下蛋用英语怎么说 英语

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下蛋的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 deposit,其次还可以说成"lay eggs",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到97个与下蛋相关的译文和例句。


1. deposit

下蛋翻译为 deposit 。

示例:它们下蛋——很大的蛋。 They lay eggs—big eggs.


2. lay eggs

下蛋翻译为lay eggs。

示例:像雌鸟一样,雌鸭嘴兽也下蛋。 The female platypus lays eggs like a bird.


3. lay eggs

下蛋翻译为 lay eggs 。

示例:如果雌性企鹅下蛋,所有的雄性企鹅都会筑巢。 All the male penguins will build nests if the female penguins lay eggs.


4. deposit


示例:Deposit, the possum, deposit, the possum, deposit! 换钱, 老鼠, 换钱, 老鼠, 换钱!



1. in lay(正在下蛋,正处下蛋旺期)

2. lay an egg(下蛋, 完全失败)

3. egglayers( 下蛋的动物)

4. milk the bull(给公牛挤奶,要公鸡下蛋;缘木求鱼)


5. tapioca pearls( 珍珠;

英语短语&俚语, Fat hens lay few eggs ( 肥鸡不下蛋 )

Egg laying poultry ( 下蛋家禽用备料 )

Tapioca Pearls Pearl tea ( 青蛙下蛋 )

lay and egg ( 总之下蛋 )

Lay eggs ( 催鸡下蛋 )

chicken run ( 小鸡下蛋 )

Lay the Egg ( 金鸡下蛋 )

fragile X mental retardation protein ( 智力低下蛋白 )


1. - My chickens are laying eggs. - What?

译文:我家养的鸡开始下蛋了 什么?。

2. 100 times, we patiently repeat the dance before passing the egg.

译文:我们耐心的,重复我们这次的舞蹈... ..在我们下蛋之前。

3. Let's go see the turtles lay their eggs.


4. Eat more, sleep more and lay more eggs


5. Has no room... for romance

译文:连海龟都不下蛋啦 何况是爱情!。

6. Did you lay an egg this morning, Billina?

译文:你今天早晨下蛋了吗, Billina?。

7. Then there will be no chicken to lay the other egg that hatches into the chicken...

译文:就没有下蛋的鸡 没有下蛋的鸡。

8. Look where she laid her egg!


9. if the hen does not prate, she will not lay.

译文:不叨叨的母鸡不下蛋。 。

10. - i was just tryin' to lay my egg.

译文:- 我正在试着下蛋.。

11. She can't possibly lay the table, she's busy laying eggs.

译文:她没法摆餐具 她忙着下蛋呢。

12. From the sea back to the beach where they were born to lay eggs Where they were born to lay eggs to continue their life cycle. To continue their life cycle.

译文:回到它们出生的地方 下蛋 延续生命周期。

13. One thing at least. He started the hens back to laying.

译文:至少一个好处 他让母鸡回去下蛋了。

14. in other words... that thin-shelled ovum of the domestic fowl... will never be safe... as long as there are chicken laying'... and i'm alive because i am your eggman... and there ain't a better one in town.

译文:也就是说 只要母鸡能下蛋 而且我还活着。

15. So laying eggs all your life...




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