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关于”描述外貌“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Describe the appearance。以下是关于描述外貌的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the appearance


1、In his study, when asked to describe the woman getting shocked, many of the observers devalued her. They berated her character and her appearance. They said she deserved it.


2、Describing collections involves tabulating, depicting and describing collections of data.


3、The biblical writer wants to tell a different story.


4、Describes design guidelines for designing, throwing, and catching exceptions.


5、Australian scientists identified two new species of ancient marine reptiles, similar to the mythical Loch Ness monster, that swam in an Australian outback sea 115 million years ago.


6、One associate described her as "good at debating and drinking, and very helpful to friends".


7、In addition, the header describing the MUX-PDU contents includes error protection.


8、Besides, the lesson will deal with image segmentation, representation and description.


9、External services use bindings to describe the access to external services.


10、The method is based on the formal EBE model that specifies only the external behavior of a protocol.


11、A new spectral irradiance calibration method in the UV and VUV region was described.


12、In fact, Wevill's weight and her striking looks seem to be a point of discussion in nearly every biography I have read which includes a description of her.


13、We can subsume spatiotemporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions.


14、In order to compare and make a decision, it has special significant meaning in using digital to express the qualitatively described townscape feature.


15、Describe the internal securing of internal and external compartments and panels.


16、The appearance of patients at this phase has been described as showing “ghost-like” drawn features, deep-set eyes, expressionless faces, and extreme lethargy.


17、We describe what is nothing less than put it up time and space coordinates description.


18、Morphological characteristics of Tomentella, Russula and some other genera were given.


19、Besides, we give the properties of the polynomial domains about PTW domains;


20、The symptoms you describe, most of them arising as a result of exogenous heat.

21、A description that matches the earliest account of Cleopatra's corpse.这一描述和最早对克利奥帕特拉尸体的描述一致。

22、From the present point of view the ballas morphologies can be described by various microstructures.按照目前的观点,半刚石的形貌可通过多种显微结构加以描述。

23、Appearance - see detailed description here.外观- 参见这里详细描述。

24、The preparations of ultrafine strontium carbonate particles with various shapes were reviewed.对目前国内外不同形貌超细碳酸锶粒子的制备情况做了简要的综述。

25、Furthermore, billing notes would not typically describe a customer.此外,账单票据通常不会描述一个客户。

英文句子26:,26、In addition to the flow model used to describe business processes, WSFL also applies to the global model to describe overall partner interactions.除用于描述业务流程的流模型外,WSFL 还应用于全局模型以描述整个伙伴交互。

27、In addition, the various columns for these two tables are completely detailed.另外,对这两个表的列也有详细描述。

28、In the bizarre tale recounted by Jacobsen, Mengele surgically altered a group of children to look like space aliens.在雅各布森述说的怪异故事中,门格勒利用外科手术将一些儿童的外貌改造成类似外星人的样子。

29、Methods of qualitative description have constantly been applied to the research and evaluation on townscape feature.对于城市风貌,历来多采用定性描述的方法进行研究和评价。

30、Product as described.产品描述。

31、In addition a methodology has been specified that describes the process of using the templates to describe, build, and configure an ECU.此外,已经指定了一个描述使用磨边描述、构建,和配置 ECU 的过程的方法。

32、Anticline and syncline, geometrical elements of fold, description and recognition of fold in the field.背斜和向斜、褶皱的几何要素、褶皱的描述和褶皱的野外描述。

33、Murray also described how Jackson looked before he died, saying: “He really could not sleep.莫里还描述了迈克临终前的精神面貌,他说:“迈克确实无法入睡。”

34、Chapter two categorizes Bi-cheng"s Ci and assesses their features and styles."第二章把碧城词作分门别类,描述碧城词作概貌并分析其风格;

35、Using this method, we make a copy of Ni Stamper of CD and give the microstructure of the copied information with SEM.本文不仅描述了采用二阶段加压法工艺复制的CD唱片,还描述了用SEM观察复制信息的微观形貌。

36、The above specification describes the nominal behavior, but there are some additional requirements that correspond to anomalous situations.上述规格所描述的是标称行为,但是对于异常的状况会有一些额外的需求。

37、The following bullets describe how to handle these exceptions.下面的方法描述了怎样处理这些例外情况。

38、Besides the pale blue sky, white clouds and plateau landscape, what impressed me most is the feeling of being touched.只记得当时最深的感触,除了城市里永远无法企及的蓝天白云和高原地貌之外,就是一种无法描述的感动。

39、Descriptive statistics involves tabulating , depicting and describing collections of data.描述统计学涉及对所收集数据的制表、制图和描述。

40、Chapter two is literature review, which is about the previous studies on the Politeness Principle home and abroad.第二章是文献综述,回顾了国内外关于礼貌原则的研究。

41、It's self-describing because it includes information stating what it is, what it requires from the world, and what it contributes to the world.它是自描述 的,因为它包括描述插件定义、要求从外界获得的输入和具备的功能的信息。

42、How, then, can God describe heaven to earthlings who have never tasted or seen heavenly reality?既然如此,神又如何向从未尝过或见过天堂真实面貌的世人描述天堂的景象呢?

43、Optionally, you can specify attribute descriptions for each of these.另外,您还可以为其中的每个属性指定属性描述。

44、If they are both bad, she comforts herself that she has graces; a certain manner; a 'je ne sais quoi, ' still more engaging than beauty.假如她的容貌和身材都不好,她就会相信自己具有魅力,具有某种“难以描述的”、比美貌还要迷人的风度。

45、On the names of classmates I knew they would ask not only the names but character descriptions, physical descriptions.至于同学的姓名,我知道他们会不只盘问姓名,也会让我描述那些人的性格和相貌。

46、Describes how to display your add-in on a drop down (shortcut) menu.描述如何在下拉(快捷)菜单上显示您的外接程序。

47、Certain aspects of design have always required some translation when described to laymen.设计的某些方面一直要求时描述的一些外行翻译。

48、Act III is the apex of the story. The other consideration is the action scene descriptions.另外要考虑的是对动作场景的描述。

49、Described the actuality and development of the research of the coal ash fusibility.描述了国内外对煤灰熔融特性研究的现状和进展。

50、Optionally, you can specify attribute descriptions.另外,您还可以指定属性描述。

经典英文句子51:描述外貌,51、Humorous cannot be used to describe a person's appearance, only traits of one's speech, while huaji can mean funny appearances of an animal or person.不能用幽默来描述一个人的外表,而只能描述其言语的特征;


标签: 外貌

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