温室效应用英语怎么说 温室效应英语翻译

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温室效应用英语怎么说 温室效应英语翻译

温室效应的英语是" greenhouse",其次还可以说成"greenhouse effect -",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到39个与温室效应相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. greenhouse

温室效应翻译为 greenhouse 。

示例:温室效应的具体影响尚不可知。 The specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable.


2. greenhouse effect -

温室效应翻译为 greenhouse effect - 。

示例:你认为导致温室效应的第一个嫌疑是什么气体? What gas do you think was the first suspect in causing the greenhouse effect?


3. Global warming

温室效应翻译为 Global warming 。

示例:一般认为温室效应气体是导致全球变暖的主因。 It is believed that greenhouse gases are the main causes of global warming.


4. greenhouse effect

温室效应翻译为greenhouse effect。

示例:This runaway greenhouse effect was unstoppable. 这种失控的温室效应是无法阻挡的 This runaway greenhouse effect was unstoppable.



1. green house effect(温室效应)

2. greenhouse effect?(温室效应)

3. hot house effect(温室效应)

4. warmhouse effect(温室效应)

5. global greenhouse effect(地球温室效应)

英语短语&俚语, GHG GreenhouseEffectGas ( 温室效应气体 )

greenhouse-effect gas greenhouse gas GHG effect gas ( 致温室效应气体 )

Programme on Greenhouse Gases ( 致温室效应气体计划 )

non-greenhouse gas greenhouse gas ( 不产生温室效应气体 )

Causing the greenhouse effect greenhouse effect Impact on global warming ( 造成温室效应 )

global warming ( 地球温室效应 )


1. The greenhouse effect had been well understood for more than a century.

译文:一个世纪来, 人类已充分地了解了温室效应。。

2. Nothing for you and me. Okay? Yeah.


3. "The Greenhouse Effect and the Hole in the Ozone, two hazards generated by human wickedness.

译文:温室效应 臭氧洞, 两个危害产生 人类的邪恶。。

4. The heart-trapping capacity of the atmosphere is popularly known as the "greenhouse effect".


5. The greenhouse effect has caused the Gulf Stream to shift.

译文:你知道吗? 温室效应造成了墨西哥湾暖流转向。

6. Global warming is a terrible thing.


7. Global warming in this room is affecting my chi.

译文:在这个房间里的温室效应 搞砸了我的卡。。

8. The concentration of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice cores...


9. They're touchy about global warming.


10. The... Global warming and...


11. So a little greenhouse effect is a good thing.

译文:因此,轻度的温室效应是件好事 So, a little greenhouse effect is a good thing.。

12. Global warming has reached a crisis point,


13. The biggest single cause of global warming, along with deforestation, which is

20 percent of it, is the burning of fossil fuels.

译文:温室效应最大的原因,除了森林破坏占20%外 是燃烧石油燃料 。

14. This runaway greenhouse effect was unstoppable.

译文:这种失控的温室效应是无法阻挡的 This runaway greenhouse effect was unstoppable.。

15. it's because of the global warning !



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