小组讨论用英语怎么说 英语

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小组讨论翻译为英语可以这样说: Panel discussion,其次还可以说成"group discussion -",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到65个与小组讨论相关的短语释义和例句。


1. Panel discussion

小组讨论翻译为 Panel discussion 。

示例:一系列小组讨论已安排在各个下午进行。 A series of discussion groups has been timetabled for the afternoons.


2. group discussion -

小组讨论翻译为 group discussion - 。

示例:许多教师选择组织小组讨论,而不是发讲义。 Many teachers are opting for group discussions instead of handouts.


3. group discussion

小组讨论翻译为group discussion。


1、During group discussions many people never express their opinions because they're afraid that people will judge them for their saying something stupid.


4. panel discussion

小组讨论翻译为panel discussion。

示例:The Panel continued the discussion with the Administration on the moratorium on the issue of further FTNS licences. 事务委员会与政府当局继续讨论暂停增发固网服务牌照的措施。



1. small group discussion(小组讨论)

2. discipleships( 小组讨论)


3. work in groups( 小组活动;

4. panel meeting(专家小组会议,小组讨论会)

5. rap groups(讨论小组)

英语短语&俚语, LGD Leaderless Group Discussion leader group discution LGD-Leaderless Group Discussion ( 无领导小组讨论 )

Leaderless group discussion Leaderless group Leadless group discuss leaderless group discussio ( 无领导小组讨论法 )

group discussion ( 课堂小组讨论 )

focus group discussion FGD ( 专题小组讨论 )

panel discussion ( 专门小组讨论 )

Nominal Group discussion ( 选题小组讨论 )

Can't and panel discussion Not with the group discussion ( 不敢与小组讨论 )

panel meeting ( 小组讨论会 )


1. Yesterday at the HES meetings i was part of a panel discussing The Constitution of Liberty that was organized by Bruce Caldwell.

译文:昨天,在HES会议上,我参加了一个由Bruce Caldwell教授组织的关于《自由秩序原理》的小组讨论。 。

2. Until the matter is discussed, Bank staff is not permitted to discuss the inspection Panel Report.


3. What customs do you know about multiracial peoples? Please discuss and act in groups.


4. People won't make much but they might have fun working in a focus group or evaluating products or services as a mystery shopper.


5. One of the most important things in any new show is how you feel about the characters.

译文:对于每一部新剧来说,最重要的是 (男性小组讨论) 你对剧中人物的感觉如何。

6. There's navigation, healing, search and rescue blacksmithing, weather interpretation, colliering.

译文:我们有领航小组、医护小组... 搜救小组、武器小组... 气象分析小组、开矿小组。

7. Do one of your "focus groups"you do at work.


8. People will write things on those cards that they won't say in a focus group.

译文:观众会在那些卡片上写上 在小组讨论时不会说的话。

9. That said, he really enjoyed group discussions with his classmates at HKUST.


10. We do workshops. New ideas pop up.

译文:小组讨论时,我们有层出不穷的创意, 。

11. Was there anything discussed during group meetings that pertains to this investigation?

译文:你们小组讨论的时候 有没有谈论过什么 对调查有帮助的话题呢 没有。

12. First of all, this study sought to demonstrate the LGD which based on competency model has high reliability and validity.


13. Usually, in-basket, Leadless Group Discussion, Role Playing and Management Game are used for the simulation technology of assessment center.


14. if no label has been specified, dynamic panels will be identified as "Unlabeled".

译文:如果没有标签已被指定的,动态的小组讨论会,确定为“未加标签”。 。

15. A small group of us would get together and talk.

译文:我们这小组的实习生 经常聚在一起讨论。



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