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关于”超有内涵“的英语句子28个,句子主体:super connotation。以下是关于超有内涵的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:super connotation


1、The libretto, which contains colorful cultural connotation, has the artistic characteristics of folk ness, flexibility, localization, etc.


2、I can accept any sensible ideas which you tell me with patience

涵盖Barrick Gold和Newmont Mining等全球最大金矿企业在内的费城黄金指数在过去12个月非但没有超越金价走势,反而较其落后11%.

3、NEM.N), has lagged the gold price by

11 percent over the last

12 months instead of outperforming it.


4、Admonish those hypocritical people should be in of connotation.

由并列连词及词组连接——and/ but /or/ so / however / still/ therefore /yet /while /otherwise /for /both…

5、eg. Some people cry; others laugh. Let’s start early; we have a long way to go.

6、This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.现在睡觉的话


7、The meanings of the public trial contain substantial meaning and formal one.


8、The reason of forming many heavy contents consists in the special drama dialogue form of Return to Life. The former researchers usually see it simply as the…


9、Don't wash your dirty laundry in public


10、The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence


11、Mou's exploration of "practical wisdom doctrine" has an original theoretical meaning, in which the self-critical and self-transcendent thinking clues of Mou's moral metaphysics imply.


12、The further you can see, the higher you will stand.


13、You have a sense of meaning, rather than a disjointed series of tasks.


14、Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thoroughselfcontrol and the will.


15、Now, in the IT era, modern book design has greatly exceeded the traditional means of book design.


16、C. praecox also has rich meaning in culture and application.


17、According to Two-Dimensional Semantics, every expression has two kinds of intentions: epistemic intention and subjunctive intention.

18、You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me 你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边.


19、Phraseology has three kinds of usages: extension, intension and form.


20、Aletheia has abundant intension in Heidegger's truth theory, it surmounts to the correspondence truth.

21、Too many cooks spoil tbe broth. 人多手脚乱

22、Mous exploration of "practical wisdom doctrine" has an original theoretical meaning, in which the self-critical and self-transcendent thinking clues of Mous mora…“实践的智慧学”诠释具有独特的理论内涵,也隐含了牟氏道德形上学自我批判与超越的思想线索。

23、The ancient Shu has its own history and culture connotation.古蜀文化有自己独具特色的历史文化内涵。

24、Love theme in JinYong's novels contains much cultural meaning.金庸小说的爱情主题蕴涵着丰厚的文化内涵。

25、Etymologically no offensive connotation is attached to the term.从词源没有攻击性的内涵是重视的术语。

英文句子26:,26、The middle-aged woman, neither residual red is exhausted, and have profound meaning;中年女人,既没有残红退尽,又有深刻的内涵;

27、A tuft of flowers have deep modernism connotations.一簇野花具有深刻的现代主义内涵。

28、The deepest hurt will never appear outside.5只要有道理我听得懂,不过要慢慢跟我说。

29、The Poetry Wall in Changde, China has rich cultural connotations.中国常德诗墙有着丰富的文化内涵。

30、Inkstone is one of the four treasures, with deep cultural connotation .砚是文房四宝之一,有着深厚的文化内涵。

31、The folklores in the Yangtze Gorges region contains rich connotation of regional culture. Natural concept and economic concept are two of its main components.三峡民间传说具有十分丰厚的地域文化内涵,自然观与经济观是其地域文化内涵的重要构成。

32、Uricchio, William. "There's More to the Camera Obscura than Meets the Eye. " Manuscript.《暗房比四目相对有更多的内涵》(手稿)。

33、Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time. 感到晚了的时候其实是最快的时候

34、Wenzichan-Zen is an special concept and has special denotative.“文字禅”是一个特殊的概念,具有特定的内涵。

35、Such people as Nietzsche , Heidegger , etc. provide their own answers. Aletheia has abundant intension in Heidegger's truth theory, it surmounts to the correspondence truth.海德格尔的真理去蔽说具有丰富的内涵,它是对真理符合说的一种超越。

36、Harmony theory is the integrity of both harmony and temperament. The harmony theory synthesizes the spirits of the auteronymous theory and the heteronymous theory.和律论是“和”之内涵与“律”之内涵的有机融合,中国的和律论综合了西方自律论与他律论的精神。

37、Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不饶人

38、You and me tomorrow will be on the different way 留下来的人往往是最痛苦的

39、There are other fishes in the sea不见心不烦

40、Later, the article will magically write itself.然后…有内涵的文章就是这样炼成哒!

41、The 6-day gala showcases more than 7000 pictures via some 126 exhibits from home and abroad featuring architecture, landscape, culture and history.来自海内外的126个摄影展集体亮相,参展照片超过7000幅,内容涵盖建筑、风光、文化、历史等题材。

42、Love means never having to say you're sorry 爱,意味着永不说后悔

43、The connotation is mentioned in Jarhead (2005).这一内涵在影片《锅盖头(2005)》中有提到。

44、Its intension is also be tied with Chinese ancient philosophy and aesthetics.隐秀的内涵与中国古代哲学也有着内在相通之处。

45、She has after all a mandate that transcends the influence of her brother. And she must remember that reconciliation is a loaded word.她不要忘记有一个超越了她哥哥影响力的授权,并且她一定要记住和解是一个内涵很丰富的词。

46、We'll cross that bridge when we come to it容易得到的东西也容易失去

47、Give him an inch and he'll take a mile一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥

48、"Connotation" is the implied meaning, similar to "implication" and "implicature".“内涵”就是隐含或意涵,相当于“言外之意”。

49、Formal logic proposed the relation of inverse proportion between the intension and extension of the concept, but Dialectical logic proposed the direct proportion one.形式逻辑提出概念的内涵和外延之间具有反变关系,辩证逻辑则认为概念的内涵和外延之间还有正变关系。

50、Cups of gloomy love can never be comparable with getting drunk with you. 落花有意随流水,流水无心恋落花。

经典英文句子51:超有内涵,51、I memorized the part about the human voice infusing words.我记住了有关声音赋予言语更多内涵的话。

52、Awakened, The: Blanket term for supernatural entities, including mages.觉醒者: 涵盖所有超自然存在的术语,包括魔法师。

53、Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thoroughselfcontrol and the will. 所有人的成功都不是偶然的

54、Sometimes there are some questions referring to the connotation of this salon, to clear about the doubts of readers, now I will write out its meaning plainly.常有人问及“声色俱厉”的内涵,现在我就将其内涵写出来,以释读者心里的疑惑。

55、Quite a number of animal words from Chinese and English language have their own special cultural implication.英汉两种语言中有很多动物词语都具有丰富的国俗语义,都包涵着丰富的文化内涵。

56、But there is more to the canine connection than this man avows .但是我想,人与狗的关系超越那位科学家的断言,包涵着更深刻的内容。

57、The substance of social harm is harm to primary groups, and the substance of rechtsgüeter is subsisting interest.社会危害性的内涵是初级群体侵害性,法益的内涵是生存利益。

58、The intension of a complex expression is a function of the intension of its components.一个复杂表达的内涵是其组成部分内涵的一个函项。

59、The ideological emancipation is the content, requirements and needs of the reflectiveness, the transcendence and the reality.思想解放是人的反思性、超越性、现实性的内涵、规定和需要。

60、Love means never having to say you're sorry爱,意味着永不说后悔

61、The fictitious concept has not only definite intension, but also some denotations.虚构概念不仅有明确的内涵,而且有一定的外延。

62、There is no place like home五十步笑一百步

63、Rectifies names" the thought to have "the middle course" the cognition connotation;“正名”思想具有“中道”认知内涵;

64、One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel 家花没有野花香 (哈哈,当然还有别的说法了,这个最好玩)

65、Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow. 不要把今天的事拖到明天

66、Teachers' group personality has special connotation and moral education functions, and fresh connotation and functions are added to along with the evolution of society.教师的群体人格具有特定内涵与德育功能,并且将随着时代进步不断赋以新的内涵和功能。

67、The connotation and orientation of face is versified and multi-bases, and there are great differences between the connotations and orientation of Chinese face and western face.面子的内涵和取向是多元化、多层次的,中西方在面子的内涵与取向方面有着很大差异。

68、The leopard cannot change his spots谋事在人,成事在天

69、The book is of a great capacity because of its abundance of social, cultural and emotional connotation.丰富的社会内涵、丰厚的文化内涵和深广的情感内涵,构成了该书博大的容量;

70、Obviously, humanistic and psychological connotation have deeply rooted in the imagery expression of Chinese flower and bird painting.在花鸟画的意象表现中,内蕴着深刻的人文内涵与哲理内涵。

71、It costs $9, but it covers a lot of ground over 44 minutes - learn about etags, connection pooling, new enumerable methods, new test helpers, and more.它价值 $9, 但是它涵盖了超过44分钟的内容-学习etags,链接池,新的枚举方法,新的测试helper,还有更多内容。

72、Now is the most important since yesterday never comes back. 一杯愁绪,几段情缘,莫过与君酒当歌

73、The meaning of the Zangxiang.探讨“藏象”的内涵。


标签: 英文

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