隆冬用英语怎么说 英语

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隆冬的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 the dead of winter,还经常被译作the depth of winter,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到24个与隆冬相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. the dead of winter

隆冬翻译为 the dead of winter 。

示例:即使是在隆冬,那里也没有雪,所以我没有遇到任何交通问题。 Even though it was the middle of winter, there wasn't any snow, so I didn't have any transport problems.


2. the depth of winter

隆冬翻译为the depth of winter。

示例:炉火被封得很厚实,好像是在隆冬。 The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter.


3. midwinter


示例:2009至xx年隆冬的大幅降雪增加了这一地区春季发生洪水的风险。 Heavy snows in the region during the winter of 2009-2010 heightened the risk of springtime floods.


4. middle of winter

隆冬翻译为 middle of winter 。

示例:- Winter. Winter. - Get it off her. - Winter,Winter



1. kaleege( 隆冬盖)

英语短语&俚语, in the dead of winter in the depths of winter ( 在隆冬 )

midwinter shutdown ( 隆冬停输 )

of Winter ( 隆冬之 )

At Midwinter At a time when winter ( 正值隆冬 )

Midwinter Graces ( 隆冬美声 )

Antarctic Mid-Winter Festival ( 南极隆冬节 )

Midwinter Breal Opening ( 布雷亚尔隆冬开幕 )


1. Mid-winter, nothing to do, living alone.

译文:隆冬时节 无所事事 孤身一人 midwinter, nothing to do,living alone...。

2. And while they were half-asleep in the depths of winter, their young were born.

译文:它们在隆冬半梦半醒之际 产下幼崽。

3. The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter.


4. The deep winter nightfall is on board, there is black cloud in sky, the front is a few trees, and a girl is catching off clothing.


5. in the heart of the winter


6. it's not unusual to see joggers exercising in the height of summer or in the depth of winter!


7. it was a

5 mile run six years ago in the middle of a Michigan Winter (below freezing! ) to get White Castle at 4am.


8. As the full fury of winter envelops Alaska temperatures can reach 50 below zero or lower.

译文:当隆冬的威力笼罩着整个阿拉斯加时 气温可能降到零下五十度 或甚至更低。

9. Midwinter in the northern forests.


10. She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was.


11. Well, you should see it in the middle of the winter with a blanket of snow covering it.

译文:你们应该在隆冬时节来看 那时候盖著一层白雪 就像明信片一样漂亮。

12. Ventura mid-winter, well, there's still a decent amount.

译文:文图拉的隆冬,结果也不错 。

13. it is winter and Dhaka is full of lights.

译文:隆冬时节的达卡灯火通明。 。

14. Chinese got diddly music, "Pleen ting tang tong ting."

译文:中国的音乐就是 "启动隆冬呛"Chinese got diddly music, "Pleen ting tang tong ting."。

15. Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun.




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