我在上课用英语说是"I am having a class.",其次还可以说成"I am taking a class.",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到92个与我在上课相关的翻译和例句。
1. I am having a class.
我在上课翻译为I am having a class.。
示例:我在上课学防身术。 I'm taking classes in self-defence.
2. I am taking a class.
我在上课翻译为I am taking a class.。
示例:——真的很抱歉。我在上课时,车被人偷走了。 I'm really very sorry but it was stolen while I was at school.
英语网络翻译,在上课中\n 课堂助手;在课堂上;在课上)
1. inclass(na. 在上课;
2. go to class(上课)
3. have a lesson(上课)
4. have classes(上课)
5. have lessons(上课)
英语短语&俚语, Our school We are in the classroom Our class ( 我们在上课 )
I was class I was in class ( 我正在上课 )
I'm not to class I was not in class ( 我不在上课了 )
If I was in class If I were in school ( 如果我正在上课 )
Now classes We now class We will now attend classes ( 我们现在上课 )
Me class I said in class ( 我刚才在上课 )
If I was in class ( 如果这时我正在上课 )
We knowledge gets in class We in classroom knowledge acquisition ( 我们在课堂上获取知识 )
On my desk ( 在我的课桌上 )
1. Hello... are you in the classroom.
2. i have news for you before i call registration.
译文:在上课之前 有事要宣布。
3. You talk in riddles, old man.
4. i'm taking classes, so i noticed...
译文:我在上课, 所以我注意到...。
5. Oh! Oh, God. Barney, it was awful.
译文:噢 天哪 Barney 太恐怖了 我正在上课...。
6. i gotta get a Red Bull before class.
译文:别那么闭塞 我在上课前要来罐蛮牛。
7. We're in the middle of a lesson
8. She was taking a lesson, i guess.
译文:戴安娜也在 她当时在上课 我估计。
9. Are they in class this morning?
10. Even though i was in a class,
11. Hurry up. i want a quickie before school.
12. We're in the middle of a lesson. is it important?
译文:- 我们正在上课 很重要吗?。
13. You can't just walk out of my class!
14. You may join the class now.
15. She's probably taking another lesson, right?
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