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关于”激励学习“的英语句子44个,句子主体:motivating learning。以下是关于激励学习的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:motivating learning


1、I appreciate having been given the cha nce to study abroad two years ago.


2、This desire, it was once a learning self-consciousness and power.


3、Therefore, raises and stimulates student's study motive have become the problem people pay attention to increasingly in the teaching.


4、Traditional Middle School Moral outdated teaching methods, forms a single, unable to stimulate students interest in learning.


5、Excitation, tiredness and happiness are the three feeling stages in EMBA study.


6、These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.


7、The seminar should be informative and motivational, with the topics linked to the district's Foundation- related goals.


8、The research found that Miss Dai taught using 5E learning cycles and there were many motivational strategies in each step of the 5E cycle.


9、It is a sound way of teaching langage points. we can learn a lot from you!


10、By creating an exciting and fun-loving on-air learning environment, Patrick and Michelle hoped to heighten people's interest in English and learning.


11、Objective To apply and practice problem-based learning(PBL) in clinical care, so as to enhance the interaction and enthusiasm of nursing undergraduates and to train practical and creative nurses.

它可提高课堂教学效率, 激发同学的学习热情,促进素质教育的全面开展。

12、It can improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, arouse students enthusiasm in learning, and promote the full-scale development of quality-oriented education.


13、As middle-school English teachers, we should stimulate and raise the student's the interest in studying first.

西蒙斯著有两本以讲故事为主题的书籍。 微软公司学习策略主管依拉达•撒迪科霍娃以故事来作为会议的开场白,或者用来推进新策略的实施或激励团队。

14、Irada Sadykhova, Microsoft's director of learning strategies, uses stories to open a meeting, to press for a new strategy, or to motivate a team.

如果调整教学课程,让小孩接触更多的与爆炸有关的书,男孩的阅读能力或许会因此提高。 如果这样男孩成绩还是落后于女生,就需要有更多的激励男生学习的方法。

15、Tweaking curriculums by exposing kids to more books full of explosions might lead boys to do better in reading — and if boys continue to lag, there’ll be more of a push for boy-friendly initiatives.


16、We will provide incentives to research institutes, universities, scientists and engineers to encourage them to cooperate with enterprises in various ways.


17、Students can also adopt a positive attitude to stimulate the potential of the actual study, work, schools have to use.


18、The simulation shows that using the fuzzy model based reinforcement functions in reinforcement learning algorithm can further speed up the convergence than using model-free reinforcement functions.


19、Using virtual reality simulation (VRS) to organize experiment teaching is an effective way to promote the students learning interest.


20、"You know, in our community, you have to be really creative to get some students interested," said Robinson.

21、Q school mission: to help more people enjoy learning to inspire potentiality, reveal goodness, and realize their dreams.问学堂使命:帮助更多人享受学习,激发潜能,彰显美善,实现梦想。

22、But to truly excel as a boss, you must learn how to motivate, inspire, and challenge your staff.但要想成为真正出色的老板,你必须学会如何去激励、启发和鞭策员工。

23、One of the most difficult tasks facing today's teachers is motivating students to learn.今天面对老师最艰苦的任务之一就是激发学生踊跃性的学习。

24、Arousing students' interest, appealing to their emotions, guiding them to think and enlightening their wisdom are the effective ways of developing the students' learning psychology.激趣、悦情、导想、启智是开发学生学习心理的有效方法。

25、The new position challenged him to study still harder during his spare time.那个新职位激发他在业馀时间更加努力学习。

英文句子26:,26、Application of cooperative learning theory can change teaching model of traditional class, stimulate students' motive to study actively, and train students' mutual aid and cooperation spirit.合作学习理论在高职高专英语口语教学中的运用,能改变传统班级的授课方式,能激发学生主动学习的动力,能培养学生的互助合作精神。

27、Piquing students' interest seems to be the most common concern, Clark and McDaniel said.如何激发学生的学习兴趣似乎是一个最常见的问题,Clark和McDaniel说。

28、Wang Xicheng, Zhang Hailei, Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving the Structural Dynamic Optimization with Random Excitation, The national conference on solid mechanics 2002, Dalian.王希诚,张海蕾,受随机激励作用结构的演化设计算法,全国固体力学学术会议,大连,2002。

29、The language just needs to be reactivated and aspects of it relearned.语言只是需要被再次激活便会像我们重新学习到的一样。

30、The essence of teaching is to make learning contagions and to have one idea spark another.教学的精髓在于使学习具有感染力,使一个思想能激发另一个思想。

31、In the classroom teaching, value development student of study interest, establish easy delectation, vivid classroom atmosphere, is stir up a student study motive of key.在课堂教学中,重视培养学生的学习兴趣,创设轻松愉快、生动活泼的课堂气氛,是激发学生学习动力的关键。

32、Radio BBI arouse students' interest of English study and create a good atmosphere of English learning in Beijing Broadcasting Institute.“双语调频”激发了同学们学英语的兴趣,为广院的英语学习创造了良好的氛围。

33、In order to stimulate the students' interest, the part of combined body's three views in course was taught ahead of schedule;将课程中组合体三视图提前讲授,以激发学生学习兴趣;

34、It is to set up the concept that teacher and student are equal and to stimulate students' potential study ability.二是建立平等的师生观 ,激发学生潜在的学习动力。

35、It can stimulate students'interest of study , improve students'comprehensive ability etc by the combination of numbers and figure.她将就如何通过“数形结合”来激发学生学习兴趣、提高学生综合能力等方面来进行研究。

36、Devide the students into four groups , if the group does a good job, it can get a star.画四只老鼠来代表四个组,新颖,吸引学生,分组竞争能够激发学生学习的动力。

37、The sixth, establish the mechanism of scientific evaluation mechanism, and focus on motivating students' enthusiasm and self-confidence.六是建立科学的评价机制,注重激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。

38、Today, the older I get, the more I appreciate what I was taught in those early days, because, when I got to the Menuhin School, the atmosphere changed.今天,我越来越感激我在这里学习的那段早期岁月,因为,当我去梅纽因学校时,(学习)气氛完全改变了。

39、The fourth chapter indicated in the raise the duty to live mathematics study interest the concrete implementation strategy: obtains from the sentiment, to stimulate the student to study the interest;第四章指明了培养中职生数学学习兴趣的具体的实施策略:从感情入手,激发学生学习兴趣;

40、Some researchers report the phenomenon that new tasks after the exercise, from the larger scope activation in brain regions, to activate range contraction, fall in activation.一些研究者也报道新学的任务练习之后,有从脑区较大范围激活,到激活范围收缩,激活量下降的现象。

41、On the one hand, level-based teaching can stimulate students' learning initiative, thus to improve students' language competence overwhelmingly.一方面,分级教学激发了学生学习的主动性,全方位提高了学生的语言运用能力。

42、Inappropriate or indiscriminate use of extrinsic rewards has a long-term negative effect on student motivation to learn.不恰当的或不加区分地使用外在奖励会对学生的学习劲头造成长期的负面影响。

43、This article discussed how suitably using class questions to evoke students study interest, to edify students thinking and to improve education effect.科学、合理的课堂提问,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,启发学生思维,改善教学效果。

44、BP algorithm is often used to correct weights of neural network because number of hidden nodes, studying speed and generation ability of neural network are related to activation function.以往的BP算法调节神经元网络的权值,其网络的隐层结点数、网络学习快慢程度及网络的泛化能力都与网络的激励函数有关的。

45、The mechanism in peer learning mainly includes social comparison, feedback, modeling, activating inert knowledge, cognitive conflict and co-construction.同辈学习环境的作用机制主要有:社会性比较、同辈反馈、观察学习、惰性知识的激活、认知冲突和合作建构等。

46、As to this, scholars have proposed that two integrated models of motivational mechanism: Potter-Loale model and Dier model.对此,有学者提出了两个综合激励模型:波特—劳勒模型和迪尔模型。

47、The chemistry is an experiment science. The chemistry teaching of the vocational schools should pay more attentions to the experiment teaching and exciting the learning interest of the students.化学是一门实验科学,作为职业中学的化学教学更应重视实验教学,激发学生的学习兴趣。

48、Keeping this faith, I have been working to arouse students' interests in learning English and leading them to combine their English learning with real life.就是秉着这样的信念,在自身教授学生的过程中,我一直在致力于激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,从而将英语学习融入到实际生活中去。

49、Grieg spent many years at Academie Muzickych Umeni (AMU) in Prague, where he studied Stage Design (Scenografi), and a lot of Grieg's art is inspired by his many trips to Japan.格里格兴奋的法兰西Muzickych Umeni(阿马联)在布拉格,在那里他学习舞台设计(套),以及格里格的艺术等有不少是由他的许多日本旅行激励了许多年。

50、Astronomy, which has always stimulated curiosity, can be a rallying point for a strong learning culture.天文学总是能激发好奇心,它可以成为一种强有力的学习文化的汇合点。

经典英文句子51:激励学习,51、He was also studying the writings of Godwin's and embracing his radical philosophy.同时,他也学习葛德文的著作,信奉他激进的哲学思想。

52、And these were different from the areas activated during the initial learning of the sequence.这些区域不同于刚开始学习序列时候那些被激活的区域。

53、The experiment was conducted in three stages: re-orienting the classroom teaching to arouse interest of the students;实验具体分为三个阶段:调整课堂教学模式,激发学生的学习兴趣;

54、Launching native soil history teaching is to excite students' curiosity learning and to open the rich device of the interest in history;开展乡土史教学是激发学生求知欲和历史学习兴趣的启搏器;

55、Teachers try to guide students to study: creating situations and asking questions →enlightening→joining in discussions→pioneering→encouraging and evaluating.在教学过程中教师的导学活动为:创设情境,质疑设问→启发引导→参与讨论→拓展引导→激励评价。

56、As an embranchment of incentives theory, collusion theory has entered foreland of the mainstream economy's research.合谋理论作为激励的一个分支,近年来已经进入主流经济学的研究前沿。

57、It's very necessary to develop the pleasant teaching to arouse the students'interest in learning English warmly and actively.为活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学英语的兴趣和信心,让学生积极热情地学习英语,推行愉快教学是很有必要的。

58、I have been learning English for two years in Sunshine, all the teachers and English teaching environment stimulated my enthusiasm, I love here.我在夏尼学习英语已经两年了,夏尼英语的全外教教学环境激发了我的学习热情,使我慢慢爱上这里。

59、Every one has a good dream, study hard and insist on your dream , your dream will come true.以本课内容为点,让生努力学习,实现将来梦想,充分关注了学生的情感,激发他们的学习热情。

60、And the teachers psychological field plays a significance part in promoting students learning motivation.英语教师心理场对学生学习动机的激发有着举足轻重的作用。

61、To arouse students'interest in learning Mathematics 激发学生学习数学的兴趣加强学生正确的数学观念、演算能力训练学生熟悉数学的运用。

2. To emphasize students with the correct concept and calculate Ability of Mathematics

3. To cultivate students'application of Mathematics.



62、How to activate writing interest and improve writing skill?如何激活习作兴趣,提高习作技能?。

63、He found the Werner Trotschke Gymnasium school rather less inspiring and did not shine at his studies.他认为沃纳·特罗史克高级中学不太能激发灵感,因此他的学习并不出色。

64、We are people of action with high ideals. We share success, experience and lessons. We encourage and learn from each other, confirming our belief and mission in practice.我们期许自己成为怀有理想的实干者,诚敬知行,共享成功、经验和教训。我们互相激励和学习,致力在实践中印证我们的信念和使命。

65、By stimulating the students' study motives, cultivating their study interests, strengthening their self-awareness, optimizing their moral characters structure, we can achieve a better teaching result.可以通过激发学生的学习动机,培养他们的学习兴趣,强化其自我意识,优化其品德结构,让他们体验鉴赏数学美等措施培养学生积极情感。

66、The theme of "Trying method" refers to "practice before explanation and more exercises less talks", which is easy to stimulate the students desire for study, and make them practise by themselves.尝试教学法的中心思想是“先练后讲”、“多练少讲” ,它有利于激发学生的学习欲望和动力,自觉地投入练习中。

67、Our children learn in an environment which is conducive in encouraging opportunities for active exploration and interaction, at the same time, ensuring our children's welfare, health and safety.我们的学习环境是有助于激励儿童主动探索的精神和以及良好的互动,同时也确保儿童的福利、健康和安全。

68、Some of students apply the Colorimetric into Geosciences as the index of paleoclimatology, and got quite good results, and their motivation for learning are inspired.部分学生将色度学的知识应用到地质学领域去解决古气候学问题,激发了学生的学习积极性。

69、To counter the troubles that the students which in the higher normal college of physics go in for middle school class practice teaching .为了更好地发挥病理学在现代医学教育中桥梁课的作用,激发学生的学习积极性,我们在病理实习课中运用了环境音乐。



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