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关于”励志努力“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Inspirational effort。以下是关于励志努力的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational effort


1、We need to identify and reward voices that push hard against the status quo, that report eagerly and accurately and that speak truth to power.


2、But our declaration will be meaningless if we don’t put our will and effort behind it.


3、Whatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future.


4、Henan luen Thai aspire to set up the independent brand, and strive to become a national brand moves towards the internationalization the banner.


5、But Chabris and Simons did their best. Their results were published this month in the journal i-Perception.


6、Initially the positions were voluntary, but the authorities now give these IRIE staff $318 a month for their efforts.


7、There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.

大一的时候我努力学习,成绩优良,取得平均分。 而且大学xx年每年都在院长奖励名单中。

8、mething like a

3.7 grade-point average, and made the dean’s list every one of my four years.



9、The next day he made an appointment with the girl, pointed out the mistakes existing in her letters and encouraged her to carry on with her creation.


10、Scars, perhaps, were the primal tattoos, marks of distinction that showed you had been tried and had survived the test.


11、My previous company was specific in recruiting people who were driven and self-motivated, so when I entered the company I found myself surrounded by a sea of people who were very talented and driven.


12、Signs guiding people as a whole expresses the "professional, responsible, mission, efforts, perseverance, " tireless pursuit of the eternal.


13、The article introduces the significance of carrying out environmental symbol and its characteristics, and it also points out the trend of main work in the future.


14、As Kimberly is taken by the Dan and Rick, Janet lies on the street, struggling to stay conscious.


15、It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will.


16、So, among other things, it is pushing low-end, energy-guzzling factories out of business and encouraging innovation by getting tougher on copyrights and trademarks.


17、Retention efforts may need to become more flexible and more creative, offering different incentives to differently-motivated groups.


18、It is a good idea to find an inspiration figure in the field that you are working in. Some examples might be (please excuse the excessive use of pop-culture heros)


19、Work hard and become worthy Sages . We all can harvest these fruits !


20、Create a national brand, heighten the national aspiration, keep the pace with international cutting-edge technologies, and strive to develop international markets.

21、The goal has now been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts.经过他们百折不挠, 再接再励的努力, 现在终于达到了目的。

22、"Service" is the guidance principle and the basis to success of SMEE , we are striving all along.服务是志诚企业的宗旨和立身之本,我们一直在努力。

23、More efforts should be put into encouraging Rotaractors to continue their service as part of Rotary.在关键演说中告诉年会与会者︰「我们应该更努力鼓励扶青团团员持续他们在扶轮的服务。

24、Our goal is to create an environment that is full of encouragement, in which innovation is encouraged and practicality is emphasized. We will remain the leading position in this industry.营造一个充满激励的环境,鼓励创新,注重实效,通过全体振华人的努力,保持在行业中的领先地位,是振华企业的目标。

25、It does take courage and effort…but what could be more rewarding than moving in the direction of your fondest aspiration?的确,勇气和努力是必须…可哪有什么比向着最锺爱的追求上取得前进更加大的奖励呢?

英文句子26:,26、High Wycombe, northwest of London, is having none of it and is actively urging commuters to get frisky.伦敦西北部的海威科姆车站不单不克制接吻,还努力勉励人们享受恋爱。

27、The goal has now been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts.经过他们百折不挠, 再接再励的努力, 现在终于达到了目的。

28、One of the things that I think about often is how do I cultivate a culture in my team that encourages, empowers and rewards/recognizes incubation efforts.怎样在我的团队中培养一种文化来鼓励、授权、奖励并认可大家在孵化项目中付出的努力是我经常考虑的事情之

29、I believe Odar can be a winner, because he has his will and he keeps going on to try his best.我坚信欧达一定会成功,因为他有他的志向,并尽他最大的努力不断去实现。

30、"We always try to find a way to [publish] something, " Hu told TIME in a 2008 interview.“我们总要努力想办法[刊发]报道。” 胡舒立在xx年接受《时代》杂志采访时即如是说。

31、He became the greatest inventor of contemporary times because of his focus on his goal and tirelessness.他之所以能成为当代最伟大的发明家,实得力于他的专心致志,努力不懈。

32、The aim is to behave like a good coach, and channel your charisma to motivate others to be hardworking and creative.这种模式的目标是让领导像一位好教练那样行动,发挥个人魅力,激励他人努力工作并用于创新。

33、You don’t get to reap the rewards of your efforts, and you might not even feel the sting of your mistakes.你感受不到经过努力获得奖励的喜悦,也可能也感受不到你的错误带来的失落。

34、Li Hua learns English hard in his part-time so that to be the qualified volunteer in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.李华在业余时间努力学习英语,以便在xx年北京奥运会当个合格的志愿者。

35、Do you know what your employees want—what motivates them to work harder and to become more efficient and effective?你知道员工需要什么吗? ——什么能够激励员工,促使他们工作得更努力、更有效率、更效益呢?

36、Some people dreham of success while others wake up thisd work hard at it.有些人还在赓续志愿胜利时,另一些人却已经醒来努力为之搏斗了。

37、Company after 公司经过xx年多的励精图治与努力发展,已形成一定规模。

10 years of hard efforts to develop and has formed a certain scale.

38、Hope that in the Gallery Space-DA for the artists to support the top of the inspired, the artist who created the enthusiasm to work harder;希望在大仓库画廊对于艺术家们顶力支持的激励下,艺术家们更加努力创作的热情;

39、And scores of ingrained rules and habits block efficiency efforts or actually reward waste.现行的数十种法规加上根深柢固的习惯,使提升效益的努力窒碍难行,甚至还奖励浪费。

40、Especially when he started gambling, started a normal life, began to work hard, do not save their verbal encouragement.特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。

41、When I worked for an internet company, I was told to work hard and I would get rewarded in stock options.当我在一家网络公司工作的时候,我被告知要努力工作并将会获得股票期股作为奖励。

42、The wiser we are about our intentions in practice, the greater the usefulness of that effort.在修学过程中,对于我们的意志动机能越加清醒明觉,我们的努力就越有利益。

43、It will behoove you ones to join forces and call earnestly for divine intervention through the effort of your will.你们通过意志的努力,通力合作,诚挚呼唤神圣介入,是理所当然的。

44、An effective remunerative impellent mechanism can harmonize the target of managers with that of stock holders and make managers realize the enterprises maximized value.有效的报酬激励机制,能协调经理与股东的目标,使经理努力实现企业价值最大化。

45、Call the main switchboard of the business you’re interested in, or stop by, and ask about volunteering.要么就努力找到你感兴趣的工作,要么就停下来去找找志愿者的工作。

46、Fame is not conferred but as the recompense of labour, and that labour, vigorously continued, has not often failed of its reward. (No. 25)名声回报你勤奋工作。只要继续努力工作,人们不会得不到它的奖励。

47、Is he the strong willpower to encourage him in hourly don't give up, and every moment with his hard to pursue their dreams.就是他这种坚强的毅力在时时刻刻地勉励他不放弃,也时时刻刻地伴随着他努力地追求梦想。

48、There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals. 有志之士将会共同为实现这些目标而努力。

49、"We still lag behind the international partners a lot, " says Xu. "But we are doing our best to join the international community.徐志国说:“我们还落后于国际伙伴很多,但我们会努力达到国际水平。”

50、They say Chaudhry's efforts to improve lower courts will be a key indicator of his long-term success.他们说,从长远来看,乔杜里改进下级法院的努力将成为他成功的重要标志。

经典英文句子51:励志努力,51、May you , in your constant Practices, temper yourselves , and cultivate your willpower and Perseverance , and make unremitting efforts to realize your own value of life.愿同学们在不断的实践中锤炼自己的意志,培养自己的毅力,为实现自我价值作不懈的努力。

52、Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work.只须努力事业而有志向,机缘迟早终会惠临。

53、Exercising self-exertion and unshakable will-power, he had liberated himself from attachment to the sense-objects of the relative universe.他受过自我努力和意志力的训练,已经把自己从相对世界的物质感官中解脱出来。

54、Check out your newsagent and see what effort magazine publishers put into the design of their front covers.你看看,看看新闻通讯社努力投入杂志出版商在封面设计。

55、Moved by the volunteers, Xiaojuan told them that she transcribes the heart sutra whenever she is free. The calluses on her fingers are the result of her hard work.志工的爱感动小娟,小娟告诉志工说,只要一有空就会抄写心经,手指头上厚厚的茧是她努力的证明。

56、I thought about all the volunteers and supporters back in Illinois who had worked so hard on my behalf.我想起在伊州的所有志愿者和支持者,为了我,他们一直工作如此努力。

57、Han Jinquan is still trying to delay, Jeff han came to hear, advised dad shouldnt refuse.韩金铨仍是努力推辞,韩志杰赶来听到,劝父亲不该推辞。

58、The Olympic spirit includes endeavor to raise the standards of global sports, to encourage participation, fair play , competitiveness and sportsmanship .奥运精神包括努力提高全球运动水平,鼓励参与,公平竞赛,竞争精神和体育道德风范。

59、Volunteer effort protects the intellectual and technological common-wealth that is being created.志愿者们做出的努力,能够保护互联网所创造的知识和技术。

60、"He'd say, 'That fellow worked hard, let's give him a little extra, '" recalls retired president Ferold F.“他会说,‘那人工作努力,奖励一下吧,’”,退休的前任总裁费罗尔德•F•阿伦德回忆道。

61、Don't Work hard and become worthy Sages . We all can harvest these fruits !一个人不可以自暴自弃,如果立定志向,努力进取,一定可以成为圣人贤人。

62、mething like a 大一的时候我努力学习,成绩优良,取得平均分。 而且大学xx年每年都在院长奖励名单中。

3.7 grade-point average, and made the dean's list every one of my four years.


63、It was a powerful reflection from a man who’d lost his pride and joy, but who sought to help others.这显示了这位男子汉的坚强意志 - 他失去了掌上明珠,但却努力帮助他人。

64、Researchers are still working to determine what effect these seasonal signals have on humans.关于这些季节标志对人类有何影响,研究人员仍在努力发掘中。

65、The strong-willed mother managed to help her deaf son tho speak after much patience.这位意志坚强的母亲通过耐心的努力终于帮助她的聋哑儿子学会开口说话。

66、"Volunteering is very demanding work, " Chen said, "but it makes me feel fulfilled. Our effort is valued here. "陈川说:“虽然志愿者工作十分费神,但它使我感到很满足。我们的努力没有白费。”

67、Join an online stop-smoking program. Or read a quitter's blog and post encouraging thoughts for someone else who might be struggling with tobacco cravings.加入一个网上戒烟项目,阅读戒烟者的博客或者鼓励其他正在努力戒烟的人。

68、A positive attitude may not solve all you problem, but it will annoy enough people worth the effort . Herm Albright.积极态度或许不能解决你的所有问题,但它足以激励人们值得努力。 汉姆•奥尔布莱特。

69、Like many magazines across the world, Newsweek has struggled during the downturn with falling advertising revenue.像世界上的许多杂志一样,新闻周刊在广告收入下降时的衰退期也努力过。


标签: 英文 励志

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