毕业设计用英语怎么说 毕业设计英语翻译

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毕业设计用英语怎么说 毕业设计英语翻译

毕业设计的英语说作" graduation design",在日常中也可以翻译为" diploma-winning design/ graduation project",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到78个与毕业设计相关的译文和例句。


1. graduation design

毕业设计翻译为 graduation design 。

示例:并且我在一家保险公司进行了我的毕业设计。 I also worked at an insurance company for my graduate field work.


2. diploma-winning design/ graduation project

毕业设计翻译为 diploma-winning design/ graduation project 。

示例:对于我在时装设计学校的毕业设计,我决定尝试在家 3D 打印出整个时装系列。

1、For my senior collection at fashion design school, I decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from my home.


3. graduation design -

毕业设计翻译为 graduation design - 。

示例:这也是本次毕业设计的目的。 This is the purpose of graduation design.


4. Final Project

毕业设计翻译为 Final Project 。

示例:This will be the final project that i show you. 这将是我给你们展示的最后一个项目。



1. diploma project(毕业设计)

2. graduation design(毕业设计)

3. graduation project(毕业设计)


4. graduation(毕业

5. to graduate(毕业)

英语短语&俚语, Graduation Design Competition ( 毕业设计大赛 )

graduate design management system GPMS management system of graduation project ( 毕业设计管理系统 )

Graduate design management ( 毕业设计管理 )

Selected topic system ( 毕业设计课题系统 )

Graduation Design Works ( 毕业设计作品 )

Abstract of Graduation Thesis ( 毕业设计摘要 )

Research for Final Project ( 毕业设计研究答辩 )


1. i did grad work ong the Wari of the Amazon. They have a long history of cannibalism.

译文:我的毕业设计是在亚马逊河的Wari, 他们有悠久的食人历史。

2. i help graduate students strategize for success in the art and design world.

译文:我帮助毕业学生 规画在艺术与设计世界的发展。

3. Today you all wear this to celebrate graduation.


4. The graduate design show is divided into two halves, and the product and graphic design half opened today in islington, London.


5. Pieter DE Leeuw just graduated as an industrial Designer, and this project is his thesis.

译文:彼得德莱乌刚毕业的工业设计师,而这个项目是他的论文。 。

6. The Education Minstry of P. R. C. attaches great importance to the quality of graduation design, and has issued a notification to reinforce and improve the work of graduation design.

译文:教育部对毕业设计的教学质量十分重视,专门就加强毕业设计工作发出了通知,目的是要求提高毕业设计的质量。 。

7. This is a graduate student. This is what he's doing to his thesis project -- very robust, if a graduate student does that to his thesis project.

译文:这是一名研究生的毕业设计内容 一个研究生的 毕业设计里能干这个可真是了不起 。

8. Okay, so the last few minutes of class, i wanna talk to you about your final project.

译文:好了 最后几分钟 我想谈谈你们的毕业课程设计。

9. How to Direct Graduation Design of Simple Renovation of General Numerical Con trolled Machine Tool


10. i'm gonna start my own clothing line and become a billionaire.


11. Graduation is for you, not for me. Remember that.

译文:是你们毕业 不是我毕业 记住了。

12. Law-school graduate. Law-school graduate. Law-school graduate.

译文:法律毕业生 法律毕业生 法律毕业生。


译文:(xx年 东京都大学生毕业设计大赛)。

14. Before leaving campus, dissert your graduation thesis carefully!

译文:毕业离校前,认真写毕业论文! 。

15. i did graduate work at Harvard.



标签: 翻译 毕业

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