自学用英语怎么说 自学英语翻译

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自学用英语怎么说 自学英语翻译

自学通常被翻译为" self-study"的意思,还经常被译作study on one's own,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到22个与自学相关的释义和例句。


1. self-study

自学翻译为 self-study 。

示例:人们可以报名参加这所大学的语言学院的自学课程。 Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university's language institute.


2. study on one's own

自学翻译为study on one's own。

示例:我自学弹钢琴。 I taught myself how to play the piano.


3. self-culture


示例:他自学拉小提琴。 He taught himself to play the violin.


4. self-taught learning -

自学翻译为 self-taught learning - 。

示例:i'm Chang Hsien self-taught for fun! 在下张贤 自学玩玩



1. autodidacticism(自学


2. autodidactics(自学


3. self-education(自学

4. private study(自学)

5. teach oneself(自学)

英语短语&俚语, Self-Study Examination self-taught examination taught examination examination for self-taught stude( 自学考试 )

become well-educated through self-study Self-taught self-taught and self-made person self-made man ( 自学成才 )

self learning AutoLearn Auto tuning Teach-in ( 自学习 )

Self-learning ability Studies independently ability Self-study ability ( 自学能力 )

self-learner autodidact teach himself self-Taught ( 自学者 )

self-learning programme self-syudy course self-study programmes ( 自学课程 )

Excel VBA ( 自学资料 )

self-taught self-educated Self-study ( 自学的 )

self-study guidance Studies independently counselling Supervised study ( 自学辅导 )


1. What could they learn to do?

译文:孩子们能自学什么? 。

2. - i've been doing a little homework.


3. We must learn for ourselves


4. John David Rage, self-help guru.

译文:约翰・大戴 自学导师。

5. i'm Chang Hsien self-taught for fun!

译文:在下张贤 自学玩玩。

6. relating to or having the characteristics of an autodidact.


7. i'm teaching myself how to read music, Regina.

译文:我在自学如何识乐谱, Regina.。

8. i taught myself how to keister.


9. When the teachers went home, we taught ourselves.

译文:老师们回家以后 我们就自学。

10. i haven't had a roommate since college...

译文:有没有一个室友 自学院。 。 。。

11. Preferring to teach yourself.

译文:选择自学 Preferring to teach yourself.。

12. He educated himself purely by instinct.

译文:他自学 纯粹的本能。。

13. The famously self-educated Lincoln is an enthusiastic lover of theater.


14. Many people teach themselves to windsurf.

译文:很多人自学风板冲浪。 。

15. How exactly will you do that, huh? Look around you.



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