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1、Embedded clause: in a complete sentence , the incorporated, or subordinate clause is normally called an embedded clause. 从属子句:在一个复合句中,处于从属地位的子句。

2、The uttering of these sentences is, or is a part of the doing of an action, so they are called performatives. 说出这些句子是或者部分是实施某种行为。 所以这些句子称为施为句。

3、When you write a sentence, you must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop. 当你写一个句子时,句首字母须大写,句末应有句号。

4、The Sentence Outline-In this outline each head or sub-head is a complete sentence. 句子提纲—由完整的句子而非短语组成。

5、Ask them read after the tape and find out the rule of those pronunciations. 读句子时学生可根据图片来猜出句子的含义。

6、The first produces output; the second consumes it, and a conjunction -- the pipe -- connects the two. 第一个句子输出的结果作为第二个句子的输入,并由连接词(管道)连接这两个句子。

7、The intonation of interrogative sentence is called interrogative sentence. 具有疑问语调的句子叫疑问句。

8、Joining sentences together to make complex statements. 连接句子;组成复合句。

9、By definition, every sentence must have a main clause. Every clause has a subject and a predicate, which includes its verb. 照定义,每个句子都会有一个主要的子句。每个子句都会有其主词及谓词,包括其动词。

10、Further down in the right-hand column: ; That is a man's sentence ; behind it one can see Johnson, Gibbon and the rest. 往下一点:,有一句男作家写的句子;,在这个句子中我们能看到约翰逊,纪本和其他人的影子

11、Thank you again for everything you've done. 这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。

12、Is my sentence structure varied, or do I use all long or short sentences? 句子结构多样化吗?抑或只是单一的长句或短句?。

13、In normal conversation, if I'm to say "S-- entence" you won't hear that as "S-- entence." 在正常对话中,如果我说"句-句子",你不会听成"句--子"

14、The most common of these characters is the period. 这些最常用的句子结束字符是句点。

15、The person who lives in the house is my brother. 在以上的句子中,who lives in the house是一个子句,因为它有主词,也有动词。 他的作用是形容The person,所以是一个形容词子句。

16、The first one means I am not going to delete Section 3.7 myself; whereas the second sentence means I don't want Section 3.7 to be deleted by anybody. 第一句句子意思是我不会自己去删掉3.7节,但第二句句子表达的是我不希望任何人删掉3.7节。

17、Some adverbs can take a front position to modify the whole sentence. 一些副词置于句前,修饰整句句子。

18、  It really depends on what kind of media you use。 这句句子中有两个谓语动词 depends,use ,存在两个主谓结构,但是在句中又没有任何并列连词来连接,所以可以判定这句子不是一个并列句,而是一个复合句。

19、Read the sentences. 强调句子认读。

20、Can you put this sentence into negetive? 你能把这个句子变成否定句吗?

21、Sentence Mastery : Sentence Mastery reflects the ability to understand, recall, and produce English phrases and clauses in complete sentences. 句子掌握:句子掌握反映了在完整的句子中理解、记忆和说出英语短语和分句的能力。

22、Her sentences are encumbered by modifying clauses. 她的句子因为修饰性从句多而显得啰唆。

23、C. 3 Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? 这是一个完整的句子、句子片段还是句子重叠?

24、Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. 如果句子时正确的写T,如果句子是错误的写F。

25、A four-line stanza is common, but couplets, triplets, and stanzas of five, six or more lines also occur. 一段歌词通常有四句,但也有二句、三句、五句、六句,甚至更多句子的。


26、According to the physic information of sentence in the text and the information of the characteristic words which the sentence included, it computed the weight of sentences. 根据句子的物理信息以及句子中包含的特征词情况计算出句子的权重,按照句子权重大小提出候选摘要句;

27、A line with no cares starts a fight, a line with cruelty destroys yor life, but a line with love brings endless happiness and blessings. 一句不小心的说话会令一场骂战展开,一句残酷的句子僧摧毁你一生,一句爱的句子却会是无限的喜悦和祝福。

28、Using the same verbs, please rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. 请用相同的动词把这些句子改写成被动语态的句子。

29、Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer. 以下句子哪句是真?哪句是假?圈出正确答案。

30、The article discusses the existence of sentence perspective, its cognitive and adjusting functions in the course of forming sentence semantics, its appearing freq… 文章对句子视点的存在、它在句子语义形成中的认知调节作用、它在句子中显现的程度以及句子视点的语义类别等问题进行了论述。

31、Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence, using the second as an attributive clause. 把下列各对句子结合成一个句子,用第二句作为定语从句。

32、Effective sentence can be achieved by periodical sentences, parallel structures, and emphatic words in the sentence. However, there are some factors which affect the effectiveness of a sentence. 通过使用圆周句、排比句和强调句,可以增强句子的表达能力,但是仍会有一些因素影响句子的有效表达。

33、Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases. 句子可以分成分句,分句可以分成短语。

34、Think full-sentences, not parts of sentences. 思考完整的句子,而非句子的一部份。

35、This article has a further discussion on the framework of verb core sentences. “动句”、“形句”、“名句”的句子框架问题,应当作进一步的探讨。

36、The merge statement also enables remote table, synonym, and views references in the subqueries of the set clause and in the subqueries used inside the values clause. merge 语句还支持在 set 子句的子查询,以及 values 子句中的子查询中采用远程表、同义词以及视图。

37、There are three forms of the sentence:affirmative, interrogative and negative. 句子有三种基本形式:肯定句、疑问句和否定句。

38、During the study, your child will look at cartoon-like images while hearing sentences in Mandarin and he/she will then need to point to the image that matches the sentence heard. 孩子会听一些国语句子录音。 每听到一个句子,比如“小熊在游泳, 小狗在跑”, 孩子就从三张图片里面找出那张和听到的句子相匹配的。 每听完二十个句子,孩子就休息一下。

39、Playing with structures. 玩味句子结构。

40、Listen and write the antonym of the adjective in the sentence you hear. 听句子,写出你所听到的句子中的形容词的反义词。

41、Listen and repeat the sentence below. Pay attention to the falling tone. 朗读下列句子。注意句尾降调。

42、When an independent clause comprises one or more dependent clauses as its element(s), this makes a complex sentence . 若某个句子成分直接由从属分句表示,那么这种句子就是复杂句。

43、HMS Sweet Tooth shows that a sentence must end with a full stop. 爱甜食的人-学会一个句子必需以句号作结句。

44、Are these sentences true or false? 以下句子哪句是真? 哪句是假?

45、Sentence center is predicate, topic sentences yuan in nominal element ACTS as, by. 句子中心是谓词,题元在句子中由名词性成分充任。

46、What’s the Chinese for the sentence? 这句句子的中文意思是什么?

47、老师把一个句子分解成从句。 The teacher disaggregated a sentence into clauses.

48、Thank you again for everything you'e done。 这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。

49、Analyse a complex sentence into several clauses. 把这个复合句分析成几个句子。

50、The LOOP statement has no terminating condition clause. LOOP 语句没有终止条件子句。


51、Multi-VP sentences refer to sentences with two or more predicative constituents in the predication position. 多项VP句是指句子的谓语部分含有两个或两个以上谓词性成分的句子。

52、So explain the ambiguity of this sentence. These sentences. 所以解释这句话中的歧义,这些句子。

53、Choose the word you hear in the sentence. 听句选词:听句子,选出你听到的单词。

54、Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases. 句子可以分成分句, 分句能分成短语。

55、The initial if statement adds the clause request.format.to_sym == :iphone. 初始的 if 语句将添加子句 request.format.to_sym == :iphone。

56、Change the following sentences into tag questions. 把下面的句子转换成反意疑问句。

57、The sentence doesn't read smoothly. 句子不通顺。

58、From the WHERE clause in HQL you can usually guess the corresponding SQL WHERE clause. 从HQL的WHERE子句中通常可以猜到相应的SQL WHERE子句。

59、Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可分成分句。

60、I type a sentence, and then translate to Chinese sentence but I felt that strange, is not suitable very much. 我把一句句子打进去,然后翻译出来的华语句子感觉怪怪的,很不顺。

61、Change the following sentences into general questions. 把下面的句子变成一般疑问句。

62、One sentence. 一个句子。

63、I lifted and arranged lots of those "I" and "You" sentences from these vernacular speech transcriptions, and placed them amidst mostly sentences I generated myself. 我从俗语句子中挑出许多含“我”和“你”的句子,然后将它们放置到我创造的主要句子中。

64、The two clause in a complex sentence do not have equal status, one is subordinate to the other. 复合句中的两个子句在地位上是不同的,其中一个子句从属于另一个子句。

65、Listen and repeat the sentence below. Pay attention to the rising tone. 朗读下列句子。注意句尾升调。

66、That is the environment created by the parents and felt by the child. 该段首句是过渡句,引出了下面的关键句子--重要的是环境,是父母创造孩子感知的环境。

67、I am a middle school student. My name is Jerry. 也可以用and连接两个句子,显得句子结构更复杂一些,

68、You can specify this clause in any top-level SELECT statement and in most types of subqueries . 你可以在任何一个顶层的SELECT语句以及几乎所有类型的子查询语句前,使用子查询定义子句。

69、The incorporated or subordinate clause is normally called an embedded clause, and the clause in which it is embedded is called a matrix clause. 被合并的子句或者说居于从属地位的子句通常叫做从属子句,而包纳从属子句的这个子句被称为主句。


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