关于”排列顺序的方法“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Method of arranging order。以下是关于排列顺序的方法的初中英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Method of arranging order
1、If the contents of the list are strings, as they are in this case they are put in alphabetic order.
2、Therefore, it is best that columns have only default sort orders that are not sorted as this makes more sense.
3、The documentaries here are shown in no particular order.
4、SortBy: The sort order of the search results, based on the columns that are specified.
5、Icons are in alphabetical order but there is no magic, you must do it manually.
6、The seats should be arranged from the middle of each side, according to their ranking and position.
7、The Seven Step Strategy for Searching Patents begins with the alphabetical subject index to the Manual of Classification.
8、One way to order your priorities is to create a"to do"list.
9、Organize the list of references either alphabetically by author surname (preferred), or by order of citation in the thesis.
所谓排序是指把一组杂乱无章的数按 照大小顺序排列。
10、Refers to the so-called sort of a chaotic number according to the size of order.
11、The exhibits are arranged on a historical basis .
12、I've arranged my CDs in alphabetical order.
13、You might just want to keep them in a sorted order.
14、Then, rank every program on your list from the must-haves to the nice-to-haves.
15、If the number can not be sequenced continually on the drawing, one can arrange them in order along the horizontal or vertical directions.
16、Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appared?
2:Wells are listed in chronological order.
18、Have your child place them in the correct sequence.
19、The constructed service names are then arranged in a descending order of the ranks.
20、The order of these twelve suggestions is, by necessity, somewhat random.
21、Present a whitening signal algorithm based on disordering sequence. One bases on chaos sequence, another bases on pseudo random sequence.给出了基于序列顺序置乱的信号白化算法:混沌序列乱序白化算法和伪随机序列乱序白化算法。
22、By default, the "brandname" column will be in alphabetical order.在默认情况下,"brandname" 是按字母顺序排列的。
23、The messages you see are in sequential order.您所看到的消息是按顺序排列的。
24、All of your friends' activities will be listed in chronological order.您所有朋友的活动都会按照倒序顺序排列。
25、The process of comparing string data and placing it in order is known as collation.对字符串数据进行比较并按一定顺序排列的过程称为排序。
英文句子26:,26、The predictions should be arranged by the given test set order.预测值需要按照给定的测试集顺序排列。
27、Information in the dictionary is given in entries, arranged in alphabetical order of headwords .本词典的词条按词目的字母顺序排列。
28、The Uranian moons are listed here by orbital period, from shortest to longest.以下为天王星卫星列表,默认以轨道顺序排列。
29、You have five pirates, ranked from 您有五个海盗,排名5到1递减顺序排列。
5 to
1 in descending order.
30、An alphabetical guide to the most common problems of grammar and vocabulary.一个按字母顺序排列指南语法和词汇的最常见的问题。
31、Also, DB2 cannot use random order index columns as part of a sort merge join.另外,DB2 无法在排序合并合并连接中使用随机顺序的索引列。
32、Based upon genome sequences, the gene orders of B. rutilocylindratus and H. zijinensis mtDNA genomes are fashioned and figured.依据DNA序列重建和图示了两种蜉蝣线粒体基因组的基因排列顺序。
33、Technical and management factors listed by the RfP are, in order of preference: affordability and production approach;招标书所列的有关技术和管理的因素,按优先顺序排列:能力和生产方式;
34、The index rows will not be in LASTNAME order within DEPTNO A01.在 DEPTNO A01 中,索引行将不以 LASTNAME 顺序排列。
35、Who decided on this arrangement of the letters?是谁决定的这种字母排列顺序?
36、The list of variables can now be alphabetized.变量列表现在可以按字母顺序排序。
37、Arranged in order of time of occurrence.按上一次运行的时间顺序排列程序。
38、The data in the tree is mapped into the ordered sequence vector with numerical indicia defining the position of the named data in the ordered sequence vector.利用在所述顺序排列向量中确定命名数据位置的数字标识,将所述树上的所述数据映射到所述顺序排列向量中。
39、When you sort one column, all of the other columns automatically revert to their default sort orders.当您对其中一列进行排序时。 其它所有的列都会自动恢复到它们默认的排序顺序。
40、Forget the order of the arguments, so change the code to allow them in any order.忘记了参数的顺序,于是修改代码,允许参数以任何顺序排列。
41、(And how are they determining relevance, we wonder?) An alphabetical listing or listing them by category would be a lot more helpful.(而且,确定相关度的方法也让我们很是怀疑)按字母顺序或是分类排列也许更有用。
42、First sort filing material into order.档案资料必须分类按顺序排列。
43、In a Sequence diagram, the sequence of messages is shown positionally: time proceeds down the page, so a message low in the diagram is sent after a message that is above it.在一个顺序图中,消息的顺序用它们的位置来表示:按照时间顺序从上到下排列,因此排在下面的消息就在排在上面的消息之后发生。
44、They jobs are listed in alphabetical order under the subheadings .工作需求是按副标题的字母顺序排列的。
45、The list is arranged in years.这份名单是按年龄顺序排列的。
46、Read her diary and put the pictures in the rihgt order.读她的日记,把下列照片按正确的顺序排列。
47、In this method, we will create two columns: one for ascending ordering, the other for descending ordering.在这种方法中,要创建两个列:一个用于升序排序,另一个用于降序排序。
48、Alphabetical blocks of seats, secret ballots, random-selection machines.作家Hughes写道“使用各种各样的方法就是避免作弊:按字母顺序排列座位、密秘投票、随机选择机器。”
49、We arrange the files in alphabetical order by name.我们把汇编文件按名称的字母顺序排列。
50、These are in chronological order instead of rank.排名不分主次,只是按照时间顺序列出。
经典英文句子51:排列顺序的方法,51、The message data of a distribution-list message on a transmission queue has the following sequence传输队列上分布列表消息的消息数据排列顺序如下
52、The catalogues here are in alphabetical order by the author.这里的卡片按作者的字母顺序排列。
53、The prefixes are applied in left-to-right order.前缀以左对右的顺序排列。
54、The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty.这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的。
55、Index Provides an alphabetized list of DB2-related terms and topics with links.Index 提供按字母顺序排列的 DB2 相关术语和主题链接的列表。
56、You can start by helping us alphabetize the donation cards.请坐。你可以按字母顺序排列这些捐款卡片。
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