职业技能的英语可以这样说: Occupational skills,还网络中常译为"occupation technical ability -",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到96个与职业技能相关的释义和例句。
1. Occupational skills
职业技能翻译为 Occupational skills 。
示例:妇女接受一些职业技能训练,比如缝纫。 Women were learning vocational skills, such as sewing.
2. occupation technical ability -
职业技能翻译为 occupation technical ability - 。
示例:磨练职业技能,在精不在多。 When sharpening your career skills, focus more on less.
3. vocational skills -
职业技能翻译为 vocational skills - 。
示例:加强职业技能培训,鼓励自主创业。 We will strengthen vocational training and encourage people to start their own businesses.
4. vocational skills
职业技能翻译为 vocational skills 。
示例:Everyone who can work has the duty to work and will be drafted according to their vocational skills. 所有有能力工作的人都要自食其力 并按他们的特长分配工作
1. subsidiary trade(辅助职业技能)
2. vocational skills training(职业技能训练)
3. vocational skills( 职业技能;
4. iosca( 婴儿型脊髓小脑性共济失调;
5. social skill(社会技能, 社交技能, 社会技能;
英语短语&俚语, vocational training system ( 职业技能培训制度 )
vocational skills training to rural migrant workers ( 农民工职业技能提升 )
vocational skills training to rural migrant workers ( 农民工职业技能提升计划 )
OccupationalSkillTestingAuthority ( 职业技能鉴定中心 )
vocational skills training training of vocational skill ( 职业技能训练 )
Occupation Skill Appraisal occupational skill appraisal job professional skill appraisal Occupation( 职业技能鉴定 )
Employment Skill Improvement ( 职业技能提升 )
1. But on top of all that i'm passionate about a holistic vision of design, where design is a life skill, not a professional skill.
2. i think one of the things i am passionate about, my grandparents work, i'm passionate about my work, but on top of all that i'm passionate about a holistic vision of design, where design is a life skill, not a professional skill.
译文:我热爱我祖父母的作品。 我热爱我的工作。 但在我热爱的这些之上 最重要的是对设计的整体视角, 把设计当成生活技能,而不是职业技能的态度。 。
3. "The cup of silique", the worker's vocational skills match of the silk industry of Guangdong Province celebrating in Shixing
4. Out of work for months? Prevent your professional skills from atrophying by taking steps to brush up.
5. Vocational skill program for the older siblings so the younger ones are not stopped from coming to school.
译文:给年长的哥哥姐姐们的职业技能项目 这样年轻的孩子不必停止上学。。
6. i'm showing mad survival skills, here.
7. You know, like... nunchaku skills, bow hunting skills... computer hacking skills.
译文:你知道,就象... 二节棍技能 射箭技能... 计算机黑客技能。
8. The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.
译文:该项测试对文字表达技能、数学技能和抽象推理技能进行记分。 。
9. Professions, Occupational Roles and Skills in Urban Policy: A Reworking of the Debates in England and France Barry Goodchild, Gilles Jeannot
10. Arm drags and gut wrenches.
11. in Bangladesh, we have partners who are training tens of thousands of young people in the trades, so that they can become motorcycle repair people, or mobile phone service people.
译文:在孟加拉国, 我们的合作伙伴在培训 成千上万的年轻人 实用的职业技能, 这样他们就可以成为摩托车维修工人, 或者手机服务人员。 。
12. And it turns out the skills of happiness, the skills of the pleasant life, the skills of engagement, the skills of meaning, are different from the skills of relieving misery.
译文:其实快乐的技能、快乐生活的技能 参与的技能、找到意义的技能 和减少痛苦的技能是不一样的。
13. Mental skill is an inportant base of motoor skill and a key to skilled education.
译文:心智技能是动作技能的重要基础,是技能教学成败的关键。 。
14. For fine motor skills, such as using a knife and fork, writing, and buttoning a shirt, occupational therapy can help.
译文:对于精细动作技能,例如使用刀和叉,写作,扣扣,职业治疗可以提供帮助。 。
15. And the experience and skill which the prison editors gain helps them in their future employment.
译文:囚犯们在这里获得的编辑经验和技能 有助于他们未来的职业。 。
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