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关于”健康的重要性“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Importance of Health。以下是关于健康的重要性的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Importance of Health


1、Herbal tea drinkers may be calmer, more health-minded individuals.


2、"Appropriate amounts of sleep are important for maintenance of healthy weight, " said Hairston.


3、Women, on the other hand, are likely to become less healthy.


4、An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence .


5、In conclusion, we should be aware that nothing is nore valuable than health, which is the foundation of one's success.


6、Ms Sharp said: "Sexual health is important, but we didn't want to seem like we were preaching.


7、The major referents that influenced health behavior adoption included family members, social networks, and health professionals.


8、As an issue of fair conditioning unitt, it is health that count.


9、The key is to choose energy-enhancing, health-invigorating foods.


10、Intimate degree and amusement are important factors that affect the mental health of students.

前言: 目的:探讨尿石症的社区健康教育重要性。

11、Objective:To discus the value of the health education in community about urolithiasis.


12、For male hypertension, community-based prevention and intervention should focus on the guidance of health education.


13、Overweight misperceivers had significantly lower odds of participating in healthy or unhealthy weight-related behaviors.


14、You can't lose the plot, dear. Health is more important than playing.


15、Regular dental care is an important part of oral health.


16、On a very round, more fragrant flowers, take care of physical health;


17、A BMD test is safe and painless, and it provides important information about your bone health.


18、But they're all important for health in one reason or another.


19、The health surveillance work of occupation is a important content of occupational health work.


20、"She's truly committed herself to the importance of health and fitness, " Mr McClellan said.

21、Job burnout is the important cause affecting teachers' psychological heath and job activeness .工作倦怠是影响教师心理健康和工作积极性的重要原因。

22、It is not until then that Mr Li realizes the importance of health.直到那时, 李先生才意识到了健康的重要性。

23、Female staff and teachers are severe than male, and staff aged from 30 to 39 are in the most serious condition.性别角度,女性教工亚健康状态比男教工严重;年龄角度,30-xx岁教工的亚健康状最严重;

24、I wish I could make a B. F. who is physically healthy, and justifying, above all, a good personality.希望能够结交的男性朋友健康、五官端正、最重要的是人品好。

25、There is a consensus that health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is one of the important aspects of health status.健康相关生命质量逐渐成为健康状况的一个重要方面。

英文句子26:,26、Healthy lifestyle possess the characteristics of go-aheadism, nobleness, harmoniousness, fitness, and health-beneficial.健康生活方式具有主动性、高尚性、和谐性、适宜性和健康有利性。

27、The health of the body and that of the mind complement each other , it is very important. And sometimes mental health is more important.身,心健康是相辅相成的,都很重要,有时心理健康更为重要。

28、Above all emphasize the need to promote the health of mothers and their children everywhere.最重要的是强调在各处促进母亲及其孩子健康的必要性。

29、To strengthen mental health education for college students, that the initiative is not enough is caused by the weak effectiveness of education.在加强对大学生的心理健康教育中,主动性不够是造成大学生心理健康教育实效性不强的重要原因。

30、My health is more inportant than my palate.我的健康比我的食欲重要的多。

31、And is it also important for our well-being?它对我们的健康也同样重要吗?

32、The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. John Ruskin, British writer and critic 爱美是健康人天性的重要组成部分。

33、Q3:Why Bifidobacteria are Vital to Health?为什么说双歧杆菌对健康特别重要?。

34、"She's truly committed herself to the importance of health and fitness, " Cornell McClellan tells Women's Health magazine.私教科内尔·麦克莱伦称,“米歇尔真正懂得健康和健身的重要性。”

35、For women's physical health, and also to the health of the fetus development, people don't do more, after the abortion to have a good rest, pay attention to nutrition and health.为了女性的身体健康,也为了胎儿的健康发育,人流不要多做,人流后要好好休息,注意营养健康。

36、Giardia lamblia is one of the most important parasitic protozoan threatening human health globally.蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫是全球危害人类健康的重要寄生性原虫之

37、Background— Acute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery is a major health issue.背景——心脏手术后的急性肾损伤是一个比较重要的健康问题。

38、The old professor is illustrating the importance of health education.老教授正在引例说明健康教育的重要性。

39、Now which is more important — the health of your cells or the health of your body?你的细胞的健康和你的躯体的健康,两者之间,那个更为重要?

40、It expatiated the importance and influence of health behaviors for coronary artery disease patients from the aspects of self-efficacy, health belief and age.从自我效能、健康信念及年龄方面,阐述了冠心病病人建立健康行为的重要性及其影响因素。

41、Jared is very health conscious and part of a generation that has spent much more on health care.贾里德非常注重健康,部分和他一样的这代人已经开始更加的注重健康保健了。

42、In Health and Healing he expands on the importance of breathing, that "most" vital and mysterious function".在《健康与痊愈》中,他详述呼吸的重要性说,那是“最性命攸关和不可思议的机能”。

43、Mental health is an important aspect of life development. Children's mental health in particular should be given adequate attention.心理健康是人生发展的重要方面,幼儿心理健康尤应受到足够的重视。

44、Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.健康的丧失比财富的损失更为重要。

45、He has cited his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, as crucial to his understanding of the importance of health.他提到他的母亲斯坦利·安·邓纳姆对其对健康重要性的理解至关重要。

46、Its health is therefore of crucial importance to us all.因此,它的健康状况对我们来说至关重要。

47、健康的丧失比财富的损失更为重要。Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.

48、Yesterday we looked at the importance of trusting God and letting go of resentment, worry, and fear to maintain good health.昨天,我们看到了信靠神的重要性,放下怨恨,担心,恐惧的重要性,以此使我们有属灵的健康。

49、Controversial, the very important foundation of mental health and wellbeing.颇具争议的是,精神健康和幸福的重要基础。

50、And the milestone strategy - Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives - is their solution to the problem.而具有里程碑意义的“健康体重,健康生活”战略便是实现此目标的重要举措。

经典英文句子51:健康的重要性,51、Why is co-enzyme Q10 important for my health?为什麽辅酶Q10的重要对我的健康?

52、Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the main malignant tumors that threaten the healthy of human beings.研究背景:大肠癌是严重危害人类健康的主要恶性肿瘤之

53、RAAS may play an important role in healthy offspring of patients with EH.RAAS在原发性高血压患者健康子女发病中可能起重要作用。

54、Objective To explore the significance of health education in 131I treatment for hyperthyroidism .目的探讨健康教育在131I治疗甲亢患者过程中的重要性。

55、R48: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure.R48:对严重损害健康的危险性的长期接触。

56、Health is certainly more valuable than money, because it is by health that money is procured. Samuel Johnson. British writer, critic 健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们赖以获得金钱的就是健康。

57、Her health is what matters - the cost is of secondary importance.她的健康是最重要的,费用是次要的。



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