一通,又罚跪三更才准许睡觉。
3 more just allow sleep.
23、Who says coffee tables have to be drab pieces of heavy wood hogging the centre of your living wood?谁说咖啡桌一定得是那种又黄又笨重,总是霸占在客厅中央的木制家俱?
24、I looked at, and good gas and amused , forgive it.我看了,又好气又好笑,原谅了它。
25、The sculpture garden with a long sharp crooked mouth, two in particular vicious circle yo eyes, wings long and large.园子里的雕长着尖尖的鹰勾嘴,两只圆溜溜的眼睛特别凶狠,翅膀又长又大。
英文句子26:,26、I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.偶将为你祈祷。
27、Then Monday morning I see Adams walking toward his car and again he gives me that smoldering look!星期一早上,我看到亚当斯朝着他的车走去,然后又恶狠狠地看了我一眼!
28、bladk looks在这里是“恼气冲冲,恶狠狠地样子”
12) What's the matter with her?
29、She's got another attack of asthma .她的气喘病又犯了。
30、Last hight, he beat me up again. Ahd it was much worse than all the other times.昨晚他又揍我了,而且比之前更狠、更严重…
31、The middle-aged woman lay on the ground, tired and angry.这个中年妇女又累又气地躺在地上。
32、It was the voice of a huge and hideous man with a long beard and mean eyes.那声音是一个胡子又长、眼神凶狠、长相吓人的彪形大汉所发出来的。
33、This cold air is now heated also and rises, while other cold air rushes in after.冷空气到达热带后又被加热而上升,然后又有冷空气接着流入。
34、Mr. Helton dropped Arthur, and seized Herbert , and shook him with the same methodical ferocity.希尔顿先生放开阿瑟,又抓住赫伯特,同样一本正经地恶狠狠地摇晃他。
35、Robbins fist-bumps me hard, which takes me by surprise after the hand kiss.罗宾斯跟我狠狠碰了一下拳头。 他在吻手之后又做出这样的动作,多少让我有些吃惊。
36、After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony.刑罚开始时,由七位士兵狠狠地抽打安得烈,然后又绑在十字架上,来让他不能落气更加痛苦。
37、For example, an ugly man with bad temper will describe himself as a handsome and even-tempered.比如,一个又丑脾气又差的男人会把自己描述成帅气而且好脾气的人。
38、It was cloudy and chilly yesterday .昨天的天气又阴又冷。
39、He seemed both angry and disturbed.他似乎是又气愤又不安。
40、Shocked and scared, I could not conjure up the courage to speak.又惊又怕的我竟一时语塞,没有勇气开口说话。
41、You're mistaken, Mrs Linton,' said I. `They humour you: I know what there would be to do if they did not.虽然我依着他们俩,可我又想狠狠的惩罚他们一下也许会把他们变好哩。” “你错了,林惇夫人,”我说。
42、Grandma know that the house work, was angry and urgent dizzy an empty purse yesterday.奶奶晓得了房子的工作,又气又急晕了曩昔。
43、His eyes met mine so keen and fierce, I started; and then he seemed to smile.他的眼睛那么锐利又凶狠地望着我,我大吃一惊;跟着仿佛他又微笑了。
44、She felt as though she had been slapped to the extreme outer edge of life, into a cold darkness.她觉得似乎自己被人狠狠地击了一掌,给摔到生活的最外的危险边缘,推进又冷又黑的地方。
45、As he had expected, Mrs. Dursley looked shocked and angry.已如他预料的,杜斯利夫人看上去又震惊又生气。
46、She stopped listening. She felt as though she had been slapped to the extreme outer edge of life, into a cold darkness.她再也听不下去了。她觉得似乎自己狠狠地让人击了一掌,给摔到生活的最外的危险边缘,推进又冷又黑的地方。
47、When he’s done, he goes to China and becomes the top man there.称霸之后,他又移师中国,xx年成为业界领头羊。
48、Ronnie slammed two punches into the kid's head before stepping back to let the others in.罗尼又狠狠地冲胖小子的脑袋抽了两拳,然后退到后面,让其他人上。
49、She sulked again.她又生气了。
50、" ground of feminine firm firm swung him to remember a slap on the face: "Blamed, it is a make water definitely pull freezer!女人狠狠地甩了他一记耳光:“该死的,准又是把尿拉冰箱了!”
经典英文句子51:又狠又霸气,51、Young Bo glared at him murderously, but could scarcely object to his own brother being praised.白寒枫狠狠瞪了他一眼,可又不能说自己兄长武功不行。
52、It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain.空气又冷又潮,我看是要下雨了。
53、The men who are nice , handsome, rich, ballsy, but cissy and narrowness, no girl love!又好,又帅,又有钱,又有胆量的但娘娘腔又小气的男人,没有女孩喜欢。
54、Now she was hungry and angry. She began to smoulder .现在她又饿又气,她开始流露难以抑制的怒火。
55、It wasn't a very good excuse, however, for deep down inside him he really knew that the White Witch was bad and cruel.不过这个借口并不高明,因为在他内心深处,他也真正知道白妖婆又凶狠又残酷。
56、Because the air is so cold and thin, the cabin has to be air-conditioned.由于空气又冷又稀薄客舱必须进行空气调节。
57、He dramatizes his woes with sobs and sighs.他像演戏似地又哭泣又叹气,来表现他的痛苦。
58、The weather was foggy and snowy.天气又是下雾又是下雪。
59、His voice was shaking with fear and a desperate courage.他又害怕,又有一种豁出去的勇气,说话时声音都发颤了。
60、This should be done, and love one love to the depths of it, how would be hard-hearted to hate him?应该是这样的,爱一个人爱到深处,又怎么会狠心去恨他呢?
61、Li Dagen is set bureau profaned small fragrant, want to continue to occupy by force again later small fragrant.李大根设局玷污了小芳,之后又想继续霸占小芳。
62、The tone was typical Chandler - half fawning , half insolent.这是十足的钱德勒的口气-- 又是阿谀奉承, 又是傲慢无理。
63、She fabricated out of these lies because she was stupid and cruel-hearted.她捏造出这些谎言是因为她既愚蠢又狠心。
64、If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.你在这里做到了在一切地方就都能做到。
65、I got mad and gave him a good talking-to.我实在气不过, 狠狠地说了他一顿。
66、Zhao big five field in shipping car, while eight unprepared, mercilessly with five of the field will be no blue smashed, and eight pushed down the truck grinding death.赵大在运送五方土的车上,趁王八不备,狠狠将装五方土的青花瓷罐砸碎,又将王八推下卡车碾死。
67、Don't be afraid to make eye contact with your bully boss.别害怕 和你的恶霸老板又目光接触;
68、He was short and fat, with a large beer belly. 他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。
69、"Yes, I hate him!" repeated Hester, more bitterly than before.“是啊,我是恨他!” 海丝特又重复了一句,口气更狠了。
70、He let out another sigh of relief.他又松了一口气。
71、And because the program is broadcast overtime, head was called to Beijing severely criticized the after a meal.敏感时期,上周又因为节目播出超时,台长都被叫去北京狠狠批评了一顿。
72、I was thin and small you tall how to write我又瘦又小合你又高又壮怎么写
73、The emphasis was helped by the speaker's mouth, which was wide, thin and hand set.讲话人那又阔又薄又紧绷的嘴巴帮助他加强了语气。
74、He knocked at her door heavily. The door opened and he saw a familiar face, which however, louboutin, did not belong to him any more.“咚咚咚”他狠狠地敲门,门开了,他又看到了王莉熟悉的面孔,然而那已经不属于他了。
75、My tire is flat again, It always needs air.车胎又没气了,总得打气。
英文句子模板76:ruthless and domineering,76、Looking at his confused face, I felt annoyed.看到他迷惑不解的脸,我又好气又好笑。
77、Victor: Remember, Kevin, mean and nasty.维克托:记住,凯文,要又坏又凶狠。
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