粽子在英语中的翻译是" Dumplings",其次还可以说成"zongzi",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到76个与粽子相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. Dumplings
粽子 翻译为 Dumplings 。
示例:粽子是端午节的传统食品。 Zongzi is the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival.
2. zongzi
粽子 翻译为zongzi。
示例:端午节时我们经常吃粽子。 We often eat dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival.
3. tzung
粽子 翻译为 tzung 。
示例:我挑了个最大的粽子,吃了起来。 I picked the biggest rice dumpling and ate it.
4. traditional Chinese rice-pudding
粽子 翻译为traditional Chinese rice-pudding。
示例:i always liked rice pudding. 其实我也满喜欢米饭布丁的 I always liked rice pudding.
1. rice dumpling(粽子)
2. bakcang(粽子)
3. zongzi( 端午粽子;
4. humitas( 乌米塔;
5. lael(n. 【女名】女子名\n 小粽子;
英语短语&俚语, eat rice dumplings ( 吃粽子 )
tamala wrapper ( 粽子包装纸 )
Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Eight-Treasure ( 八宝粽子 )
Glutinous Rice Cake Seller ( 卖粽子的 )
Ng Fong vegetarian dumplings ( 五芳斋粽子 )
onezongzi ( 一只粽子 )
粽子 翻译例句,
1. Youth has limited knowledge about Dragon Boat Festival that what the origin is, who it memorizes, and why we have Zongzi.
2. Sticky rice is for the stomach.
3. People eat Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in reed leaves, and watch dragon boat competitions.
4. Best paired with New England style corn-and-cod chowder or Portobello and polenta tamales.
译文:配搭新英格兰式的玉米鳕鱼杂烩或麦片玉米粽子。 。
5. They drop Zongzi into the river to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan's body.
译文:扔些粽子到海里 为了不让鱼吃屈原的尸体。
6. Zongzi, a traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, is a glutinous rice ball with a filling wrapped in corn leaves.
7. Traditionally, Chinese people make zongzi ( glutinous rice dumplings) and eat them at home to celebrate this festival.
8. it's not something smelling bad. Extinction means there's no more of a particular animal.
译文:绝种不是一种粽子 绝种的意思是一种动物将不再出现。
9. its leaves and seeds have been used to treat fever since the time of the ancient Egyptians.
10. Dragon Boat Festival with the custom of wine drinking, hanging the Chinese mugwort leaf, dragon-boat racing, and eating Zongzi.
11. Please, eat a little of the rice dumpling.
译文:也不会拿给你老吴 请吃粽子。
12. But the most famous zongzi in China are those from Zhejiang's Huzhou and Jiaxing, and these have become the national standard.
译文:中国最著名的粽子还是浙江湖州和嘉兴的粽子,这两个地方的粽子的做法已经成了中国粽子的标准。 。
13. The boats are ready, the zongzi are fresh, and children are getting ready to stand eggs on end.
14. Zongzi is often made of rice mixed with dates in northern China.
15. Eating grice dumplings is best not to cold, heat thoroughly before eating.
译文:粽子最好不要凉着吃,吃前要彻底加热。 。
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