关于”帮助他人“的英语句子51个,句子主体:help others。以下是关于帮助他人的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:help others
1、In other words, he harms more people than he helps.
2、So then you did it to help people?
3、Poor dear man can no-one help him?
4、The person that helped them, of course!
5、No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude. ~Author Unknown
6、Sometimes, they will do favor for someone trustable , but I hope this is not a favor for a single artist afterward.
7、He wrote to friends in Shanghai, asking for help.
8、16. By helping others, you will feel good about yourself。
9、Dooley said that he would help the disabled.
10、Many people helped him. As a result, he succeeded at last.
11、The law comes to the help of the vigilant, not the idle.
12、He is a Re Xinchang who likes to help others.
13、He helps Emma.
14、So he asks his robot for her.
15、He’s always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks.
16、Here they can use their intuitions to help many more people than just their immediate acquaintances, friends, and family.
17、My family are loving and supportive. They are always ready to help me.
18、Help others---forgive them, and yourself.
帮助,予人方便帮助或提供服务; 施惠于。
19、To do a favor or service for; oblige.
他们有困难时你帮过他们吗?人们大多都爱帮助曾经帮助过他们的人。 烰。
20、Have you ever helped others when they are in trouble? Most will give a hand to someone who has helped him.
21、The people of Somalia need our support, both to survive the current drought crisis and to improve their situation in the longer term. The international community must do more to help.索马里人民需要我们的帮助,既需要帮助他们在当前的旱灾中生存下去,还要长期帮助改善他们的状况。
22、People really need help but may attack you ig you do help them. Help people anyway.人闪需要帮助,可当你向他们伸出援助之手时,可能会反被其伤,但是不管怎样,还是要帮助他们。
23、Click ALFY to help him make a snowman.按一下阿飞帮助他堆一个雪人。
24、Even some strangers came to help them.甚至一些陌生人也来帮助他们。
25、He said he would help us and he's a man of his word, so we know he will.他说他将帮助我们,他是个守信用的人,所以我们知道他一定能帮助我们。
英文句子26:,26、He called and called but no one came to his assistance.他一再呼喊,但没有人来帮助他。
27、Instead, have them help you choose meals that are healthy for the entire family. This will help them make better choices in the future.让他们来帮助你给全家人选择健康的食品,这将有助于帮助他们将来也会选择更健康的食品。
28、It contributes to other people.对他人有帮助。
29、They often help other people. 他们经常帮助他人
30、Mrs Lu is grateful for his help.陆夫人很感激他的帮助;
31、this is the first time that he helps others. 这是他第一次帮助别人。
32、Always Ask to Help… and Help When Asked – Everyone appreciates the gift of free assistance and those who supply it.自己有难就求,他人有难就帮——每个人都很感谢得到的无偿帮助,感激提供帮助的人。
33、He helps sick people. He is a doctor.他帮助生病的人,他是一个医生。
34、Helping others is duty-bound responsibility.帮助他人是义不容辞的责任。
35、He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him.他愿意无私地帮助那些向他求助的人。
36、He appealed to everyone to help each other.他呼吁每个人互相帮助。
37、Reach out to your consumer and help them succeed.伸出手去帮助你的客户,帮助他们成功。
38、You need to give back to the tribe and offer other tribe members your support, just as they support you.你应该回到部落给予他人帮助,因为他们在你需要帮助的时候也曾伸出援助之手。
39、China's Good Samaritans are weighing the cost of helping others after high-profile extortion attempts from people they have aided.在目睹耳闻一系列受助者反过来勒索帮助他们的人等引人瞩目的事件后,天朝的行善者开始权衡帮助他人的得失。
40、If you want to help them - God knows they need it - do it without telling me.如果你想帮助他们——上帝知道他们是需要帮助的——你就去帮助他们,用不着告诉我。
41、But do we know how to help?可是,我们知道如何帮助他人吗?
42、Helping and loving others is more important to health than feeling helped and loved oneself.帮助和热爱他人比感受自己受人喜爱和帮助的对于健康更重要。
43、A man volunteered to help them.一个男人自告奋勇帮助他们。
44、And they do it for three other people.他们每人再帮助三个人。
45、If nothing else, the people who stayed behind can help people rebuild, to help others who have nothing.但留下来的人可以帮助其他人重建,帮助那些眼下一无所有的人;
46、Guo Mingyi devoted all his life to helping the people in need.郭明义把他的一生奉献给了帮助那些需要帮助的人。
47、You must help in your people's struggle.你的人民在挣扎,你必须帮助他们。
48、The young woman accepted his offer, and the man changed the tyre for her.年轻的女人接受了他的帮助,那个男人帮她换了轮胎。
49、Using my talents and gifts to help others.使用我的才干和恩赐帮助他人。
50、He is a nurse. He helps people.他是个男护士。他帮助其他人。
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