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关于”描写环境“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Describe the environment。以下是关于描写环境的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the environment


1、HOW: illustrate a character-rich story line describing the context of use for a product or service.


2、Proposed methods for qualitative description and quantitative estimation of heavy metal water environmental capacity are given.

前30页去建置(确定)你的故事。 在开始这部分,需要介绍主要人物,描写他们生活或工作的地方,以及周围的环境。

3、In this first part, the introduction of the main character and a description of where they live or work, including the conditions that surround them, will be laid out.

MDSD 将环境作为参与者,并将任务作为描述价值结果的用例。

4、MDSD begins by establishing context as actors and mission as use cases describing results of value.


5、The calligraphic environment could be classified into exterior and interior environmental factors according to their influencing patterns.


6、Located in the CBD commercial ring of deluxe office space, convenient transportation, Frontera Design Limited will provide you with a good working platform and environment.


7、Schmidt: The cloud environment is very, very dif­ferent, as my colleagues have described.


8、Writing, he says, is a technology that is ubiquitously embedded into our environment.


9、Each fragment builds on the one before, with the environment never being reset like you would with a typical write-build-run cycle.


10、The second, it describe the current market status and forecasting the market by macro-environment.


11、There is correlativity between economy development and environment quality, and the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), which is used to describe this correlativity, is not always converse "U".


12、First, the output data format of GPS is presented as well as the hardware and software environment.

K桌面环境 刻录机不支持写入双层 DVD。

13、This growisofs version does not support writing Double Layer DVD.


14、Surveying the disheartening intellectualclimate of the 40s, F. A. Hayek wrote


15、Goes like this: synonymous with that, talk about the environment, small environment.


16、If we were writing similar functions in a heap environment, it would have been trivial.


17、This text simply describes the physical model of electromagnetic environment and PDW simulation model of pulse flow, and presents the frame of simulation software for electromagnetic environment.

N810 的开发环境实际上与 N800 的开发环境相同(请参阅我撰写的 其他有关 770 和 N800 的文章)。

18、The development environment for the N810 is essentially the same as that described for the N800 (see my other articles on the 770 and N800).


19、"This is something that had been the stuff of science fiction, " Barratt said before taking a sip.

您也可能想要设置各种环境变量,这也在 ./configure --help 输出中有详细描述。

20、You can also set various environment variables, which are also detailed in the ./configure --help output.

21、The Teamworks authoring environment has many similarities to Blueprint with added functionality.Teamworks 编写环境有很多类似 Blueprint 的附加功能。

22、Not that the film portrays Malawian people as innocent victims of circumstances beyond their control.电影描述了遭受不可控环境袭扰的马拉维的无辜受害者。

23、Today, most applications are coded in one environment (usually custom-built for that project by a developer), then tested in another, and redeployed to yet another for production.今天,大多数程序都是在一个环境(通常是由开发者为该项目特别定制的)中编写,然后在另一个环境中测试,最后又部署到另一个环境中投入生产。

24、This article describes how to set up your development environment with all of the required plug-ins.这篇文章描述了如何使用需要的所有插件来设置您的开发环境。

25、Environmental Management System Reform is the central link of Chinas environmental governance.环境管理大部制变革是中国环境治理的中心环节。

英文句子26:,26、The enhanced algorithm can characterize the power spatial-temporal distribution in cellular environments more accurately and flexibly.该算法能更准确灵活地描述蜂窝环境下信号的功率空时特性。

27、Among them, maintaining ecological security and environmental safety is the basic requirement of environmental justice and environmental order.其中,维护生态安全、环境安全是对环境正义和环境秩序的起码要求。

28、A time-changing characteristic model of driver, vehicle, highway and environment is established which is the basic work to express the simulation state and to organize the simulate flow.针对人车路与环境系统的复杂特点,建立了人车路与环境时变特征模型,有效的实现了对仿真状态的描述。

29、Sampling the C language function definition is taked to as example to explain the usage of semantics description integration environment.以抽取C语言函数定义为例子说明语义描述集成环境的使用。

30、This chapter mainly introduced overview of the natural environment, social environment and the people's spiritual environment.本章主要介绍了瓦屋村的自然环境、社会环境、精神环境方面的概况。

31、The ET shall be headed by a team leader who has at least 环境小组须由一名在环境监察及审核或环境管理方面至少有xx年经验的环境小组组长掌管。

7 years' experience in environmental monitoring and auditing (EM&A) or environmental management.

32、We will describe later how to use these three profile types to set up an ND environment.(我们将在 稍后描述如何使用这三类概要文件类型建立 ND 环境)。

33、A new network model of heterogeneous OMN is described by extending the degree-constrained model.通过对度约束模型进行扩展,描述了一种新的适应异构环境的OMN网络模型。

34、Design of the network environment for top-courses includes: the education resource environment, the information transmission network environment, and the supportive study environment.精品课程网络环境设计内容包括:教学资源建设环境、信息传输网络环境、学习支撑环境设计。

35、The higher the magnitude of self-purification capacity was, the greater the self-purification capacity of water environment of area was.它是描述一个地区水环境自净能力大小的定量指标。

36、The Central Committee document establishes ambitious goals. The environment is to get " conspicuously better".中央文献描绘了一系列宏伟的目标:社会环境将会得到显著改善;

37、This article discussed the use of resource environment entries as an alternative to using properties files or deployment descriptor files for environment-specific application variables.本文讨论了资源环境项的使用,它是作为对特定于环境的应用程序变量使用属性文件或部署描述符文件的一种代替方法。

38、This guide was written by Mike Shanahan of the International Institute of Environment and Development.该指南是由国际环境与发展研究所的Mike Shanahan撰写的。

39、Defense-in-depth is the phrase most commonly used to describe the many-layered components securing computing environments.Defense-in-depth是常用来描述多方面构成的安全处理环境.

40、Advance on the numerical simulation in estuarine n water environment, including two-dimensional and three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and water quality model was studied.就河口水域水环境状况模型研究进展进行了述评和分析,包括二维和三维河口水动力数学模型以及描述水环境中介质运移的数学模型。

41、China International Import & Export Co. , Ltd. is located in Luohu District, Shenzhen City, business center, elegant environment.我司位于深圳市罗湖区的高级写字楼商务中心,环境优雅。

42、The author believes that the classical novel" The Three Kingdoms" contains Luo Guanzhong's implications that environment could change the thinking and behavious of the characters.罗贯中在他创作的《三国演义》中已包含有环境改变人物思想行为的意思。他能把人物放置在具体的社会环境中扣紧人物的阶级出身来描绘。

43、If this environment variable is not set, then the debug messages are written to standard output.如果没有设置这个环境变量,那么调试消息被写到标准输出。

44、It is not until he is staying in California in 1975 that he again gives a description of his actual surroundings.一直到他于xx年住在加州时,他才又描述自己周遭的环境。

45、The sedimentary environment of Qianjiang Formation is a reducing environment.潜江组沉积环境是一种还原环境。

46、The map gives a complete picture of the plate morphotectonic situation of Asia and surroundings.该图完整地描绘了亚洲及其邻海的板块造貌构造环境。

47、Many chosen BPM tools require you to write code to implement your BPM environment.许多优选的 BPM 工具要求您编写代码以实现您的 BPM 环境。

48、According to the influence extent of external environment on the enterprises, it can be divided into macro-environment and micro-environment.企业外部环境按其对企业影响程度分为宏观环境和微观环境。

49、In order to strengthen the public environment education, we should firstly enhance the higher environment education, especially those of the non-environmental majors.加强全社会环境教育,首先必须要加强普通高校的环境教育工作,尤其应加强非环境专业的环境教育工作。

50、One part describes the campus space and environment including two chapter.全文共分上、下两篇,上篇是对大学校园空间环境进行总体描述,包括两章。

经典英文句子51:描写环境,51、The biological components of this complex landscape of risk and protective factors remain largely uncharacterised.这个由多种生物构成的复杂环境,充满风险和防护因子,仍然还无法具体描绘。

52、The System Sweeper (shown in Figure System Sweeper)”(如图1所示)从一个干净且受到保护的环境中去扫描恶意软件。

1) scans for malware from a clean, protected environment.

53、Finally, it is detailed how to build grid installing GT3, how to deploy services into GT3.最后,本文详细描述了使用GT3搭建网格环境,在GT3中进行服务部署的步骤。

54、A multi-line loop to print all the environment variables in lowercase, with the first letter uppercase, and sorted, using map使用 map,并且除首字母大写外、以小写字母打印并排序所有环境变量的多行循环

55、Please mark down the number of the following industries which your company belong to.描述了金都公司所属行业的发展状况和目前的竞争环境;

56、This is typical of most 4GL platforms and offers a productive edge over 3GL environments which require a lot of code to generate GUI components.这种构建器对于大多数 4GL 平台很常见,与需要编写大量代码来生成 GUI 组件的 3GL 环境相比,4GL 环境提供了一个生产力优势。

57、The CVG 4200 also provides a mobile office environment with an integrated scanner, printer and rugged laptop.CVG 4200还通过集成扫描仪、打印机和加固型膝上电脑提供移动办公环境。

58、As a kind of legal right, it is until today expressed as Mankind's environmental right in Constitutional laws, domestic and international law.作为一种法律权利,迄今为止,各国宪法、国内环境法和国际环境法所表达的环境权均是人类的环境权。

59、The global environmental problem calls the global environment governance.全球环境问题呼唤全球环境治理。

60、A one-line loop to print all the environment variables in lowercase, with the first letter uppercase, and sorted, using map使用 map,并且除首字母大写外、以小写字母打印并排序所有环境变量的单行循环

61、This environment has one or more development workstations where developers write code.此环境包含一个或多个开发工作站,供开发人员编写代码之用。

62、Environmental warning is closely related to environmental evaluation and environmental forecasting, but its goal is concentrately aimed at the caution for human-induced environmental degeneration.环境预警与环境评价、环境预测有密切关系,但其目的性、针对性更突出对人为环境恶化的警示。

63、The surroundings differed too: the first two pieces were written by the east wall of my house in Peking;环境也不


64、It was a quantitative target for describing of self-purification capacity of water environment of area.它是描述一个地区水环境自净能力大小的定量指标。

65、Moist dentin samples with different characteristics were observed in the environmental scanning electron microscope(ESEM).用环境扫描电镜低真空模式观察新鲜制备的牙本质湿黏结样本。

66、Cameron might have opened the door to multiple readings with his declaration that "Avatar" was an environmental parable.Cameron 先生也许想要为读者敞开一扇门,借助《阿凡达》来描绘一个环境寓言。

67、Brian Bozzuto wrote about the value to the individual of working in an environment that values learning.Brian Bozzuto描述了在尊重学习的环境中工作对个人的价值。

68、It is hard for the public to realize their environmental litigation right due to the lack of the procedure gu…修订我国环境法有关环境诉讼的程序性规定,建立环境公众诉讼制度,是环境权从应有权利到实有权利的必由之路。

69、In this case, you can “back-publish” to insure that your authoring or staging environment contains the same artifacts as your production environment.在这种情况下,您可以使用“向后发布 (back-publish)”来确保您的编写或登台环境中包含与生产环境中相同的构件。

70、Conversely, as eloquently described in Bass, Clements, and Kazman, 相反的,如在Bass, Clements, 和Kazman所描述的, 11架构可能还影响它的环境。

11 the architecture may also influence its environment.

71、The samples used for examining the reversal domain with ESEM were prepared by heat erosion.利用热腐蚀法制备出用于环境扫描电镜(ESEM)研究反转电畴结构的样品。

72、Though they were written a century or more ago, these words portray very accurately the situation or challenge in which we all find ourselves in these days.虽然这段话是在一个世纪前写下的,这些话语却非常准确地描绘了我们在这些日子里所处的环境和面对的挑战。

73、Factors driving preference or avoidance of self-scanning checkouts include attributes of self-scanners, consumer differences, and situational influences.消费者喜欢或抵制自助扫描终端的影响因素包括自助扫描设备的物理特性,消费者差异和环境影响。

74、The test environment description shows the combination of hardware and software platforms to be used in testing.测试环境描述中显示在测试中要使用硬件和软件平台的组合。

75、The first chapter describes Yejiazai's natural surroundings, origin of Ye people and relevant culture factors.第一章描述了叶家寨的自然环境、叶氏来源和与织锦相关的文化因素。

英文句子模板76:Describe the environment,76、The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Common Information Model (CIM) is a conceptual information model for describing computing and business entities in enterprise and Internet environments.分布式管理任务工作组(Distributed Management Task Force,DMTF)公共信息模型(Common Information Model,CIM)是描述企业环境和 Internet 环境中的计算实体和业务实体的概念信息模型。

77、In this part, we will decribe the steps to setup the ITCAM for SOA for ND Cluster environment.在本部分中,我们将描述针对 ND 集群环境设置 ITCAM for SOA 的步骤。

78、The author will focus on the social environment and the behavior of inheritor at that time.在这其中,我将着重描述这一时段的社会环境以及绣球传承人的行为活动。

79、Strengthen the information basis for environmental monitoring and integrate environmental values and concerns into the development process;加强环境监测信息基础,将环境价值和环境影响融入发展过程;


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