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关于”骂人的话“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Swearing words。以下是关于骂人的话的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Swearing words

1、If Maggie's late, I'm going to tell her off. 如果玛姬迟到的话,我要骂骂她。

2、The old man ripped out with a curse. 这位老人气愤地咒骂起来。

3、Would you turn their distress into a malediction? 你要借他们的苦难来咒骂他们吗?

4、I only could curse on devil of excuse our hearts with peaceful. 我只能咒骂,咒骂扰乱我们宁静心田的怪兽与狰狞。

5、People also lost trust in one another they regarded one another with suspicion and they blamed anyone they could for it, minority groups such as the Jews were blamed and punished. 人们也相互丧失信任,他们相互怀疑,并且还因此咒骂他们所能谴责的任何人。 少数民族组织如犹太人,亦在咒骂与惩罚之列。

6、'Yes, 'the captain told him, swearing again. “对,”老船长说,又夹着一句咒骂。

7、Excuse the swear-words I shall use. 原谅我要说骂人的话了。

8、He continued to yell threats and 10)profanities. 小杰克继续大声恐吓和咒骂。

9、He entered vociferating oaths dreadful to her . 他进来了,叫喊着不堪入耳的咒骂的话。

10、Read it . Poor traitor , spit upon and curst ! 看观吧。可怜的叛徒,唾星与咒骂同在!

11、He grew sullen, and began to swear. 他又不高兴了,开始咒骂起来。

12、The beggar cursed loudly. 乞丐大声咒骂。

13、Do you cuss often? 你是否经常咒骂?

14、他气得脸色发青, 咒骂自己。 He swore himself black in the face.

15、He began to cry and swear foolishly. 他开始叫喊起来,呆头呆脑地咒骂着。

16、For so long humans have known only abusiveness towards one another; 很久以来,人类只知道彼此咒骂;

17、He swore at her and seized another. 他对她咒骂着,又抓起另一只。

18、As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 他爱咒骂,咒骂就临到他。 他不喜爱福乐,福乐就与他远离。

19、He requited my kindness with cruel words. 他竟以咒骂来回报我的善待。

20、His teachers abuse him. 他的老师咒骂他。

21、Damn this man, he teases me. 咒骂这个人,他戏弄我。

22、She shrieked out curse at the enemy. 她尖声地咒骂敌人。

23、But he never curse in his music. 但是在音乐中,张楚从不咒骂。

24、He swore himself black in the face. 他气得脸色发青, 咒骂自己。

25、The Evil God walked away cursing the stupidity of man. 恶神咒骂着人类的愚蠢,走开了。


26、He couldn't speak for five minutes without cursing. 超不过五分钟就会咒骂一句

27、她为错误地咒骂他而道歉。 She apologized for accusing him falsely.

28、He execrated all who opposed him. 他咒骂所有反对他的人。

29、He flung out in a rage against the whole human race. 他愤怒地咒骂全人类。

30、He swears at people till all is blue. 他骂人骂得极凶。他骂人骂得人们脸色都发青了。

31、He still is fierce to ruthlessly curse and scold just before walking. 他临走时还凶狠狠地咒骂。

32、But the people who swear the most do not get any extra benefit. 但是咒骂最多的人不会得到任何额外的收益。

33、Daddy speaks always extremely temperately, never say hit the person, curse at people are also few, calculated scolded people not to be big. 父亲总是十分温和地说话,从不说话打击任何人,也很少咒骂别人,责骂他人的次数,也很少的。

34、Kearney cursed and threw down his radio. 科尼尔咒骂着扔下无线收音机。

35、He walked out of the room, mouthing curses. 他走出房间,嘴里嘟嘟囔囔地咒骂着。

36、He requited my kindness only with cruel words. 他竟以咒骂来回报我的善待。

37、She apologized for accusing him falsely. 她为错误地咒骂他而道歉。

38、You suffer him to revile her who is your wife! 他这样咒骂的女人,可是你的妻子,你竟然受得了!

39、Therefore, the old thief wants to exhaust ability denigratesviciously! 所以,老贼要竭尽所能恶毒咒骂!

40、You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile. 你清楚他蓄意咒骂的人就是我。

41、Her talk was full of vile curses. 她的话里充满着恶毒的咒骂。

42、"So it's certainly possible that someone might curse in a second language and not realize how strong the curse is, " said Chao. 伊芙琳说:“所以,完全有可能,一个人使用第二语言来咒骂,但没有意识到咒骂的厉害程度。”

43、Forever more, I will be the jailor of the Damned. 从今以还,我将羁系这咒骂之力。

44、Therefore, swearing reduces pain and promotes good feeling. 咒骂减轻疼痛还增强良好的感觉。

45、He loved to pronounce a curse- may it come on him; he found no pleasure in blessing- may it be far from him. 他爱咒骂,咒骂就临到他。 他不喜爱福乐,福乐就与他远离。

46、Let make fox blunt curse people not directly went out a word. 任凭令狐冲咒骂来人一句话没有直接走了出去。

47、The youth cursed under his breath and flung his pole down onto the deck. 年轻人低声咒骂着丢下了他的撑篙。

48、She swore herself black in the face. 她咒骂自己,气得脸色发青。

49、you never really learn to swear until you learn to drive 这里的swear是咒骂的意思。

50、She execrated all who opposed her. 她咒骂所有反对她的人。


标签: 高一

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