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5 beautiful inspirational poems。

英文句子模板1:5 beautiful inspirational poems

log-level 数字 0 到

1、log-level number 0..5 Minimum level of logfile events logged.

5 记入日志的 logfile 事件的最小限度的级别。



5 contains God's stipulations.


3、It must combine with a 5-carbon compound (C5) first.

5 碳化合物(C5) 首先结合。


4、My family and I will review all comments and pick our favorite

5. Winners get $20 via PayPal. Please leave your PayPal address as the address in your comment.


5、First put the leaf in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.


6、He forgives you (Ps. 86:




7、In Germany, Commerzbank climbed almost 5%, with Deutsche Bank gaining




8、First, non-toxic, biodegradable synthetic additives for water cost $5 to $6 per gallon.

5 到

6 美元。

9、xx月xx日,随NINE PERCENT在上海举行“FAN MEETING TOURTHX with LOVE”巡演首站[2];


10、Reference: BMC Infectious Diseases

5, 53 (2005) doi:


5, 53 (2005) doi:


首先,更新 com.ibm.example.iu 的 plugin.xml 中的工具提示,如清单

11、of your com.ibm.example.iu as shown in listing


5 所示。


12、Instead, Tillie gave her $10 and told her put in $5 worth of gas.

在下午, 我们花了5个小时赶往吉首市和凤凰古城。 那两个市十分美丽!

13、In the afternoon, we spent

5 hours "running" to Jishou City & Phoenix Old City. Those two city are beautiful!


14、The euro jumped

2.2 percent to 131.17 yen EURJPY=. Against the dollar, it rose 0.4 percent to $1.3258 EUR=, but was down about

5 percent in the first three months.




15、Page error, or have been removed,

5 seconds will take you to Aimayli. cn Home!


16、The first 50,000 box sets of mono versions of the recordings have sold out, at a price of $269.

《我为喜剧狂》的当家明星费与《绝望主妇》的女一号朗格利亚在这本财富杂志的榜单上并列榜首。 xx年xx月至xx年xx月这xx年间,她们各自进账1300万美元。

17、The "30 Rock" star and "Desperate Housewives" actress tied at the top of the money mag's list, each bringing in $13 million between May 2010 and May 2011.


18、If a person downloads

5 fake tracks before finding the one they're looking for, is that

6 downloads or 1?


19、Half chicken,

3 dollars, whole chicken,

5 dollars.


20、She has over 70 poems in print, in journals such as Bibliophilos and DuPage Arts and Life.

21、The content of poetry precipitates and remains under the cover of its form, the so-called"meaningful form", which makes the form of poetry become the essential denotation of the beauty of poetry.诗作为一种“有意味的形式”,其内容沉淀、内隐于艺术形式,使艺术形式成为诗美的本质标志。

22、By Ewen Callaway and Nature magazine | September 《自然》杂志,Ewen Callaway | 2011.09.05

5, 2011

23、Maybe it's a poem or a journal entry or a significant trinket that means something to the giver.这份礼物或许是一首诗,一篇日志,一个有意义的小物件之类对送礼者来说有一定意义的东西。

24、I remember his stories of being the only non-Chinese passenger on the bus, the crazy rides, and the fare being a meager $5.我至今还记得他的那些故事:成为车里唯一一个非中国人的乘客,司机疯狂的驾驶,还有就是仅仅5美元的车费。

25、Citi's shares on Thursday closed 花旗股价周四收高0.13美元或

13 cents higher, or

8.4 percent, to $1.67 on the New York Stock Exchange. For the first time, Citi shares fell below $1 on March




英文句子26:,26、It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch.杂志的创办人是斯图尔特·布兰德,创办地是在离这里不远的门罗公园,他赋予了这本杂志诗一样的美感。

27、An airline passenger might volunteer to pay $5 to $40 to offset his flight, with the price linked to distance.一个航班乘客可能志愿付出5~40美元来抵消他的航行(的排放量),这个价钱与距离有关。

28、Today, 今天,和平队有5%的志愿者从事青年发展工作。

5 percent of Peace Corps volunteers work in youth development.

29、The dollar dropped by roughly 5% during the week of the Fed’s announcement.美联储发布声明的那一周,美元就跌落大约5%。

30、I need 200 dollars in 5-dollar cheques.我要200美元票面为5美元的支票。

31、Use of the -r flag provides some VMM information (see Listing 使用 -r 标志可以提供一些 VMM 信息(见 清单



32、Oh, thank you, Jimmy. I always wanted a rhododendron bush planted just there. Here's $5.00 for digging that hole.哦,谢谢你,吉米。我一直以来都想在那里栽一丛杜鹃花。这5美元奖励你挖那个坑。

33、This group took the test; a $5 reward was promised for 这组参加了测试,如果答对10个或更多问题就会得到5美元的奖励。

10 or more right answers.

34、They would have won five bucks minus five cents for a total of four ninety-five.他将得到5美元减去5美分,就是4美元95美分

35、I start with the Scheme-callable function in Listing 首先,从清单


5 中的 Scheme 可调用函数开始。

36、These four together with the head of the emerging Furukawa combine, were in fact the only private stockholders with over 实际上,这四个股东再加上后来出现的古川联合企业的首脑是1906底唯一入股超过5股的私人股东。

5 shares in the company at the end of 1906.

37、Each net costs $5 and lasts five years, for a total cost of $1.5 billion over five years.每张网床要花费5美元,可持续使用xx年,xx年总计会花费15亿美元。

38、A five-dollar bill changes into five one-dollar bills.一张5美元的钞票破成5张一美元的钞票。

39、Buyers of homes worth more than 1m Dollar have been able to get mortgage-default insurance from CMHC with a downpayment of only 5%.价值过百万美元住宅的买主能得到由CMHC担保的债务违约保险以及首付仅付5%的优惠待遇。

40、A donation of $5 will generally make you feel the same as a donation of $50 (you don't feel 通常捐5美元与捐50美元的感觉是一样的(你捐5美元的感觉绝不会比捐5美元的感觉要好十倍.) 钱多钱少并不重要,重要的是你有愿意奉献。

10 times better giving $50 than $5) — it's the act of giving that seems to matter most.

41、A better design is to replace the non-unique element names in Listing 更好的设计是使用唯一元素名称替换 清单

1 with unique element names, as Listing

5 describes.

1 中的非唯一元素名称,如 清单

5 所示。

42、After Villa's uneventful performance as the spearhead of Spain's attack in a 4-5-1 against Switzerland, it seemed as if the Barcelona forward would also have a quiet tournament.当西班牙在首战对瑞士的比赛中,排出4-5-1的阵形,比利亚首发站在唯一前锋位置上表现平平的时候,人们或许认为,这位巴塞罗那前锋在本届杯赛也将会继续沉寂。

43、Caring Organisations which are awarded in 连续xx年获颁「同心展关怀」标志的机构(即自2005/xx年度起获颁标志),可按此下载连续xx年「同心展关怀」标志。

5 consecutive years since Year 2005/06, please click here to download the

5 Consecutive Years "Caring Organisation Logo".

44、5-7 November, Beijing, Capital Theatrexx月xx日-xx日,北京,首都剧场

45、Note 注明

5: These fares apply to passengers traveling transoceanic via SkyTeam frequent flyer Award tickets.


46、The canopy will be perfect for the residences to enjoy the spectacular event of sun spots which will appear for 天篷将会是完美的住宅享受阳光点盛况将出现5标志着最高的太阳角度日期分钟。

5 minutes marking the date of the highest solar angle.

47、I have a 5-dollar bill.我有一张5美元的钞票。

48、xx月xx日,随NINE PERCENT在上海举行“FAN MEETING TOURTHX with LOVE”巡演首站 ;

49、A newborn black Jaguar, who is two-month-old and yet to be named, plays at a zoo in Lima, Monday, May xx月xx日,一只两个月大的黑色美洲豹在秘鲁首都利马一动物园内玩耍。这只还没有名字的小美洲豹面对镜头毫不犯憷,摆出姿势招呼摄影师。

5, 2008.

50、5.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心志所愿,无事不成.

经典英文句子51:唯美励志的诗5首,51、No, we should be encouraging them to be architects, doctors, engineers, 5-star chefs, CEO's and other jobs traditionally held by men.不,我们应该鼓励他们成为建筑师,医生,工程师,5星级酒店大厨,首席执行官以及其他传统上属于男性的工作。

52、Today, it is almost $5 trillion.今天,几乎是5万亿美元。

53、We honored the check the overdraft was only 我们承兑这张支票的透支额唯有5元。

5 yuan.

54、Postings to the new category would cost $10 and can be renewed for $5.新类别的发帖费是10美元,续期费是5美元。

55、Customs General Administration authorized SIP-BLC as the first & only experimental unit of "customs bonded logistics center (B Type)" on May 11th, 2004.xx年xx月xx日,海关总署批准在苏州工业园区进行全国首家也是目前唯一的“海关保税物流中心(B型)”试点;

56、As early as in 2000, nanjing annuities plan hair method has no new 5% reward of this one, but now the policy is equal to further define the issuance is 5% of the bonus cancelled policy.早在xx年,南京的养老金计发新办法已经没有了5%奖励这一项,而现在的政策等于进一步明确取消了增发5%的奖励政策。

57、Each drink sold for 每一罐售价为5美分。

5 cents.

58、The Adamo, which starts at $1,999, is Dell's first foray into luxury notebook computers.Adamo售价从1,999美元起,标志戴尔首次进军豪华笔记本电脑市场。

59、With less than $25, 000, from their families, friends, and a third-place prize of $15, 000 in Inc. magazine's entrepreneur competition, they founded Sole Cycle Co.依靠从亲戚朋友那里筹来的不到2万5千美元和由《公司》杂志的创业竞赛提供的1万5千美元的第三方奖金,他们成立了单环公司。

60、Poem of the Motherland, cantata for 为独唱5,合唱队和管弦乐队而作的祖国史诗康塔塔。

5 soloists, chorus & orchestra.

61、He changed a five-dollar bill for five single ones.他把一张5美元的钞票兑换成5张一美元的钞票。

62、The students were then given an incentive of 研究者事先告诉学生奖励的方法:选线右侧可以得到5美分,选左侧只能拿到0.5美分。

5 cents for choosing the right side of the line but only 0.5 cents for picking the left side of diagram.

63、With RDW being 当肢厚比为5时,墙肢底部纵筋首先屈服,肢厚比大于5时连梁箍筋首先屈服;

5, the longitudinal bar in limb yields firstly, while the stirrup in linking-beam yields firstly when RDW greater than



标签: 英文 励志 唯美

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