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1、This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志


2、And Tzu Chi volunteers in Shanghai organize their first Tzu Chi Faith Corps camp, attracting 47 participants.


3、Be sensitive to your comrades.


4、Co-held by both advertisement owner and magazine house, various activites are hold.


5、The volunteers are in training.


6、At the turn of Ming-Qing dynasties, a Qiantang school was set …

LOGSECOND —— 主日志文件占用满时,可以分配的二级日志文件的个数。

7、LOGSECOND — Total number of secondary logs that can be allocated when the primary logs fill up.


8、The American Mr. Belnap asked him what he needed and was told: 'Burn cream and clothes.'


9、Chinese Lotus Flower Cultivars;


10、Own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals, without a sense of 1000 Chi are only difficult to extremely difficult.


11、A resolute man is the one who sets his strong mind , with which one never fears things not being accomplished.


12、This period marked by "Younger, Goldlion" and marked the rise of specialty stores.


13、I love him for his ambition.


14、Rewards can be anything you like.


15、He revenged his comrades.


16、We have free will.


17、The relatives also reflected Jia Zhijie, Jia Zhijie said before the disappearance to a divorce matter.


18、Do you have any awards or commendations?


19、Archive log files to maintain the current log file at a manageable size.


20、There are cash prizes for frequent players.

21、This article offers new proofs from such four aspects as version comparisons, local records, genealogy and Mount Tianmu Annals.本文从版本、方志、谱牒、《天目山志》四方面提出新证。

22、They set up rewards for smokers.他们为吸烟者建立了奖励制度。

23、He avenged his comrades.他为同志们报了仇。

24、Kally, pick a sign.凯丽,摸取一个标志。

25、Add logging to your program which spits out the error messages and assertions in a log file向程序中加入日志,把错误信息和断言存入日志文件中;

英文句子26:,26、Have you checked the excitation circuit grounding?你检查过励磁回路的接地吗?。

27、A person to spartacus.一人立志,万夫莫敌。

28、log4j: A runtime logging library.log4j:运行时日志库。

29、The sovereign is, for Hobbes, the artificially reconstructed will of the people in the person of their representative.君主制是,人民意志的体现,人民以共同意志推选出代表。

30、Kernel log (dmesg and alog)内核日志(dmesg 和 alog)

31、You can get these event codes from their associated log records in the default log.可以从默认日志中的相关日志记录中获得这些事件代码。

32、Will aim at the meeting, the company does not need to be like he lacks drive and such.将志在会议上说,公司不需要像创志这样没有干劲的人。

33、同事,同志,同僚 We must all stand together, brothers!

34、Becasue responsibility is necessary for free will, such machines lack free will.因为责任是自由意志的必要组成部分,这样的机器不具备自由意志。

35、The thesis will choose Yuchu Zhi and Yuchu Xin Zhi as its main research o.本文选取“虞初”选集中的《虞初志》、《虞初新志》为主要研究对象。

36、Shadowstep now awards one combo point.暗影步现在奖励一个连击点数。

37、Do you want-that-magazine?你要那本杂志吗?

38、How do I know it's a sign? How do I know it says 'exit'?我怎么知道这只是一个标志?,我怎么知道标志上写的是存在?

39、The basis of character is will-power, and my will-power became absolutely subject to yours.性格的根基在于意志力,而我的意志力则变得完全臣服于你。

40、Rept on logbook daily.每日记下工作日志。

41、General magazine and journals focusing on general availability in bookstores, also includes sports magazines and journals in the hobby field.收录一般性杂志内含有运动与休闲类杂志与期刊。

42、Article 第三条本规定所称的地方志,包括地方志书、地方综合年鉴。

3. The chorography in these Provisions shall include the local chronicle and the local comprehensive almanac.

43、Logo detail on square buckle.详细的方扣标志。

44、Kitty, look at this magazine.基蒂,看这本杂志。

45、This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志。

46、Stop giving material rewards for every little thing.小事情停止给予物质奖励 。

47、On what basis did he mete out the rewards?他是根据什么决定奖励的?

48、The teach award of us a big red flower.教师奖励我们一朵大红花。

49、Collect the Pangya Medals and redeem them for individual prizes. We also have a special prize for the top 收集勋章以获得个人奖励,我们另有准备奖励给收集勋章数前五名的玩家!

5 players with most Medals.

50、Timoteo is a volunteer.铁穆特欧是志愿者。

经典英文句子51:励志,51、The new garden city is a mark not of utopia but of ecological civilization.新的花园城市不仅标志着一个乌托邦,也标志着一种生态文明。

52、Let's have a little rest and start again!我们稍作休息再接再励吧!

53、Do you think Wordmark design style can be more effectively to elaborate the function of logo?你是否同意文字设计的标志更能有效地发挥标志的功能?

54、The fashion magazine is one of the varieties of salable magazine on the periodical market at present .时尚类杂志是时下期刊市场上畅销的杂志品种之

55、Tousled hair, tick.蓬乱的头发,标志性的。

56、I have worked at "New York Magazine", which is a magazine about things going on in New York.我在“纽约杂志社”做过,这个杂志专门报道纽约要闻。

57、We renewed our magazine subscription.我们续订了杂志。

58、We must reward those with outstanding performance.我们要奖励那些业绩特出的人。

59、Slow traffic lanes signal only?慢车道专用号志?。

60、Measures on Rewarding for investment of Laiwu City莱芜市招商引资奖励办法

61、Still, “as a sign of things to come, we found it encouraging.”杂志方说,不过,”作为新事物到来的标志,我们认为前景还是乐观的。

62、Is this your best score?他是志在必得呀。

63、Chi Ming refers to the weight of tzu chi dragon didnt rise, and found him buckle throat in the toilet.志明指志龙的体重没有上升,并发现他在厕所扣喉。

64、Magazine issue 2778. Subscribe and save杂志发行号2778。

65、The Lujiaogou Conglomerate is the sedimentary response to arc-continental collision during the earliest of Silurian.鹿角沟砾岩标志著弧-陆碰撞最早发生于早志留世早期。

66、Testing after 凌晨12时30分后,严励禁止测试。

12:30am is prohibited.

67、Sometimes, the soft and hard incentives line up.有时,软性和硬性奖励会排队。

68、Incentive-Based Promotions . Offer an incentive for users to promote your websites.奖励基础下的促销。

69、Bear in mind — this is key — a reward is only a reward if it has valueto the person who’s getting it.记住——这是关键—— 当奖励对于获得者来说有价值的话它就不仅仅只是一个奖励了 。


标签: 励志

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