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关于”适合写在书上“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Suitable for writing in books.。以下是关于适合写在书上的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suitable for writing in books.


1、Upcoming school expenses (books and tuitions).


2、Better to do well than to say well。

3、please write it in your book. 请把它写在你的书上


4、Writing by hand can be physically painful for pp who have it .


5、This room lends to study. It's so quiet.


6、Voice, too, can be understood as inscribed on the ear.

适用于休息室,图书馆,酒店。 很适合在上面享受安宁和彻底放松。

7、B25 is the perfect solution in, for example, lounges, libraries and hotels, where the chair offers a secluded place in which to relax.


8、In all things the word finis must be written in good season;


9、Try writing a book review on your blog, or joining a book club.


10、In his book, he teaches readers to find a breath prayer tailor-made for them.

11、Don‘t write in the books. 别在书上写字。

在这个案例中,JSSE 将选择任何一个它认为合适的证书。

12、In this case, JSSE will choose whichever certificate it sees fit.


13、Book for experienced C language programmers to read, also suitable for multi-threaded programming for reference.


14、It's written down here.


15、Please complete in English (BLOCK LETTERS) and tick where appropriate.


16、The present invention provides a composite pen which can yield two or more kinds of writing effects at its tip and can prolong the writing time and working life of both tips.


17、Dysgraphia is a neurological(newer logical)disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write.


18、Use the card catalogue or on-line catalogue to search for appropriate books.


19、An empty suit dropped to the ground.


20、Writing by hand can be physically painful for people who have it.

21、There is nobody by that name working here.这里没有这个人。

22、Written in the book of 1526.被书写在名为1526的一本书中。

23、She defaced the book by writing on it.在书上乱涂写而损坏了书本。

24、And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.若有人在这预言上加添甚麽,神必将写在这书上的灾祸加在他身上。这书上的预语,若有人删去甚麽,神必从这书上所写的生命树和圣城,删去他的分。

25、A wise man changes his mind; a fool never will。 说得好不如做得好。

英文句子26:,26、The first one to write the word on the board scores a point.第一个把单词写在书写板上的得一分。

27、He carefully wrote his name on the flyleaf.他把自己的名字工工整整地写在书的衬页上。

28、The theory and practice of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy leads Chinese Character Writing to the top of the modem script.王羲之的书法理论与实践,使汉字通过毛笔书写走上了今体书写科学的巅峰。

29、Suspension Service is only applicable to Qualified Certificates.中止服务仅适用于合格证书。

30、But limns the water, or but writes in dust.人生如在水面雕刻,土上书写。

31、There is an order or sequential movement in calligraphy in which characters have to be written. It therefore has the character of being a process which makes it suitable for performance.书写书法时要注重笔顺,所以,它具有一种过程的性质,这就使它适合于表演。

32、The text says they "cowered like dogs crouched against the outer wall.书上写道“像狗一样,蜷缩在墙角。

33、Unique design of the rubberized grip ensures smooth and comfortable writing.独特设计的涂胶握笔处使你的书写更流畅舒适。

34、Books can be hard or soft cover, and trim sizes range from a small 7” square books to large, coffee-table-size 12” square books.你可以选择硬皮或软皮封面,还可以调整书本尺寸从七寸手掌书到适合摆放咖啡桌上的12寸大的书。

35、Now, close your book please.现在,请合上书。

36、The instructions called it a planchette.说明书上称作占写板。

37、In the other word, it can be shown on people’s face.换言之“书卷气”是写在每个人脸上的。

38、Write down your blood type in your Yellow Book.在你的黄皮书上写下你的血型。

39、If wrinkles must be writen upon our brows, let them not be writen upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old.如果皱纹必须书写在眉上,千万不要让它也书写在心头。精神应该常青。

40、This is where self-help books can be helpful, Dr.Szymanski said, by providing such strategies.Szymanski博士说,自助书上提供了这些方法,用在这里会十分合适。

41、 Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance。 通百艺而专一长。

42、If you are into reading books, I suggest you go to a bookstore and meet women.如果你爱好读书,我建议你去书店,在那里会遇到合适的女人。

43、Interestingly, the majority of reviewers thought the book would be useful to business managers as well as software managers.有趣的是,大部分人认为该书既适合业务经理又适合软件经理。

44、And finally, they like to be able to write in books.并且,最后他们喜欢能够在书上书写标记。

45、The theory and practice of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy led Chinese Character Writing to the top of the modem script.王羲之的书法理论与实践,使汉字通过毛笔书写走上了今体书写科学的高峰。

46、It is in creative writing calligraphy, multi-factor, multi-level activities of the psychological role of the integrated efforts of completion.书法创作正是在书写者多因素,多层次心理活动的综合作用的合力中完成的。

47、Have your child put his name in his books.让孩子在书上写下他们自己的名字。

48、You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine.你在你的书上乱写乱画,我也总是这样对待我自己的书。

49、Take Good Notes. Try to write down everything that instructor puts on board.试着写下讲师在黑板上板书的。

50、(only to do someting 书写)不料,竟然 连词 (非正式场合)不过,但是,可是

经典英文句子51:适合写在书上,51、Special design for calligraphy beginners, Chinese calligraphy tracing sheet edition benefits the beginners to command basic skill of calligraphy easier, and to make calligraphy ABC more easier.天天向上版适用于培养有书法兴趣的初学者,描红版式的设计让初学者更容易掌握书法的笔画书写方法和基本要领,使其书法入门更轻松。

52、This book is based on VS.NET 2005 Beta 这本书是在VS.NET 2005 Beta 1的基础上编写的。


53、What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样?

54、But since it is my intent to write something useful to whoever understands it, it has appeared to me more fitting to go directly to the effectual truth of things than to the imagination of it.但因为我的目的是,书写一些对任何懂的人,有用的东西,所以最合适的方式是,直接书写事情的有力事实,而非妄想。

55、Could you autograph your book for me, please? 能否帮我在您写的书上签名?

56、Typically taught during the elementary school years, cursive writing builds on the letter formation of block letters or printing.在小学我们就学习用草书写字了。 草书体书写是在正楷体或印刷体字母的基础上形成的。

57、And He spread it before me. And it was written on the front and back, and on it were written lamentations, mourning, and woe.将书卷在我面前展开, 书卷正面背面都写着字,其上所写的是哀号、叹息、灾祸的话。

58、The theory and practice of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy leads Chinese Character Writing to the top of the modern script.王羲之的书法理论与实践,使汉字通过毛笔书写走上了今体书写科学的巅峰。

59、您让我知道“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” !

60、That's Harry and Ron graffitiing the book, as you do to your schoolbooks .那些是哈利和罗恩在书上写着玩的,和我们大家都经常在教科书上的涂鸦一样。

61、The book that Mt. Sun wrote is the best book in the world.孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书。

62、The multipurpose writing plate is composed of a baseplate, a writing board and an arithmetic unit. The arithmetic unit is fixed to the baseplate.多用书写板是由基板、书写板和运算器组成,运算器固定在基板上。

63、He often went to the bookstore in the city and used book shop, see the right book to buy it.他经常到城里的书店和旧书铺,看到合适的书就买下来。

64、One of these days is none of these days。 没有恒心只有力量完不成伟业。

65、 Could you autograph your book for me, please? 能否帮我在您写的书上签名?

66、I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能让我搭一程吗?

67、So that will be appearing in your text as "God" with a capital G.所以在你们书上,上帝的首字母是大写的。

68、"Really the whole book had to be rewritten," she said.“整部书都要重写,写金融危机相关书籍就像赶鸭上架一般,非常具有挑战,”Olefson说。

69、One of my favorite Peanuts comic strips features Charlie Brown saying to Snoopy, "I hear you're writing a book on theology. I hope you have a good title."在我最喜爱的一则花生漫画(Peanuts)中,查理布朗这麽对史奴比说:「我听说你在写一本神学的书,我想你已经找到合适的书名了吧。」


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