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关于”梦想的诗歌“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Poetry of Dreams。以下是关于梦想的诗歌的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of Dreams


1、Same world, same dream, song of unite is sung throughout the world.


2、Dreamtime that is dark is difficult to foray for positive happenstance through prose incantations.


3、With only 500 yuan in his pocket, he came to the city to sing.


4、To date, over

7, 400 strangers have poured their dreams, joys, wit and woe into hastily scribbled notes, thoughtful letters, original poems and even prayers.


5、Dream is the paradise for youth, the musical instrument being played, which, which your soft finger , produces fair-sounding melody.


6、Something that I can definately relate to as a perfomer, as a young girl with the dream of myself.


7、Now, I'd like to end my speech with the lyric of the song "I have a dream" by westlife.


8、The butterfly sleeping, dreaming of a sweat song.

我一直梦想着能投资这样一家公司,它的出现为唱片公司唱起挽 歌。

9、One startup I dream of funding is the one that kills the record companies.


10、That night, he lay on his bunk dreaming of Lili and Marleen, and was inspired to write a poem coupling their names. He called it "Song of a Young Sentry".


11、That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables.


12、I would like to write songs. It's a dream.


13、To express the history of their own minds and dreams, Beijing school writers create a poetic ideal world.


14、Admiration turned, singing turned our songs, write down our dreams.


15、Ckantor is a poetic prose based accolade of foray of expressing the focus of dreamtime.


16、Because his psychological type is the introversive intuition type, his poems have the character of daydream, and his standpoint is novel and illusive.

还有,T·伯恩·波奈特, 你帮助我完成了成为乡村歌手的梦想, 谢谢 你,波奈特。

17、And T-Bone Burnett for helping me realize my lifelong dream of being a country music singer. Thank you, T-Bone.


18、That night, he lay on his bunk dreaming ofLili and Marleen, and was inspired to write a poem coupling their names. Hecalled it "Song of a Young Sentry".


19、Qin song is her most ideal in a dream lover, although have never met, but he thinks that the thought not to get married.


20、Singing the Sky's song, clouds and water take away all dreams of the river.

21、That changed when she began to sing from Les Miserables.当她开始唱《悲惨世界》中的 歌曲 《我曾有梦》时,我的这一想法就改变了。

22、That night, he lay on his bunk dreaming of Lili and Marleen, and was inspired to write a poem coupling their names.那天夜里,他躺在床上梦想着丽莉和玛伦,这激发起了他的创作灵感,他将她们的名字连在一起写下了一首诗,并取名为《年轻哨兵之歌》。

23、English-Canadian poetry has been shaped by a unique set of historical conditions and social developments in Canada that have affected the structure of its imaginative visions and humanistic ideology.加拿大英语诗歌在一定程度上是由加拿大独特的历史背景在不同方面对诗人的人文思想和想象力视角结构的影响中形成的。

24、He wishes to be a singer with talent like Leehom Wang and David Tao.他梦想成为一个像王力宏和陶喆一样有天赋的歌手。

25、I have a dream that in 2010 Hawick will start afresh in his singing careers and show his natural endowments of singing to us.我有一个梦想——xx年恺威能够重新开始他的歌唱事业,并为我们展现他在歌唱上的天赋。

英文句子26:,26、Actually in my earlier days of song-writing, I had a dream to "rehabilitate" songs lovers through the pop songs culture…其实早期开始写歌时,我有一个梦想,就是以流行歌曲的方式“感化”爱听歌的人…

27、I have a dream, a song to sing; To help me cope with anything.我有一个梦,是一首想唱的歌; 帮助我对抗一切。

28、We knew their smiles, their songs, their dreams.我们记得他们的音容笑貌,他们的歌声,他们的梦想。

29、The lad loves to sing, and launches into a “flawless rendition” of “The Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha.这名少年热爱唱歌,投入地演唱了《梦幻骑士》的插曲,“不可能实现的梦想”。

30、His hopes of becoming a professional singer were dashed when doctors told him he would never sing again.他曾梦想成为一名专业歌手,但医生的诊断粉碎了他的梦——他再也无法一展歌喉。

31、These diverse Haute Couture looks take inspiration from a blend of culture, nature, dreams and theatricals: Nomad Couture, Nature's Goddess, Techno Poetry and Midnight Stage.这些不同的高级时装看起来从一种文化,自然,梦想和戏剧结合的启示:游牧时装,大自然的女神,科技诗歌和午夜阶段。

32、If I can choose, I have two dreams now: one is to be a great scientist. Our school anthem says, dream is the sail, and youth is the oar;现在,如果让我选,我有二个梦想:一个是做一个伟大的科学家,我们的校歌:理想是帆,青春是浆;

33、Abstract: Speaks the Chinese literature, lets poetry which first by no means the human thought that but is "the article" or "the article".摘要:讲中国文学,最先让人想到的并非诗歌,而是“文”或“文章”。

34、Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song, List while I woo thee with soft melody;美丽的梦神歌中的皇后, 温柔的歌声会使你开怀;

35、Quite a few dream of becoming famous, perhaps famous sportspeople or singers.很多著名的梦想,或许著名运动员或歌手。

36、I believe in you by JoeI never believed in dreaming, it never got me …中文歌词相信你 我从不相信梦想,它毫无用处我从不相信爱会降临我身,如一箭…

37、And this is something to contrast with the early Yeats and its high idealism, and its drive to exist in an abstract and ideal world.这可与早期他诗歌的理想主义,致力表现,抽象理想世界作对比。

38、The ones in love gambol when they walk, sing when they work, laugh when they have dinner and talk in their sleep.约会的想念,让你走路会突然想跳起来,工作的时候唱歌,吃饭的时候会笑出来,睡觉的时候说梦话……

39、The last one is Weiwei. She sang the songs named"One world, One dream"and"The same song".压轴名角韦唯,演唱“同一个世界,同一个梦想”和“同一首歌”。

40、It's a kind of picture for me of the linguistic environment, if you will, of modern poetry.对我来说,如果你愿意这样想的话,这就是现代诗歌语言环境的一幅图画。

41、His dream was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.他的梦想是要面对面地见见他心目中的流行曲歌星。

42、You go to the Magic Kingdom, and the refrain there is “dreams really do come true”.你去魔幻王国走一走,就发现那儿的主题歌就是“梦想终究实现”。

43、Throughout these 而在这

9 years, his dream of becoming a singer had never wavered and he was determined to do whatever it takes to get there.

9 年的过程中,他想成为歌手的梦想,从未摇动过,而且他的决心相当坚定,并且誓要做到。

44、Music is my favorit, To be a singer is my dream.音乐是我最喜欢的,是成为一个歌手是我的梦想。

45、The case study includes an exhaustive-quantitative research on the use of metaphors in the poems of Hongloumeng and the translations of the Yangs and Hawkes.本文的研究个案对《红楼梦》以及霍克斯、杨氏夫妇译本中诗歌的隐喻进行了穷尽统计。

46、In Bellini's opera "La Sonnambula, " a sleepwalking incident leads to chaos.在贝里尼的歌剧《梦游女》中, 一场梦游事故引发混乱。

47、Amber brings us wonderful songs, moreover, she gives us the power of dream.郭采洁不仅给我们带来了美妙的歌声,还给了我们梦想的力量。

48、Sometimes I dream about going to New York and being on the stage in front of thousands of people. That's what I'd wish for.我有时梦想着去纽约,在成千上万人面前唱歌,那是我的愿望。

49、A lady friend of mine, dreams: She is at the opera. It is a Wagnerian performance, which has lasted until 我的一位女性朋友的梦:她梦见自己正观赏瓦格纳歌剧,歌剧得到次日

7.45 in the morning.


50、云水和着天空的歌谣,把河流的梦想全部带走。Singing the Sky's song, clouds and water take away all dreams of the river.

经典英文句子51:梦想的诗歌,51、You can dream of becoming an excellent dancer, a top-class singer and even a famous scientist.你可以梦想当一名优秀的舞蹈家, 当一名一流的歌唱家,甚至当一名著名的科学家。

52、They believe that his ideas have reverberated beyond science, influencing modem culture from painting to poetry.他们认为他的思想已超出了科学范围,影响着从绘画到诗歌的现代文化。

53、The shy manual worker didn’t talk much about his dream, but he sang it out loud with his amazing voice.这名从事体力工作的劳动者很腼腆,在谈论自己梦想时着墨不多,却用美妙歌喉大声唱出自己的梦想。

54、The City of Dali is a traveler’s Dream: a taste of old China in an idyllic setting.大理是每一个旅行者的梦想:那里有着古老中国田园牧歌式的韵味。

55、She dreamed of becoming a popular singer.她梦想成为一名歌星。

56、I have a dream that in 2010 Hawick's fans will create more Op. for him, no matter the articles, poems, photos or videos.我有一个梦想——xx年我们所有粉丝能为恺威创作出更多的原创作品,无论是文章、诗歌、图片还是视频。

57、I dream of being a singing star.我梦想能当一名歌星。

58、The way Schmidt sees it, Gobekli Tepe's sloping, rocky ground is a stonecutter's dream.斯密特看到的歌贝克力山顶遗迹倾斜的、石质的地面,是一个石匠的梦想。

59、Always dreamed of when the singer Cao Xuanbin never thought the singer walks back so hard, out to the stage, let him bear the hitherto unknown pressure.一直梦想当歌手的曹轩宾并没有想到歌手的路走的回如此艰辛,从幕后走到台前,让他承受了前所未有的压力。

60、Man Yao has the sounds of nature voice, vainly hoped for that can stand in the stage sings heartily.满瑶有着天籁般的嗓音,梦想能够站在舞台上尽情歌唱。

61、That changed when she began to sing from Les Miserables.当她开始唱《悲惨世界》中的 歌曲 《我曾有梦》时,我的这一想法就改变了。

62、Things are not "made up" in Frost, "not made up" in the sense of imagined, called up out of thin air, like fairies and elves.弗罗斯特的诗歌里没有编造,没有想象,像仙女和精灵那样的凭空想象。

63、Singing, dancing and giggling in my dream.在我梦里咯咯轻笑,欢舞歌吟。


标签: 英文 诗歌 梦想

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