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关于”有没有可以的软件“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Is there any software that can。以下是关于有没有可以的软件的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Is there any software that can


1、"All software is susceptible to issues - it just depends on how much effort the malware author wants to go to and how much profit can be made, " he said.


2、What if your software has not yet been released?


3、Some software makes you think you can, but you can't.


4、With it you can create nice-looking userbar within five minutes and without any technical or artistical knowledge.


5、You don't have to configure everything in one single file but instead abstract your hardware and software configuration.


6、It is notable not for all of the features it has, but for all of the features it doesn’t have.


7、No technical or data recovery software skills are required to undelete files.


8、It can report on common security risks such as accounts without password, locked accounts, accounts with non- expiring passwords and other scenarios.

虽然没有简化功能版的商业产品,但开发 人员可以合理地使用这些高质量的软件。

9、These are not reduced functionality versions of a commercial product, but high-quality software made available by fellow developers.


10、There is NO software development without creativity.


11、In fact, we may not have selected the database software yet.


12、Lubricates and conditions leather without softening.


13、We need to examine the hardware, software, the load and all other factors to ensure our test results are valid and reliable.

实际上,可以对 Web

14、In effect, Web

2.0 software components can be intentionally dumbed down because they don't have to contain compile-time management software.

2.0 软件组件进行有意识地简化,因为它们不一定包含编译时的管理软件。


15、The reality is that software development is a creative, people oriented activity but this message hasn’t been conveyed well”.


16、Note that in the shift from a hardware-centric to a software-centric computer industry, hardware didn't go away.

虽然没有什么可以取代软件测试的真实硬件,但是 Bochs 可以提供在各种不同的 x86 和非 x86 主机中便于访问的有用开发环境。

17、Nothing beats real hardware for software testing, but Bochs can provide a useful development environment that is portable across a variety of x86 and non-x86 hosts.


18、Microsoft Error Reporting Tool and Microsoft AutoUpdate are included so you can anonymously submit data on software related issues and get software updates as soon as they are available.

如果您还没有安装这些软件,那么根据 附录中下载的内容,去下载、安装以及配置软件。

19、Follow instructions in the Appendix to download, install, and configure the software if you don’t already have it installed.


20、Some software authors create Debian packages of their programs, but do not provide a repository for APT to fetch from.

21、On Linux, the latest available levels of all the software were used with no problem.正如您可以从上面看到的一样,在 Linux 上所有最新的软件都可以放心使用,没有什么问题。

22、Should only be considered if no dark measurement is available!只有在没有暗场测量条件下可以考虑是有效的。

23、They don't have loyalty to a particular brand.他们并没有对某个软件品牌的死忠。

24、Dai also expressed his opinions on the trend of software application in designing, saying in this field no such software has emerged so far as to replace human brain.就整个未来设计行业软件应用趋势,戴昆也发表了自己的见解。 他表示,在设计行业,目前还没有看到软件可以代替人脑的应用。

25、The software has the clone homepage function, you may duplicate at will do not have the security chain's fine homepage.软件具有克隆网页功能,你可以随意复制没有防盗链的精美网页。

英文句子26:,26、At the end of the day, there is no magic wand that will optimize your software for you.在每天日落时,并没有魔法杖可以帮助您优化软件。

27、A package manager typically maintains an inventory of all software installed locally, as well as a catalog of all software available in one or more remote repositories.包管理器通常可以维护本地安装的所有软件的详细目录,以及一个或者多个远程存储库 中所有可用软件的目录。

28、The repositories have a tonne of packages, many of which are probably buried gems that haven't been discovered for ages.软件仓库里的软件包实在是太多了,里面一定有我没发现的珍品。

29、Users who are in the habit of installing software only with root privileges might find it a bit weird having to install things without them.那些习惯只使用 root 特权来安装软件的用户可能会发现没有 root 特权之后安装软件变得有点怪异。

30、There has been never such DVD ripper software supporting so comprehensive video and audio formats.有已没有这类的DVD开膛手软件的支持,以便全面的视频和音频格式。

31、EMI is not using any software that hides traces of the program.EMI没有采用任何藏头缩尾的软件。

32、But Sim City itself has no victory conditions, no goals; it is a software toy.但模拟城市本身没有胜利条件,没有目标,仅仅是个软件玩具。

33、There are hundreds if not more of these types of open source solutions available, where someone has already provided an implemented solution to a common application need.如果没有更多的可利用的开源应用软件,已经有几百个种类,而且已经有人针对所需的常用软件提供了一个可执行的方案。

34、Anti-virus software is a necessary part of any security implementation, but some machines may not have the anti-virus software installed, or may be out-of-date, leaving them open to attack.反病毒软件是任何安全性实现的一个必需部分,但是有些机器可能没有安装反病毒软件,或者软件可能过时了,从而使它们门户大开易受攻击。

35、This software comes with no warrenty.这个软件是没有担保。

36、It's possible to use proprietary software on EC2, but the elastic nature of EC2 makes open source software very attractive.可以在 EC2 上使用专有软件,但是 EC2 的弹性使开放源码软件非常有吸引力。

37、It can run any software which compatible with S60 platform.是否所有的S60 软件都可以使用呢?。

38、This results in no working software until very late in the cycle.这会导致没有可用的工作软件,直到周期的晚期才会改变。

39、I could support a law that would make GPL-covered software's source code available in the public domain after 我可以赞同可以使带有通用公共许可证的软件的源代码在xx年以后被公开的法律,假如这个法律对专有软件的源代码同样有效的话。

5 years, provided it has the same effect on proprietary software's source code.

40、Software engineers in 1985 didn't give much thought to usability requirements.年的软件工程师们没有给出很多关于可用性需求的想法。

41、Boot a computer with the floppy disk image (use a USB floppy drive if the computer does not have one).用软盘镜像启动一台计算机(如果计算机没有软驱,可以使用 USB 软驱)。

42、Scott Guthrie explains the proper order to the uninstall process of pre-release bits, some may be installed and some may not以下是 Scott Guthrie 提供的对先前发布版本的合适的卸载顺序,这些提到的软件可能有些您安装了而有些没有,只要确保如下的顺序即可

43、This is another soft keyboard files can be in a normal UCGUI displayed, but no increase in controls.这是另外一个软键盘文件 可以在UCGUI里正常显示出来,但是没有加控件。

44、Second, I can do lots of fun things with them with the image-editing software I have.第二,我可以利用现有的摄像编辑软件做出很多有趣的事来。

45、Nothing can compel me to do such a thing.没有什么可以强迫我做这件事。

46、Open source software green, nor of the advertising.开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。

47、As a result, with no internet and no Microsoft Word, Schubert dropped out of MATC's fall and spring semesters.因为既无法上网又没有微软Word软件,所以舒伯特只好放弃了MATC的秋季和春季学期。

48、For quite some time now there haven’t been many free apps that could be said to rival or go up against the giant file zipping and compressing giant, WinZip.到目前为止还没有一款免费的软件,可以去竞争或者抗衡文件压缩和解压巨头 WinZip 。

49、A licensor can provide the software under more than one license, perhaps one that is open source and one that's proprietary.许可方可以在多个许可下提供软件,也许有一个许可是开放源码的,有一个是专有的。

50、We were proud that no software defects showed up during the acceptance tests.我们引以自豪的是在验收测试期间没有软件缺陷出现。

经典英文句子51:有没有可以的软件,51、Your software project might have its own kind of pit canary.您的软件项目也可以有自己的矿井金丝雀。

52、Companies must have a policy for procuring OSS, deciding which applications will be supported by OSS, and identifying the intellectual property risk or supportability risk associated with using OSS.企业需要有相关的取得开源软件(Open Source Software)的策略,用来决定在哪些应用中使用开源软件做支撑,并且有效识别出在使用开源软件过程中有可能带来的知识产权风险以及可接受的风险。

53、A package manager is a program that installs and uninstalls software, and keeps track of all the components each piece of software needs.套件管理员是一可以安装与反安装软体还有持续追踪所有软体所需的元件的程式。

54、Because Torvalds released the software under the GNU license, it was able to spread much quicker than under a closed proprietary license.因为Torvalds发布这个软件是基于GNU许可证的,所以它能比那些在封闭的专有许可证下面的软件传播的更快。

55、Moore's law makes the foundations of software ever changing -- there's no "permanent" platform to build on.摩尔定律使得软件的基础日新月异——软件没有一个“永久”的运行平台。

56、However, in software terms, this definition can be refined as the study of source or binary code that is not currently running.但是,在软件术语中,该定义可以精炼为研究当前没有运行的源代码或二进制码。

57、Licensing/Cost Accounting – Many software-licensing schemes do not take virtualization into account.许可/成本会计——许多软件许可模式并没有考虑到虚拟化。

58、The inherent flexibility of software in combination with the ever increasing power of digital technology allows us to continue solving unprecedented problems each day using software.软件固有的灵活性,结合数字技术持续发展的动力,使得我们可以应用软件不断的解决那些从来没有遇到过的问题。

59、No one yet knows how to design the software for that.没有人知道怎样设计软件才能做到有主观意识。

60、Ah, but could a particularly deceptive bit of malware sneak in under the guise of something legitimate?啊,有没有可能少数特别的欺骗性的恶意软件假借合法行为的幌子潜入系统?

61、Thieme, there should be a periodic solution after some time. But when using Mathematic software, I never found this solution.我画了,但是没有周期解,很奇怪,觉着软件的算法可能有问题。

62、There is still a lot of software that comes without an uninstall program.仍然有很多软件是没有卸装程序的。

63、7-Zip and Zip Packages: these packages can be opened on Windows, given the right decompression program is installed.Zip软件包:只要安装有适当的解压缩程序,这些软件包就可以在Windows上打开。

64、Without GNU, we'd be missing a lot of wonderful software.没有GNU,我们将错过许多精彩的软件。

65、You can create a pure GUI if you want, but it probably isn t too useful without some underlying software that does something interesting.只有您愿意,当然可以创建一个纯粹的GUI 程序,但如果没有能完成一些有趣的事的底层软件,这个程序也许不会很有用。


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